
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 13

The next day everyone was getting ready for battle because they got the news that an army of 5,00,000 robots are moving towards New York and The one who was leading them was none other than Ultron.

While SPADES members were evacuating the citizens to the safe zones created by Unicron industries which can support all people for about 1 month.

This was all strategy to increase the public opinion for Unicron which can help them to deal with the U.S.Goverment.

While Avengers were getting ready for war and they were supported by Fantastic 4, Defenders and Mutants group because no one wants to fight with that many robots alone and it was clear that they are going to lose no matter how they look at it.

After some time robots reached the city and started to destroy or shoot anyone in their way and anyone can tell that their only purpose was the destruction of humanity.

Heroes alliance come to the battlefield and started to fight robots and everything was alright until Ultron himself landed in front of them.

Hulk saw him and rushed towards him and punched him in the face to which Ultron didn't even flinch with punches' impact.

Then Ultron punched Hulk in the gut sending him flying through buildings and smashing on the ground then he said:" You humans are so naive to think that you can compete with us, that's why you won't have any place in the empire I will create."

Saying this he flew in high-speed kicking Captain America, Captain America blocked the kick with his shield but was still injured by the strength of the attack. Then Ultron shot lasers towards the Hawkeye and Black Widow injuring both of them so their battle efficiency become less. this was a strategic plan to deal with Heroes created by Ultron.

Suddenly lightning starts raging in the sky and Thor with his hammer comes towards Ultron and started attacking him to which Ultron dodge every attack and attacked him with the laser on his chest with full power knocking him out.

Then suddenly he holds something in the air and everyone saw Susan Storm was being held by Ultron from the throat. Ultron slammed her on the ground which she tried to stop with her power but in front of Ultron's strength, it can't resist the impact and her head was slammed on the ground three times making her unconscious.

Johnny seeing her sister like that was enraged and attack Ultron with his fire but it didn't affect Ultron much because of his Vibranium body and Ultron punched Johnny in the face sending him flying.

After that Ultron send a pulse of energy which make The X-gen in Mutants unstable and restrict them from using their powers.

Seeing everyone being beaten by Ultron Tony was depressed because he was the one who created Ultron in the first place.

After that Hulk stand up again and try to fight Ultron many times but failed to make much difference. After wiping the floor with Heroes Ultron said.

Ultron:" Hmmm, How it feels like to be helpless and not have a single ray of hope for you. You know because of your being so weak that's why there is no need for a race like in empire which I am going to create in future."

Everyone was watching the protectors of the earth being played by Ultron and were in fear and praying for some to come and help them, while Fury was helpless because he cannot call carol because when she reach here it will be too late.

Then suddenly a voice behind Ultron said sarcastically:" Oooh, our princess wants to become king."

When they turned towards the direction where the sound come from they saw Enigma was sitting on the mountain of the robot's body his hand was supporting his chin and he was wearing armour like his previous one but with a Gold and red combination.


When SPADES exit from the portal and come to the battlefield they saw that Avengers were being beaten down by Ultron. His teammates first looked at Avengers, then towards Peter who just shrugged his shoulder and said:" Let's not ruin their fun and they are also a good distraction for us because of them we can clear the robots until they are trying to stop him."

Hearing Peter's word all of them start moving and destroying all the robots they come across while Peter pulled out his Katana and saw that no one was focusing on him, A tick mark appeared on his head and he lifted his right leg slightly in the air and slammed it on the ground which created spiderweb-like cracks on the ground.

All the robots looked at Peter before rushing towards in the direction and Peter also smiled under his mask and moved at a speed invisible to naked eyes and appeared behind robots in the stance after slashing something.

All the robots fell to the ground divided in half and Peter keep going until he created a pile of robots bodies, then he saw all of the heroes battles with Ultron come to an end.

He was waiting for a signal so he just sat there and listen their conversation, basically Ultron's plans. then he got the signal from SPADES technical department that they have blocked Ultron from everywhere and he can now kill him.

Because he knows if he wants to kill Ultron they have to stop Ultron from transferring from one body to another.

He also plans to snatch Space stone and Mind stone because he doesn't have any sympathy for vision so if he has to even kill him Peter can do it without feeling anything because Mind stone is very important to get his hand on it.

He listened to Ultron's words and thought of giving an entry like real Spiderman and said...


Everyone was shocked to see Enigma has killed so many bots this easily, they were thinking this then suddenly Felicia come out of darkness holding a robot arm and with her entry, a loud Screech sound come from the sky and Jean descended on the ground gracefully.

Suddenly lightning from the sky fall on the side and when lightning disappeared Lorna was standing there and Thor was shocked to see someone controlling lightning more successfully than him.

A portal opened and Blink come out of it holding a robots skull with his backbone attached to it.

And suddenly a man with a big hand jumped from the top of a skyscraper, it was Ryan.

When the team of Spades come on the battlefield appeared everyone was shocked seeing their entry and a ray of hope flashed in their eyes.

Fury seeing their power frowned deeply and want to find who are these people with such powers and what is their goal, but now it was not the time for that.

He only wishes that they can defeat Ultron and save everyone from death.

On other hand, all the heroes have the look of shame because first they can't even able to put a scratch on Ultron and they are even being saved by the person who ridiculed them on that day.

Ultron:" oh, you are the new group of heroes which formed recently right."

Peter:" We are neither heroes nor villains we are just a group of people who only wants to save their own house."

Ultron:" Hmmm, do you think you can beat me with your strength."

Peter:" That's the question I should ask, do you think you can defeat me."

Ultron:" oh is that so, then shall we start moving towards your end."

Peter:" It will be your end, let's dance."

And they both charged towards each other.


Thanks for reading.😊