
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 16

On Peter's side, he jumped on the ground and started to walk towards Avengers and come in front of Captain America and looked into his eyes.

Captain America Pov

I don't know what was that pressure but It felt like I was in the presence of a King and have to kneel in front of him. After some time pressure was relieved and Enigma started to walk toward me and came in front of me.

After coming in front of me he saw into my eyes with his own I felt a sense of inferiority, which I even never felt from Thor but he was giving me a feeling like a monster looking at his prey.

Pov end

Peter smiled under his masked and said:" No one can stop me from getting what I want not after from what I have to go through to come this far, not even earth greatest heroes."

Peter said this and started to walk towards Barnes but T'Challa who have the vow to kill Barnes, stand up and run towards Peter wanting to attack him but Peter disappeared from his place and Black Panther started to look around but did not find him. Then suddenly a voice came from his behind said

Peter:" where are you looking at, I am right behind you."

Black Panther turned around and a hand grabbed his throat with force enough that he can't even struggle in his grip.

Peter:" Being next king of Wakanda has not made you arrogant enough, so you become the next Black Panther and only one who can communicate with Bast.

you thought every time I joked when I was talking about killing anyone of you, huh!."

After Peter's word, Black panther suddenly dropped to his knees and the next second ground under his knees cracked and spread like a spider web and anyone can tell Black Panther's knees were broken into pieces.

Peter:" I don't act arrogant doesn't mean I am not, even I will feel bad when someone just ignores my words like they don't have any value."

Everyone was tense and was ready for anything that can happen as they just can't hand over Barnes without giving any effort.

While Peter was talking Tony got ready and wore his Hulk Buster armour. Tony send him flying knuckles that connect to Peter's face but didn't affect Peter in the slightest.

Peter grabs rope connected to knuckles and pulled Tony towards him and Tony tries his best to get away but in front of Peters strength, it was all in vain.

Seeing the opportunity of Peters distract Black Widow shoot him on the head with her pistol but Peter already knew about this and covered his head in Haki and bullets bounce from his head.

Peter turned his head towards Black Widow smiling at her and throw Tony in Hulk Buster armour in her direction.

Tony tried to stop in mid-air but the force of the throw was very strong and he was not able to stop, at least he slow down speed a little and Black Widow was barely able to escape from the big impact but was still injured on her legs.

Ant-man increased his size and send a round kick towards Peter's face but later just stopped it with one hand and squeeze it harder. Ant-man cried in pain and Peter lift him from his leg and slammed him on the ground destroying the airport.

Then an arrow came at him but Peter just hold it from the tip in his grip and a sound of the blast can be heard from his hand when Peter released it from his grip only smoke was coming out of his hand and Peter smiled at Hawkeye from eyes, he said.

Peter:" Look guys, I really like to fight but all of you are just wasting my time. Even my worm up is harder than this, so let's just finish it okay."

Peter's hand started to glow and he punched in the air, the crack started to spread in the air like glass and a massive shockwave was released from it and every one of them sent flying like a dry leaf in a storm.

When the shockwave disappeared Peter come towards Barnes who was under the remains of the hanger and asked:" So, mister Barnes will you come with me or I should cut your four limbs and drag your bloody body with me."

Barnes gulped at his question but he answered with a nod and was ready to go with Peter because he know he can't beat the person in front of him and don't want that his friends to get hurt while fighting him, so he got ready to go with him.

Peter smiled delightfully and press some buttons on his gloves and Space bridge was open and both of them was ready to go but Captain America said.

Captain America:" are you not afraid of ruining your image of heroes in front of the world after doing this."

Peter hearing his question was silent for a while before he started to laugh and said:" Hahaha...image...Hahaha... image you say When mutants have ever needed a reputation, we have always been judged on a fact that we are different from other humans and no matter have we done anything or not people call us a monster, okay let's even put people aside even our parents call us the monster and throw us out just because we are different." Peter said with disgust on his face for humans.

Captain America:" That's why X-Men are trying to convince people that mutants are not bad, but your actions will ruin their efforts."

Peter again laugh and said:" Those people will understand X-Men?, They can't even appreciate the efforts of heroes who save them many times and created an act to monitor them, they will understand us. No Captain America they will never understand not because they thought we are evil, but because they're jealous of our powers and they can't have these by themselves so they capture our kind and experiment on us."

Captain America:" it's not true government declared mutants ally and forbid every type of violence against them."

Peter:" You know what, you live in your fairy tale world and thought everything is good and let me do what I want it's not like you can do anything and before going I want to ask, let's leave mutants aside, what have done to Spiderman."

Hearing Enigmas question Captain America become silent and don't dare to say anything and Peter just shook his head and pulled Barnes inside the portal.


Sorry if this chapter is short, because of festival preparation going on at my home I can't write for long so sorry and HAPPY DIWALI TO ALL READERS.🎉🎉🎇🎆