
Marvel: Abstract entity

Cover made by: Jhassi discord: https://discord.gg/YTwU6P4sn7 Description: Mc is originally from a possible future 2050 of our world where human beings were not able to commit to stopping climate change, he was chosen by an omnipotent being that MC likes to refer to as ×÷+- because of some reason. ×÷+- granted MC's 3 wishes and in exchange, he had to be transmigrated to a world of ×÷+-'s choice. Mc thought it was Dceu because he got reincarnated there but that was only because of the influence of the wishes he asked for and he had yet to be transmigrated to the real universe that ×÷+- chose for him. PS: As you may already guess from the title of the fiction, this book is a little bit influenced by my feelings towards maths which will be observed in MC's feelings towards ×÷+-. Just for fun at the start. trying my hand at writing something for the first time, I don't own dc-comics and marvel comics. Though I'm writing this fiction before that, I have to confess that im not that knowledgeable about MCU, just a fan of it so don't expect it to be completely accurate. update rate depends on my mood so there's that too and English is not my first language so I thought I should inform you about that too. thnx for reading until now.

Kitshaar · Movies
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81 Chs

Chapter 21: who are you?

****Kar-el P.O.V.

I entered the room under the suspicion of the only man in Tania's group. He clearly wanted to say something about it but for now, his focus was more on the girl than me.

It took some time for them to calm down Tania enough that they could understand what happened with her and when they learned about the events from her, the suspicious looks that I was received from the group calmed down a little.

The Indian girl was named Anita while the last girl was named Carol and she was the daughter of the only man in the group named James.

Even though James seemed to be less suspicious of me, he was still wary as I could tell from his body language.

" Girls, I know that you are all grown up now and you deserve equal freedom to act but you guys have to understand my point of view too," James said calmly to them after Tania calmed down a little.

It looked like both Anita and Carol had already received the lecture once because both were looking at the floor as they nodded to his words.

" You want to have a girl's night out? You can but at least inform me first about it. Do you know how much pressure I had on him when I learned that one of you didn't return? Your parents had given me the responsibility to make sure that you stay safe and on the last day of our trip, I almost failed to fulfill it because you guys did things without my knowledge. " He looked really remorseful that something like this happened under his watch as he lectured them.

" Dad," Carol groaned before saying, " I know what we did wrong. We promise that something like this won't happen again. "

He shook his head before he sighed tiredly," Is that so? Then would you tell me what you guys did wrong? "

" We should have informed you about it before leaving. " She replied as she looked at me who was just enjoying the show.

"Just that? What about you two? Anything else comes to mind?" He asked as he raised his hand to massage his head.

Both of them shook their head which caused him to turn to look at me.

"What about you, son? Do you want to share something with them?" He asked me who was just a spectator until now.

To be honest, I rather want him to continue his lecturing while I find some popcorn to eat but since he included me in the conversation, I couldn't remain quiet while the girls gawk at me.

They were clearly hoping that I couldn't reply too so they could recover some self-esteem believing that I was not much different than them.

" Maybe carry a taser and pepper spray with them and don't accept drinks from strangers in an unknown bar. " I said as I made myself comfortable on the couch as I got bored of leaning against the wall.

"Indeed." He said as he nodded to me before turning to the others as he remarked, " Unlike you three, he seemed to aware that the world is not so beautiful as it looked and especially for girls. Next time you pull a stunt like this, you must carry a self-protection instrument and some common sense too while you are at it. "

" Now that we are done with this, You three go to rest as we will be returning home tomorrow morning. I need to have some conversation with this one man now. Now go." He ordered them in a strict tone which demanded immediate action from them.

The girls got up and walked to the door slowly. Carol didn't seem too much pleased by my know-it-all attitude as when she passed by me, she showed her tongue at me. I just raised an eyebrow as Anita pushed her forward so she won't do anything else.


Once they exited the room and returned to their room to take some rest, I finally got James' full attention.

He was around in his late 40s and had a little tummy, he wore square glasses that made him look one or two years older than the actual age.

" So who are you? " He asked as he sat in front of him.

"A nobody from the street that is trying to raise himself out of it. " I said as I looked at the glass table between us.

"Does this nobody doesn't have a name?" He asked as put a cigarette and lit it up.

" Karl " I briskly replied as I leaned back a little.

"So Karl. What is in your mind and what is your agenda?" He asked as he too leaned back a little while taking a puff.

I just raised an eyebrow to convey my confusion.

"You see when you are black, your childhood would be different than others. You learned quickly to never quickly trust someone because of the hardships you have to suffer and the experience you gather from your surroundings. " He began as he looked at the ceiling.

" These girls are grown under the care of our little community so they might to a little naive but I could clearly tell that when a 16-year-old dealt with 4 gangsters like he was handling toddlers, the boy clearly had a colorful past. " He remarked as he looked me in the eyes.

" I'm impressed. Not blindly trusting me just because I saved someone under you means that you yourself learned some lessons from this life. " I replied him calmly before leaning a little, " And about my past, you have no right to enquire about that. I can understand that you are worried about these girls but that does not mean that I would be very kind enough to share my private information with you. If you don't like it, I could return to where I came from like I was about to before the girl asked me to stay. I already got what I wanted anyway."

He took a deep breath as he thought for a few moments before replying, " No, That would be unnecessary but just know that you are still under my radar. Where would you be staying? " He asked as he finished smoking.

"I don't know, you tell me. " I told him as I shrugged.

" Very well, you could stay on this couch on the night. If you want, you could use the shower as we would be having lunch in a few hours after the girls get some rest. Enjoy your stay, I need to make some calls now so I would be outside for some time." He said as he got up and walked up to the door too.

I just nodded even though I knew he couldn't see it. I brushed my teeth and took a warm shower in the next 30 minutes, I had been on the street for more than 24 hours so I appreciated the shower very much.

So far things were looking good and once I get some initial capital and private space, I would try to make Sarena online so things become a little easier for me.

There were so many things that could become easier for me once she woke up from her slumber. If I was not wrong, then I was sitting on a major opportunity to make some fast cash. The year 2000 was the year where the dot com bubble was at its peak and thankfully today was still the 5th of March. Now I just need to get the initial cash to start my share market venture.


Author's note: I can't think of anything particular to say so I guess maybe leave some reviews and give some power stones.

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