
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 12

Hello guys so sorry for the late chapter and I want to tell you that in my fanfic the version of Ultron is very strong and will not be defeated by Avengers. Something's can differ from the actual story.


After all the members of SPADES entered their HQ all of them were happy because they saved the lives of people and were thought that they solved the problem. but their happiness does not last long.

Peter come and said:" Everyone I am sure you are thinking that we solved the problem but it is just the start of what we will have to face shortly."

Felicia:" So what is it we're going to face."

Peter was silent for a while because he got a report through a spy that Ultron have created a big army of robots. which is enough to conquer the world if the only military has to face Ultron without the help of Avengers and SPADES.

He decides to tell them the truth so they can understand how difficult the situation is and how much detailed plan they needed to make while attacking Ultron they also need to save lives.

Peter:" Ultron had completed his very strong vibranium body and on other hand, he had also made an army of large robots with the programmed memory of many fighters. so you can guess their combat level."

When everyone heard what they are going to fight with they were anxious because they have heard their boss talking about vibranium and know that it is the strongest metal found on earth.

Felicia anxiously:" When will be the attack going to happen."

Peter:" I don't know, it can happen any moment tomorrow, today, now. There are no data about the time of the attack in the S.H.I.E.L.D and Avengers database."

Felicia becomes silent and Peter give orders to come up with the best plan to evacuate the city on time and how to attack Ultron and all the members started to create a plan and find the safest routes to evacuate citizens. they cannot use their space bridge for it because of the number of people.

After a while, Everyone was agreed on one plan and started the preparation because they don't have time in their hands and the most time it will take to the Ultron attack was of tomorrow so they didn't take any rest.

The first thing they do to clear make escape routes for the citizens while Peter created some weapons for them which can damage Vibranium.

He created a sword for Jean which has Phoenix shaped handle and was very compatible with her powers while he give Felicia a pair of h which was black and excludes a dark aura that can make any normal person faint easily.

He also created weapons for his team and told them to not take any type of stress because they are doing this for themselves and did not have any type of responsibility to give their life for it.

After preparing everything till evening and seeing everyone was so tired, Peter said:" Everyone you all have done a great job and completed your task on time, so all of you can go and rest till we have to fight a big war."

Saying this Peter leaves with Felicia and Jean on the way Jean sees Peter with a big smile and asked:" You're smiling at serious situations, are you not concerned about the upcoming battle."

Peter:" Now, I am more concerned about the fact that I didn't even give my daughter some time and I hope you also consider this fact at some point in the day."

Felicia and Jean were silent because they know he was right and what happens when parents didn't give time to their child.

Peter:" My parents left me at the age of 4 and God knows where are they, uncle and aunt tried to not let me feel the absence of my parents and I was happy about it. but I always wait for their return and one day that wait also come to an end." He had a sad expression while saying this and don't know what to do.

He remembered the day when he got the news of their death and Peter also knows what happened to them with his previous life knowledge.

Peter:" I don't want my child to face that no matter what happens."

Felicia and Jean understand his meaning and start to walk towards their small house but they are happy to live here and always want to return here no matter what happens.

When they entered the house, they saw Alice who was sitting on the couch with a bored expression and changing channels.

Peter smiled worriedly and said:" Hey angle, do you miss daddy and mummies."

Alice who heard her father's voice moved her head towards the door and saw Peter, Felicia and Jean standing there with a warm smile.

She runs towards Peter and jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly. Peter also hugged her and said:" Sorry, dad was busy and not able to spend time with you."

Felicia and Jean were watching both of them from the side then Felicia said:" So, to make it up to Alice for this Peter have to make special dinner for us and watch our favourite movie."

Everyone becomes happy and the atmosphere was lively as usual and Peter cooked their favourite food for them which was Yukihira special menu.

While they were eating and enjoying their food, All the major powers in the world were searching for them.

Avengers Tower

Fury:" Stark we have to do everything we can to find about those people. it is very dangerous for people as powerful as them to wander around the city without anyone to watch over them."

Tony:" Yes and we still didn't know their real goal's and what are they going to do, but I think our priority should be Ultron now you all know about the reports I got through Jarvis about Ultron."

Everyone was silent for a while then Charles said:" we searched for mutants with our detector and found 3 signatures of Omega level mutants together while we were unable to detect their exact location because of someone blocking us."

Fury:" I just hope that magneto doesn't get in touch with them before us and if they join him."

Charles:" Eric's plan will be able to get in motion if they decide to join them with their advance suit."

Reed who was silent for a while said:" from the suit I remembered The details Tony sent me from them I was able to identify the characteristics of their armour and metal used in them, but not their atomic structure because of someone blocking me."

Tony:" What did you find then?"

Reed:" Results were shocking for me, as nothing like this type of material was ever found on earth."

Everyone was surprised and Reed continue to say:" this metal is almost 20% of the weight of vibranium while it is twice of strong as it and can also absorb around 80% damage of any type of attack no matter how strong it is."

Everyone was horrified by the ability of this metal and now they wanted to found about SPADES as soon as possible.


Brotherhood HQ

Eric:" you all have only one task go and find about them if they are ready to join us we will be able to start our plans as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded and dispersed from there and started to find clues about those new heroes.


This was happening while Peter and his family were having a heavenly meal while watching the news about new heroes and Alice was for an unknown reason very happy.

Peter saw her and asked:" Alice why are you watching these new heroes so attentively, do you like them."

Alice:" Yes, I love them and their leader is super cool, look how he easily beat Hulk and saved everyone from him. he also help everyone no matter what they said."

Peter:" Oh, so you want to be like him."

Alice:" Yes I want to be like. he is my idol."

Peter heard her reply was very happy and Felicia and Jean watched him with a smile. Because at some point they also want to be like their father and follow in their footsteps.

Alice:" Dad, Do you also want to become like someone?."

Peter:" Yeah, I always want to become like my Uncle."

Alice:" Was grandfather also a hero."

Peter:" No he was not a hero he was, actually he was nobody in the world but to me, he was a man in whose footsteps I always tried to walk on.

He used to say "WITH GREAT POWERS COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES!!" Jean and Felicia said in unison with him."

After that, they talked for a while and Alice go to bed while the three of them went to their room and Peter said:" We should also rest because tomorrow we have to fight a very tiring battle." and they fell asleep.


Thanks for reading.😊