
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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Chapter 15

After entering the portal all members of SPADES were teleported to their base and the very lively atmosphere usually is now serious and Peter dropped both bodies of Ultron and Vision on the floor.

Lorna knocked vision out with high degree electric shock and he was unconscious, Then Peter come in front of their engineer which was a boy named John, who he found in slums suffering from hunger and fever, he picked him up and trained him in the field he was most talented, which was robotics.

Peter:" John, I believe in you and that's why I want to give this very important task to you."

John smiled and nodded proudly, Peter continued to say:" I want you to remove that stone from this robots head and after removing it no matter what anyone says you have to immediately come and give it to me."

Peter handover him a box and said:" You can store this stone in this box as this stone can not be stored in any normal things or it will signal someone who I don't want that he knows this stone is here, Ok."

John nodded and immediately started to work on it and Peter give everyone instructions to help in whatever happens.

Then he turned towards Felicia and Jean and said:" Looks like it's time to go home Alicia should be missing us." and three of them returned to their normal life once again.

1 Year Later

In this 1 Year, Unicron industries have rapidly grown and with their support and donations in damage repairs due to the Ultron incident, the general opinion of the public has for them grown to a very high degree that easily a large number of people will stand to support them.

On the SPADES side, They have now become a big organisation from a team of some Mutants and Public also started to fully support them due to their help in stopping every crime. citizens also started to support mutants to some degree at least the ones who have the SPADES logo on their dress.

John was also able to take out the gem from visions head but he had to open every single screw of his head because of the way Ultron created him. He handed the gem over to Peter who just put it in some safe place which is under his bed.

Peter and his family are doing great at this time and Peter had already met Felicia's mother who was not like as shown in comics and was very welcoming.

When they told her about their relationship, she said that after losing Felicia's father she didn't want to lose Felicia and get a promise from him to make her the happiest girl in the world.

Peter easily give promise because that's what he intended to do and Jean was feeling very jealous that Felicia have such a loving mother.

Peter saw a deep sadness inside her eyes and also promised to take away her sadness from her.

Meanwhile, Alicia also started to go to school because of being adopted by Felicia and Peter after they become adults legally. Peter like any dotting parent suggested homeschooling her and got a very long lecture from both Jean and Felicia. so, he reluctantly allowed her to attend school. both Felicia and Jean giggled at Peters behaviour because right now no one can defeat him on earth and he is acting like a child in front of his daughter.

Meanwhile in Avengers Tower

Tony and Captain America are arguing about the Sokovia accords about which they were recently informed by Thaddeus Ross.

This panel was created to control the actions of Avengers. While Tony was in support of this, Rogers believe in his own decisions.

(AN:/ Many will be disappointed that this will not be a comic book version but if I write a comic book version it will be very confusing for many people because of the aftermath of it.)

On another hand, Helmut Zemo tracks down a kills Barnes or Winter soldiers old Hydra handler and steal a book which triggered his brainwashing.

Helmut Zemo ordered him to do bombing in a conference in Vienna and in that conference, the king of Wakanda T'Chaka got killed in the blast and his son T'Challa or Black Panther vows to kill him.

Roger found out about this and was first happy to know that his friend is alive but later Sharon Carter inform him about the intention of authorities and T'Challa's vow.

Roger with help of Wilson to take his childhood friend back they track Barnes in Bucharest and try to protect him from T'Challa but all four got detained by James Rhodes.

Peter on other hand was monitoring all these incidents and was very happy because he was seeing an opportunity to get another infinity Gem and a new member for their team.

Peter order his spy in S.H.E.I.L.D to find out the exact location of the Tesseract and send his coordinates to him.

He has already explained about Infinity stones to his team and what they can do, he also told them about thanks and all of them was becoming very anxious about this matter but Peter told them not to care about this now and they already have big problems to solve in their hand.

On other hand, with Avengers everything goes as plot. like Helmut triggered Barnes brainwashing and made him go, rogue, to cover up his escape from there and Captain America go rogue after knowing the truth behind the bombing incidents and Barnes brainwashing.

He recruited Wanda, Scott lang and Hawkeye to support him and Tony with Ross's permission assembled a team of Black Widow, Black Panther and Rohdes.

All of them are present at Airport to fight with each other then suddenly a voice comes from the side:" Wow man you guys perfectly fit the title of a movie I watched some days ago. what was its name again?.... Yeah! "KKKG"."

(AN:/ Search on google for its full form.)

Everyone was annoyed seeing the person who says this but no one said anything in return. so Peter said:" What happened guys why are you looking at me like that."

Tony:" What are you doing here."

Peter:" oh, I am here take our new member to our base." Peter said this and pointed towards Bucky which made Captain America angrier at him.

CA:" And what if we refuse to give him."

The happy expression in Peter's eyes disappeared and seriousness took its place on his face. suddenly a pressure was released from Peter's body and everyone present there felt like someone had put a mountain on their shoulders.

Peter:" Tch Tch, now you are annoying me because today I thought that I don't have to do any fighting and don't have to kill someone."

Peter released his killing intent with this sentence and everyone knew he mean it.

Captain America was thinking about their options and he noticed he have only two. First, they clear his path and hand over Bucky or They have to fight him where he can kill anyone.

Peter:" And don't think I am going to give you an easy death because I have fun seeing their suffering when seeing their loved ones dying in front of their eyes, Right Hawkeye?."

Hawkeye's pupil shrunk as he noticed in which direction Peter was aiming for and his hand started to shake. Black Widow was also shocked and don't know what to say.

Every person on the field was shocked by this statement of Peter. Of course, Peter was not serious about 'killing their Families' but he was saying the truth that he will kill them.

On another hand, the remaining members of his team were attacking the facility where S.H.E.I.L.D has kept Tesseract to create a diversion for other spies to steal the Tesseract from there.

Of course, they can steal it by teleporting with blinks ability but they want to create problems for S.H.E.I.L.D and beat those young heroes.

Lorna:" Are these people responsible for the safety of earth from outside threats."

Blink:" No one gives them this position, look they can't even protect themselves from their demise."

Jean:" Can both of you talk less and focus more on these people. GOD!! there are so many people are working for this baldy"

Fury who was on the ground after getting attacked by Lorna's lightning growled but couldn't do anything as this team of Mutants had already defeated the Defenders and Spider Force.

After they defeated all members of S.H.E.I.L.D Blink moved and come in front of the Tesseract and stored it in a box that was weird in looking but after Blink stored Tesseract in it all the machines who were detecting energy signals from Tesseract showed 0 degrees.

Then Blink come back to its team and all of them were ready to go but Scarlet Spider or MJ called from behind.

MJ:" Wait!!, Who are you people and what do you want from this world."

This time Felicia turned around and stare into MJ's eye and MJ started to feel nervous by her gaze, Felicia smirked at her nervousness and said:" You all will know soon enough, I promise we will not make you wait for long." After her reply, they entered the portal and disappeared from there.


Thanks for reading.😊