

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

V3 Chapter 36 - Meeting with Lord ******* 2



Seeing Ryan fall silent and being unable to answer his question, Baghraj asked

"How good is your ability to recall your memory, according to you?"


"I will say it is on the good side, almost perfect even, but now I am not so sure." 


Replied Ryan


"Do you have Alzheimer's disease?" 


Asked Baghraj.




Ryan Exclaimed


"Alzheimer's disease, it is a disease..."


Baghraj explained but before he could finish Ryan interrupted.


"I know what Alzheimer's disease is and no I don't have it. Dammit! It only happens to old people!"


Shouted Ryan.


"I asked just in case cause you can't recall anything."

Said Baghraj with a smirk on his Tiger face.


"Fine! Laugh if you want, but tell me, why do you think of that 'Homeless man' as suspicious?"

Asked Ryan as he still did not understand the clues that led Baghraj to find the 'homeless man' as the suspect.


Baghraj repeated the situation as he described the inconsistencies in Ryan's description of that man's behaviour as compared to normal in that situation.


"According to your description this 'homeless man' amidst all the chaos noticed your sister yet instead of taking her away from the scene he then located you.

Calmly tapped your shoulder when you were all tense without earning your wariness and pointed the way while he stood in place, while everyone else was panicking and running for their lives. 

Adding to that is the fact that you can't recall anything about him.

That description has SUSPICIOUS written all over."


As Ryan thought of the situation with the new perspective of Baghraj he felt the strangeness of what happened all over again, goosebumbs rose on his skin as he hurriedly stood up in panic. 



"Oh, Shit!"

"Oh Shit !!"

"Oh Shit!!!"


Ryan screamed as he walked back and forth trying to digest what happened and just when it looked like he would continue screaming, 



Baghraj slapped him with a paw sending him flying a few meters away and getting buried in the snow.


After Ryan dug himself out of his snow grave he walked back in front of Baghraj and sat down as he sighed and said


"Sigh~, How did I not think of it all before?"


"Don't dwell on it, tell me all about the daytime meeting you had earlier and I want every detail you could remember, I'll see what else we can find!"

said Baghraj seeing him calm down.


At his question, Ryan calmed himself and described the events of Sasha meeting with the homeless man in extreme detail.

"So you said he put a peacock feather in your sister's hair?"


Asked Baghraj as he looked at Ryan with a weird gaze.


"That's right. Why? What happened?"


Asked Ryan puzzled at what Baghraj found now.


"Now I get it!! Hahaha~"

After Baghraj got his confirmation he sighed as he shook his head and started laughing after that.


"Get what?"

Asked Ryan as he tilted his head.



But instead of answering him, Baghraj continued laughing.


"What is it?"

Ryan asked again when Baghraj didn't respond.



But Baghraj just laughed even as he sounded out of breath.


 "Come on, man! What's so funny!?"

Asked Ryan with agitation when he saw Baghraj continuing to laugh and not responding


"You're funny boy! You say the events of the day were dangerous and not scripted when the Lord who writes destiny was directing you at the scene! HAHA HAHAHA~"

Said Baghraj as he used his Giant Paw to wipe out the Giant tears that formed in his Giant eyes before they froze because of the low temperature.



"Hey!! What do you mean!? Explain yourself!!"

Asked Ryan forcefully as he angrily jumped up as if planning to attack but then he just sat down after thinking about the ball of lightning and the size difference.


"What I mean is that night, in that situation you were meant to break past your limits boy!!"

said Baghraj and continued


"And even if by some Godforsaken piece of rotten luck had you failed, your sister would still be safe. And since you succeeded just like you were supposed to, then there is no point in thinking about it."


"What do you mean I was meant to succeed? Why?"

Ryan Questioned.


"Because he planned it so."

Said Baghraj still recovering his breath.


"You mean fate planned my success?"




"Then destiny? And what do you mean my sister was safe, I saw her almost die!"

Asked Ryan.



"Heh~ Stupid, Fate had no role there because when he makes plans all stuff like fate and destiny step aside and all that is left is Karma, your success was his plan and your sister was safe because she planted a good Karma that day."

Baghraj said cryptically.


"What does that mean!?"(Ryan)


"I am not telling. Now, forget about what happened that day, you can ponder over it later and let's talk about the reason why you are here."

said Baghraj as he changed the topic.


"But you didn't explain what happened!?"

demanded Ryan.


"Boy! I am obligated to explain anything to you, tell me will you get your ass here now or will you do it after I give it a good beating!?"

Asked Baghraj as blue lightning started crackling all over his Majestic figure.


"Sir, Yes Sir! I'll be right there."

Ryan's instincts responded preventing his conscious thoughts from using his mouth to ask for a beating as he hurriedly walked over.



Seeing Ryan obediently following orders Baghraj nodded his head and spoke to Ryan.


"I already know everything that happened that day, so before starting tell me, did you know when your lightning changed colour?"

Questioned Baghraj.


"I believe it was when I was running to Sasha when my speed suddenly increased." (Ryan)


"Correct, now tell me what were you thinking of at that moment?" (Baghraj)


"I don't know, I just wished I could be faster. I only had that one thought in mind." 

Ryan recalled those moments clear as day and answered his questions.


"And why do you think caused the change to happen?"

Baghraj said as he continued to guide Ryan's thought process.


"I think my body responded to my wish?"

Ryan said after thinking for a moment.


"Be more specific." 

Baghraj prompted.


"I think my intense desire stimulated my mind to produce some unknown chemical changes causing a reaction?" 

Said Ryan coming to his conclusion


"Pfft~, You humans are funny, trying to explain the science behind everything, chemical changes, pfft! What are you, a bar of soap?" 

Baghraj said as he laughed at Ryan insulting him again.


"Then you tell me what happened!?"

Having had enough of it already, Ryan asked.


"Fine, fine, don't be a princess, while the process you believed behind the change is amusing, the conclusion of your body responding to your wish was not completely wrong."

Said Baghraj affirming Ryan's earlier words as he continued


"You see the thing that caused the transformation to take place has a very simple answer."


"Which is?" 

Ryan asked eager to know the source of his new power.


"Your WILL or Willpower you can call it." 

Baghraj said as he gave him the answer to his changes.


"You mean it happened because I willed it so?" (Ryan)



"Then you mean if I will it so will my power increase again?" 


Ryan asked with eyes glowing in anticipation as he waited for Baghraj to answer

"Yes... if"

'I wonder what funny thing he will do now?'

 Baghraj spoke but stopped when he saw Ryan doing something after hearing the word yes and waited to watch the joke. 


"Ughhhh~ AAAAhhhhhh~"

Ryan spread his feet, squatted a little, clenched his fist and started emitting sparks of red lightning all over his body while holding Son Goku's signature Super Saiyan transformation pose as he started making weird noises and then…




….after a minute he fell on his butt in the snow.



"It's not working." 


said Ryan after exhausting a lot of energy.


"Of course, it's not, did you think you would suddenly emit all your energy and your hair would turn golden multiplying your power?"

Asked Baghraj.


"You know about it? but I don't think it is there on the internet!"

Ryan said surprised.


"Of course, it's not, after a girl with glowing gold energy fell on earth in 1995, some long-named government bureau arrested the writer in 1996, thinking he was an alien and guess what?"

Baghraj explained his secret knowledge.


"False charges and secret execution?"

Ryan guessed.


"You're half right as he really was an alien in disguise and wanted to rule the world through culture assimilation."


"How do you know?"


"I lived in his studio, he even modelled a character after me called Korin."


"Ugh~, He knows about your powers?"


"No, he tried to catch me and chase me away but failed to even touch me, so he wrote a training arc using his situation as a model."



 'How did it happen in my world, I wonder?'


Thought Ryan but he couldn't figure it out.


"Even so his ruling would've been better than the current governments, right?"

Ryan said as he thought about it.


"I think so too."

Agreed Baghraj.


"And I believe most people would accept that too."

Concluded Ryan.


"That's right. It was the reason why the UN jointly voted for his secret execution and every trace of him was erased."

Baghraj said as he explained the dark history of the governments.


"I kinda expected that, May his soul rest in peace."

Said Ryan as he joined his hands and did a prayer.