
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 40

Peter returned to his castle and went to a secret room which he created 1 mile deep under the ground of his Castle where he currently stores the weapons which can destroy the solar system.

These weapons contain Infinity gems, Ea rupture and a pen drive which was on a stone slab and a text was written in front of it which says " STTGL."

Peter was going to walk through the Pendrive but his feet stopped in front of it and he just give a glance at the pen drive and an unknown emotion rose into his heart.

Peter thought,' if I ever could create it then I won't have to feel tense even 5 true gods attack me.'

This emotion soon become peaceful and Peter just sighed while he shook his head and again started walking towards the space gem whose glow was dimmer than the mind Gem. This was the result of Peter absorbing 25% of its power.

Peter walked to the Space gem and grabbed it inside his fist and start trying to pour his consciousness inside of it.

He was trying to sense the location of other gems by space gem because Peter always knew that he was not the only one who wants the power of these gems.

Peter was trying to do what he remembered other holders of Gems did and suddenly he saw a dark planet, which was covered in darkness and rays of fire coming out of it and in a weird-looking building's throne room, A alien wearing black and blue armour was sitting on the throne with a Purple gem on his right hand. This alien was 'Darkseid'

When Peter looked at Darkseid, Darkseid also looked at Peter and both parties eyes met with each other but no one said anything and suddenly Peter's consciousness come out.

Peter sighed and shook his head in disappointment because now only one gem was left to search and others are already in the hands of Final bosses and can not be grabbed casually because whoever has reality gem will be one step faster than the other. he also doesn't know if Orion has already grabbed reality stone or not.

Peter didn't want to bother with these matters anymore and left the secret room after putting the gem back in its place. To give his mind some well-needed rest before the start of his next big plans.

Watch Tower, After fighting with Peter

Justice League who was badly injured come back with Superman who was unconscious and fighting for his life and placed him on the table which has sun rays focused on it.

Batman started to scan his body and found that Superman didn't have even a single bone in his body which is left without breaking from anywhere.

Batman looked at his condition and he don't even know what he should do to help him and even after thinking for a while, he didn't have an answer to this question.

Then suddenly someone from an unknown signal called him, Batman frowned seeing someone contacting him on his private network because even some chosen members of the League have this network's access.

Batman answered the call and found Tony stark was the one who called him,

Tony said," Hey Bats, I am Tony Stark or Iron Man. you can call me whatever you want."

Batman in a cold tone," I am Batman and can I know how you get access to this network."

Tony," oh okay and as for access to this network. it was pretty easy as JARVIS can access pretty much any network present on earth."

Batman frowned and asked," tell me What do you want because I am very busy right now and don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Tony also seriously," if it's like this then I will come to the point directly, I can help you in treating Superman."

Batman frowned more deeply and start thinking about their real intentions behind this and asked," do you even have a way to cure him and even if you have, what do you want in return?"

Tony smiled and showed a medicine tube to Batman and said," This is a new medicine developed by the very best pair of doctors in SHIELD and for this I want you to help us in killing Peter Parker."

Batman's face become cold as an iceberg but he didn't say anything and turned his head to look at Superman who was slowly losing his life and started thinking about the one-hour time limit for his life.

Batman gritted his teeth and said in a harsh voice," I will only help you this once but if you tried to play with me, you won't stay alive to see the next day's sun."

Tony made a dissatisfied expression and said," Hmph, if you were not useful I won't even bother to talk to you." Tony immediately cut the call and soon Batman got the coordinates of the location of the place from where he had to pick up medicine.

Pov end

In Avalon

The next day Diana and Kara come into Peter's office and Peter was not there so they went to his Flat where they didn't have to knock on the door because Felicia already opened the door for them.

When they entered the house they saw Peter was sitting on the couch in the living room and watching the news about the mutant attack in a city of Russia.

Peter switched off the TV when Diana and Kara come towards him and he looked at both girls with a smile and asked," Hello, How are you feeling right now. Thinking about what kind of experiments I will do on you or do something Pervert to you."

Both girls give an awkward smile and nod in reply, Peter smiled and said," I know that but you don't have to worry because I am not going to do anything like that with you, in contrast to this I only one thing from each of you."

Kara," what do you want our blood."

Peter," That's what I want from you but miss Wonder Woman, I want you to arrange a meeting with your Mother."

Diana frowned and asked," what do you want from mother, it is not easy to convince her to meet a human and a male at that."

Peter smirked and said," I want to tread their freedom for some help from them."

Diana looked at Peter with surprise and asked," Do you want to oppose Gods of Olympus."

Peter smiled and turned and started walking to the window and gestured Diana and Kara to follow him.

Diana and Kara walked to the window with Peter and Peter spread his palm forward to show them something, After seeing what Peter is showed both of them were stunned.


Thanks for watching, I was not able to write a chapter because of some issues at home and I want all of you to suggest to me a 'Pirates of Caribbean' fanfic with Oc X Elizabeth pairing.😜