
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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Chapter 17

Both Peter and Barnes entered the portal and come out in the interrogation room of the SPADES HQ and when Barnes came a little forward Peter give a chop on his neck making him unconscious.

After Barnes fall on the floor unconscious, all the members of SPADES came out and looked at the unconscious Barnes on the floor.

Felicia was very curious about why Peter brought this man here as they have no particular use for him, so she asked Peter:" Why did you bring this man here, I mean we have no particular reason to add him to our group."

Peter smiled and said:" We have no reason to add him to our group but in my plan to make a safe place for mutants he has a very important role in it and thought about it, what will be the reaction of Captain America when his childhood friend and Comrade in arms will be their one of the strongest enemies."

Felicia become more curious about Peters plans and asked:" What are you thinking and what is your plan."

Peter smirked and said:" The preparation for my plans will take about one more week as I have to rescue the mutant children and adults who are right now in the hands of Hydra and Hand or any other criminal organisation and take them here to start our plan."

Felicia:" are you planning to create a country for mutants? because if we want to save all the mutants they will need a place which they can back them up in the world and make them feel secure."

Hearing Felicia's words Peter smiled and said:" You are right, that's why we are doing this preparation because after one week we will be going to attack "Genosha" to free all the mutants there."

Felicia was expecting something like this from him so she was not shocked but still curious about one thing, so she asked:" How you're going to deal with other countries if they form an alliance and attack after we capture it."

Peter:" What will you do if you have to attack a country which has a barrier which can take attacks from Nuclear bombs."

Felicia was shocked and Peter just smiled and walk towards Ryan and said:" Rayn, you are one of the best doctors and surgeons we have in here and I want you to do something for me."

Peter pointed towards Barnes while handing over a heavy suitcase to Ryan and said:" I want you to team up with Doctor Connors and replace this person both arms with arms in the suitcase and don't forget to give him that liquid before doing this operation." Ryan nodded and immediately started to work.

Peter then turned towards the remaining members of the SPADES hero team and said:" Guys, In one week we are going to liberate the mutants who are enslaved on Genosha and create a country only for mutants. After the capture of Genosha, we will not be able to go to any country casually and do operations unless a very big threat occur that can destroy the whole world.

That's why I want all of you to rescue as many mutant children as we can in 5 days and if possible destroy Hydra with it. In these 5 days, we can't think about taking a rest so start operations as soon as possible."

Then Peter send everyone the location of the children he got from their spy network and He called all of the Members of SPADES from everywhere on earth to base to get ready for war on Genosha.

After 5 Days

On Helicarrier

All the members of S.H.E.I.L.D are very busy and running from one place to another because of the attacks SPADES is doing on Hydra and other organisations and blasting everything.

Fury:" Agent hill, did you find anything about why are they doing these attacks."

Hill:" Yes sir, because this time they are not hiding their intentions so we were able to get what they are doing." she passed a report to Fury and said:" They are rescuing the mutant children which were kidnapped by the evil organisations and they are not doing it only in New York or America, this operation is going on worldwide and they are rescuing every single mutant they found and taking them somewhere which we don't know."

Fury:" They are doing such a big operation, Good very good, first) Roger is nowhere to be found with his team and now these people creating all this ruckus. I won't be shocked if this group attack Genosha for mutants there."

Both of them become silent after Fury's this remark then suddenly their eyes were wide open and Fury said:" I got too old for this shit."

While on Peter's house

Peter was standing with Felicia and Jean in front of the door of Alice's room very nervous because he is going to tell her about they had to shift and she will have to leave her friends.

Both Felicia and Jean saw his nervousness as they know Alice's value in Peter's life, so they put their on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly when Peter glanced over his shoulder they nodded at him, indicating that he should go and tell her about this.

Peter sighed in defeat and entered the room, saw Alice doing her homework. he smiled seeing his daughter smiling face and went towards her and said.

Peter:" Hey Princess, How was your day."

Alice:" oh hey daddy, my day was very good but the teacher give us so much homework I will have to do it till tomorrow."

Peter:" Oh yeah, you won't have to do it now."

Alice confused by her father's word asked:" But why."

Peter:" Because we are shifting to a different place so you will have to change school."

Alice:" But why and when!!."

Peter:" In 2 days and I can't tell you why,

I am sorry."

Alice:" IN 2 DAYS and you never told me anything about it. you never even asked me about it."

Peter didn't say anything and Alice continue to say:" I have to leave all my friends. I know you never cared for me, These days you and mommy don't even spend time with me because I am not your real daughter right? I.crying...I HATE YOU." ( AN:/ Now guys some readers will comment that it is a little overboard, so please don't write those comments because I don't care about it so don't waste your time and energy on it.)

Alice said this and run out of the room and Peter was devasted by her words and tears started to roll down from his eyes.

Felicia and Jean sighed seeing this and Jean said:" Don't worry I will talk to her about it."

Jean left Felicia with Peter to comfort him and come to the garden where Alice was crying under a tree.

She sat near her and said:" do you hate him that much."

Alice in a cute and small voice: "No."

Jean smiled and asked:" So, you think he didn't love you as his real daughter."

Alice again in the same tone:" No."

Jean:" Then why did you say those words inside."

Alice:" I was always alone before meeting daddy and after meeting him and having this family and friends in school I don't want to lose anyone one of them."

Jean smiled and know what is Alice trying to say, she reached forward and pulled Alice and embraced her in a hug and said:" I know it is very hard to live alone, but do you know what is harder than that."

Alice shook her head and Jean continued to say:" Getting betrayed by the people you think of as your family, you know before meeting you your daddy was very ill so his aunt kicked him out of the house saying he is useless and his girlfriend also left him. he was all alone and was very sick when I and Felicia tried to help him he said he don't need any help anymore and went missing for 1 month.

And when he come back he was healthy and I and Felicia find out that he had adopted a sweet girl which he said that she is his inspiration to live life with a fresh start and try to be happy, do you know what was her name." Alice shook her head and Jean said:" Her name was "ALICE".

Jean started to tickle Alice on the stomach and they both laugh together and Jean said:" Do you know your Daddy is working very hard to help so many people and it can danger us so that's why he has to shift us to a safe place."

When she finished saying she saw Alice was crying, so she asked:" Why are you crying now? did you get hurt somewhere?.

Alice:" I am very bad, dad is doing so much for me and I said those hurtful words to him."

Jean smiled and said:" Don't worry, he can't get angry with you okay. so come inside and say sorry to him and everything will be just fine."

Alice nodded and go inside with Jean and say sorry to Peter who just hugged her and Jean and Felicia also joined them in a heartwarming family moment.


Thanks for reading.☺