
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 38 (Edited)

Peter looked at the face of Fate with(😑) this expression for some time because his brain was short circuit after hearing her words but he still focus his mind and asked," Are you crazy!!!, you know who we are talking about here right?. he is the Foster son of Highfather and son of Darkseid."

Fate in a casual tone," Yeah, that guy named Highfather can be a big problem but Darkseid does not love him as a father, he even hate him because Orion makes him remember the women he loved and she was killed by his mother."

Peter nodded and said," I can understand your point but why do you even want to kill him in the first place."

Fate," oh, it's because the Orion in your universe is also a reincarnated soul but just because he got only one wish from me, his soul become corrupted so now he wants to conquer the whole universe and rape any women he likes."

Peter's face become like 😶 this and he doesn't know what to think about this matter anymore, Fate knows his mental state and said," You can just do corporation with Darkseid and kill him together after all, according to prophecy Orion will be the one who will kill him."

Peter said," yeah but we are talking about Darkseid here, A being who will not listen to you for even a second if you are not on his level or his subordinate. If you have something valuable then that could be an exception."

Fate shrugged and said," That's for you to think, my motive to come here was to give you two proposals. Now it's your choice what will you choose."

Peter asked a question directly," If I don't choose the second option then, will Orion come to earth?"

Fate," Of course, he will and mark my word, you will lose very badly."

Peter," Then there is no need for the first option, I am ready to kill him but you have to even give my family, whatever I ask in these three wishes."

Fate made a thinking gesture on his this proposal and said, "I can only give them one of the three wishes as they haven't done anything to be able to get wishes, I mean they have saved people but they only did it because of you."

Peter nodded with a frown because these words made a lot more pressure on him because he has to choose a wish that will protect them from getting controlled by the New Gods.

Peter start thinking about which powers he should choose and which kind of powers can make him stand in front of those strong people and after thinking for some time he said," For my first wish, I want the power to nullify every attack on my mind and soul, this is the power I want my whole family to have.

For my second wish, I want to have a body that can adapt to anything instantly without any damage and won't be affected by the same attack.

For my third and last wish, I want the power to copy anyone's ability with a single glance and the power I copy will become 10 times stronger than the original."

Fate eyes got wide and she said," that some powerful wishes you asked for and if you asked these in the first place then we won't have to do this wish thing again. These wishes are not too much for us to fulfil but you have to remember that, you won't be able to copy abilities from the time chamber as they are not a real person and just their copy."

Peter nodded and scratched the back of his head embarrassingly and said," I was not experienced at that time and thought that my wishes are very strong but later I realised that I am just a toad at the bottom of the well. As for copy abilities from time chambers, it won't make a big difference because there is no shortage of powerful beings in Marvel."

Fate looked at God with a smile and God nodded with a serious expression, Fate elegantly lifted her hands and suddenly a new power spread inside Peter's soul which he was able to feel right now but didn't feel the changes happening inside his physical body.


Jean and Felicia were sitting on the side of Peter and you can see how concerned both of them were because of Peter not waking up even after hours have passed.

Suddenly mysterious energy spread throughout their mind and soul with information about their new ability. Both of them looked at each other with shocked gazes and immediately stand up from their seats and run towards where Alice was.

Diana and Kara POV

Diana and Kara come to the middle of the city where they found everyone they can see was working hard on something without minding two people suddenly appeared in the city.

Diana and Kara looked at each other and nodded. They can understand each other's thoughts without saying anything and started walking on the streets.

After walking for some distance they come in front of a restaurant and decide to walk inside.

When they come inside the restaurant they found that an old lady was serving food to customers while an old man was cooking food in the live kitchen and he was talking to some people of his age.

Both girls sit at a table and the old lady comes to them with a smile and asked," What would you like to have?"

Diana and Kara suddenly realised that they don't have the currency of Avalon and Kara said embarrassed," Sorry Grandma, We are new here and don't have the currency of Avalon except for these 50 dollars."

The old lady looked at the 50 dollars in kara's hand and Kara said hurriedly," If you want we will leave, we understand..."

The old lady smiled and said," Don't worry child the government bank here is not that strict and I am sure they won't mind 50 dollars and as you are new in Avalon and this is your first time coming to our restaurant, today you can order two dishes for free."

Both of them were shocked and asked," But you two are running this restaurant by your hard work, how can we just eat for free."

Diana who was silent until now said," yes ma'am how can we accept this."

The old lady smiled warmly and said," it doesn't matter the prices of goods in Avalon are usually very low and the king is still not charging income tax so it should not be a problem, 2 years ago this old couple was also got picked up from streets by this country. We are all metahumans and if we don't understand each other's problems then who will?"

Both girls looked at each other in silence and nodded lightly and just order three dishes.

Soon the dishes come and both of them start eating, they were shocked by the taste of the food as it was better than the food they have eaten in 5-star restaurants.

After they finished eating Kara walked to Old lady and said," Grandma, if you won't mind we would like to pay for your food by working here for a day."

Diana looked at Kara in confusion and the Old lady was shocked by her proposal but still said with a smile," you. can work here but it won't be as easy as you think it will be."

Kara nodded and immediately took Diana's hand and run to the back of the kitchen.


Thanks for reading.☺