
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 14

Both Ultron and Peter dashed towards each other and come into the centre of the battlefield. Which was full of the metal bodies of robots and material from the broken buildings.

Peter covered his hands in Haki and KI and punched Ultron with his full strength to which Ultron grabbed in his large metal hand but for the first, he felt that he should dodge this attack which he never felt after having his Vibranium body.

(AN:/ Ultron is not a sentient being and he thought about that punch like that because if he didn't dodge those punches they can harm his body in a long duration fight.)

Ultron punched Peter but Peter also blocked his punch with his other hand and they both started to fight for dominance. their collision sent a shockwave which pushed everything on the ground away.

Then Peter covered his head with dark red colour Haki and smashed his head on Ultron's metal skull which sent a heavy impact on Ultron's head and Peter seeing the opening give Ultron a dropkick sending him flying into the building.

Peter know that there is no use in holding back against Ultron but he also wants to see how much strength he got after training for so many years in the time chamber. so he didn't use his fruits power or any other ability except Haki and Ki.

He already instructed his team to not interfere with their fight and they have to clean the area because Peter didn't want to leave any robots body for S.H.E.I.L.D and Hydra or any other groups to create more of this crap.

Ultron comes flying out of the building at full speed and gives Peter a kick on his chest which Peter blocked by crossing his arms covered in Haki.

Peter also didn't stay still and immediately started to shower Ultron with punches and Ultron also blocked them with his robot eyesight he was able to analyse every move of Peter but with every punch power behind punches was increasing with its speed also and it started to get hard to keep up with Peter.

Then Ultron Shoot a laser from his heart which interrupted the flow of Peters attack and Ultron sent a punch on Peter's face and send him flying.

Peter stopped himself in the midair with the help of moon steps and come flying towards Ultron at a high speed and appeared behind Ultron his leg was in the air and Peter smashed it downwards but Ultron dodge this attack.

Peter's attack smashed on the ground creating a large crater on the ground and Ultron send an axe kick towards Peter which he dodge by a small margin.

After that, they both keep fighting for a long time until Peter was started to think that if this fight continue for longer they will eventually destroy the whole city.

So Peter decided to end this fight so he can get Ultron's body in a good condition and his programming codes so that he can make some changes in it and can create his robot but with intelligence that can differentiate between good or bad.

Peter thought of a way that was to send a shock pulse in the energy core so that he can shut down Ultron.

Peter's hand started to produce a faint glow and Ultron in front of him started to analyse this glow seeing that Peter was started to get serious in this fight.

After Ultron's analysis was completed he didn't get much information about this energy but the fact he come to know was that this energy is very destructive and. can destroy the world if used in a large amount.

Ultron decided to use his trump card and this body started to change and become slimmer and he got thrusters on his back. he just becomes like Genos but with a robot face and no clothes.

Everyone was shocked seeing the changes that happened in Ultron's appearance and Peter know what is going to happen now.

Ultron moved at a very fast speed breaking the sound barrier appearing behind Peter and sending a round kick towards him which Peter dodge and hold the leg of Ultron's in his strong grip and pulled him over his shoulder and smashed his body on the ground which sends cracks on the ground.

But Ultron doesn't stay still and pointed his leg thruster towards Peter's face he starts them at full speed which sent a heat blast towards Peter face the blast from thrusters can instantly melt any normal metals.

After he switched off the thrusters they saw that Peter's face was as is like nothing ever happened to it.

Ultron loose himself from Peter's grip and got ready for a fight but Peter was not in the mood and his hand started to glow

Seeing Peter's glowing hand Ultron also ready every weapon in his body a got ready to give a final shot because he knew he can not run from here because even he killed Peter his team won't let him go alive.

Ultron locked his hands together and many blasters started to come out of his hand and he fired his biggest shot which Peter blocked with his Paw fruits power and appeared in front of Ultron and sent a punch on his face completely elaborating it and buildings behind it.

Everyone was shocked seeing the power of that punch and that this person was just playing with Ultron this whole time without any concern about the other Heroes.

Then Peter landed on the ground and started to drag Ultron's body by its leg and moved towards the vision who was on the ground. Peter looked towards him for a sec then moved forward and grip him by his throat and start to drag him along Ultron's body towards his team.

Then suddenly another portal opened beside him and Ancient one come out of it.

Ancient one:" Mr Enigma I know you saved this earth from a big crisis and helped everyone but I have to stop you from doing what you're going to do."

Peter smirked under his mask and said:" Are you sure you can stop me with only your magic power."

Ancient one shook her head and said:" No I cannot stop you with my power but this can." The ancient one Opened the Eye of Agamoto and sent its energy towards Peter.

Green energy started to move in his direction and Peter know if didn't do anything now he will be over.

So Peter decided to use his AOD and send his destruction energy to counter it and when both energy collided destruction energy cancelled the power of Time Stone.

(AN:/ I named his destruction ability AOD and the ones who are wondering that why can AOD counter Time Stone so it's because he just can't destroy Infinity stones because of their importance but he still can counter their powers.)

Ancient one was shocked because Eye of Agamoto was her trump card in beating someone stronger than her but now in front of this man she can do nothing.

Peter saw that she was not reacting he moved at fast speed and send a kick in Ancient one's stomach and she dropped to her knees with the power of the kick.

every master from Kamar-Taj surrounded them but he just released his conquered Haki making everyone fall on their knees, he can't make them unconscious because of their strong souls. Heros we're glaring at him because they know about Kamar Taj and what they do but everyone knows they are in no position to say something.

Peter again started to drag both of them towards the gate of Space bridge and before entering. he said:" This is the last time we are clearing your mess but if it happened next time, the next number will be yours."


Thanks for reading.😁