

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

V3 Chapter 35 - Meeting with Lord *******


After I sat in front of the BIG White Tiger and told him the events that caused my lightning energy's colour to change I heard him say


"So let me get this straight..."

"You were coincidentally in the area in which the monster appeared."

"And by the same kind of coincidence you lost your little sister in the crowd."

"Then by another coincidence, you met the homeless man your sister gave food to in the morning who due to some great cause of the universe(coincidence) happened to know your sister's name and her location and guided you in her direction."

"When you were getting to her the monster coincidentally noticed your sister and threw a car at her."

"Which by coincidence happens to be able to reach her slightly faster than your ability to reach her at that moment."

"You also coincidentally noticed the monster's smirk which caused your emotional outburst causing you to push your limits."

"Yet when you pushed your limits, by the same kind of coincidence, the car was just slow enough for you to save her life and survive the ordeal by the skin of your teeth just like 'heroes' in the 'stories'."

"And then a coincidence caused the monster's sworn enemy to drop right in the other direction of yours just when the monster noticed you."

"Did I get everything right?"

Asked Baghraj as he finished saying what he wanted to say.

"Yeah....ha ha ha....though I didn't think you would put it like that."

I said as I was taken aback by his wording of the events.

"Boy, did you not notice how many times I used the words coincidence!?"

Asked Baghrag irritatedly at my response.

"9 times if you count the question you just asked."

I answered instinctively.

"No, I used it 10 times if we count that."

said Baghraj.

I thought back to the conversation and said confidently

"No you used it 9 times and you used 'great cause of the universe' once."

Baghraj looked at me like I was mentally retarded and said showing his sharp teeth and gaping maw which crackled with lightning

"Boy, are you so dumb that you can not tell when someone is being sarcastic!? HUh!!?"

"I was just stating the facts!"

I habitually argued back.

Baghraj gave me a dead stare, opened his maw and a blue ball of pure lightning started coalescing in his mouth.

Seeing this I broke out in a cold sweat as he hurriedly said

"I am sorry!!"

'Ah!! Why do I have to submit to authority every time? When will I ever get the chance to show my dominance!?'

I thought to myself but gave in when I remembered I was the student there.

Dispersing the lightning Baghraj said

"Even so those are too many coincidences to happen in one evening boy, If you can't even understand such a simple thing then why are you even here?"

'Why am I here? Even I am wondering that now!!'

It started after I returned home from my parent's lab to home, after a happy family reunion and assuring Grandpa, Mom and Aunt Heather multiple times that I was alright, I spent the next two days at home recovering at home and checking the changes in my body.

After two days of examining my body, I came to know that my body had become much more strong and more durable.

My physique is almost at 17 cycles and just a distance away from peak human body despite not having fully grown up.

Another change that happened was that my lightning turned from white to a reddish colour, which made me remember what Baghraj said during our last meeting when he asked me to visit him again if such a change happened.

So concluding that I had had sufficient rest in the last two days, I decided to call the local Tiger brand CEO, who forwarded the call to his Boss who, then forwarded the call to the BIG BOSS.

[The BIG BOSS wanted me to climb the mountain.](voice from microphone)

(AN - For those who understood it, Welcome to BIG BOSS season TIGER.)

So I met Baghraj at the place we met previously, this time using a helicopter.

And now here we are, what a coincidence.

Third Person POV

Baghraj spoke breaking Ryan out of his reverie

"I don't know how exactly the events of that day transpired boy but it feels an awful lot like a scripted plot to me."

"Why would you say that?" 

Ryan asked but he was kind of expecting something like that statement after what Baghraj said earlier.

"Because the timing of you reaching your sister was so exact that you needed to go past your limits to save her. Any earlier and you wouldn't need to do so, any later and there would be no one left to be saved."

Baghraj explained the reasons for his belief.

"It's just a coincidence, there wasn't anyone there who could manipulate the events to be that way and I didn't feel like anyone was controlling that scene."

Ryan thought back to the situation and denied Baghraj recalling the events.

"Yet there was someone who could manipulate when you reach there."

Said Baghraj seriously.

"Who?" Asked Ryan surprised.

"That person who directed you to your sister."

Baghraj pointed out the suspect.

"That's-.... a very far-fetched assumption(?)."

As Ryan recalled the chain of events he could not fully deny it despite finding it highly unlikely.

"Oh yeah? Let's find out!"

challenged Baghraj.

"How?" (Ryan)

"Give me an overview of his actions, of that person who pointed the way."

said Baghraj as he focused his attention on Ryan's words.

"There isn't much he just tapped my shoulder and when I turned to him he said "That way" while he stood in place and pointed me in Sasha's direction with his left hand."

Ryan said as he explained the actions of the homeless man.

'So 'the homeless person' amidst all the chaos noticed his sister, located him, calmly tapped his shoulder when he was all tense without this boy getting wary and pointed the way while he stood in place, while everyone else was panicking and running for their lives.'

'That description has SUSPICIOUS written all over.'

Thought Baghraj as he looked at Ryan's head from above with pity like he was pitying his lack of intellect.

"What did that homeless man look like?"

Ryan thought back but he realised that he did not pay much attention to the man in his hurry.

"I don't know, I was in a hurry and I didn't pay attention."

Said Ryan.

"Fine, then tell me any prominent feature of his like hair colour, skin colour or colour of his clothes."

Ryan thought again but no matter how he focused on his memory he could not recall any such details

"I don't remember(?)."

Ryan said as he furrowed his brows.

"So how did you know he was the one you met during the day?"

said Baghraj as asked another question before Ryan could think of anything else.


'I just knew, but how?! Dammit, I can't think of anything!'

Ryan's thoughts fell silent as he could not find the answer to any of those questions.