
Manipulation of Reality

Imagine defeating a God in an LoL match. As a reward, this God gives you the ability you've always craved. You will probably have some adventures while trying to live a comfortable life. /Mc op /Mc intelligent to some extent/ Rapid evolution/

LazinessGod · Others
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25 Chs

Chapter 20

POV: Adriel

That moment, the moment I opened my eyes. I saw

Well, that was kind of obvious, but, no

What I saw was something else. I could see everything

Or at least I felt I could

I could see the construction of space itself, I could see the action of gravity, I could see the timelines, I could see everything

The room's runes no longer impeded me, I could see beyond the room's wards

I could see the entire planet, a real-time 3D image of it.

I could even see the moon, and that created more mysteries for me to try to unravel

But I believe this is for another time, don't worry, this journey will be told in the next chapters

Anyway, the feeling of being able to see everything was amazing, to say the least

But I had to stop for a moment

The reason? Well, I realized that I could also see people's emotions

And I could see that my parents, across the room, weren't very comfortable.

And after focusing on them, I understood

It was my Dōjutsu, it was making my parents uncomfortable

So I closed my eyelids where my Dōjutsu was

I felt it was natural, that I could command my body however I wanted. No problem moving any muscle individually

After closing my eyelids, I returned to what I could only describe as blindness.

It was weird not being able to see that way anymore, but I had to get used to it.

I knew I couldn't use this Dōjutsu all the time

After all, he was apparently harmful to my family. And I didn't want them to feel uncomfortable in my presence

Well, back to my current situation

I could still see everything much more clearly than before I switched bodies.

But the difference between having Dōjutsu activated and not having it was very big

As I walked towards the door in the corner of the room, I noticed an interface that was now projected into my consciousness.

You might be thinking (What interface is this? Something like a system?)

Well, partially, yes...

This was something I created with the runes that are now part of my body

The function of this interface was pretty basic; record everything I see, or feel, and also keep a real-time scan of my body

It shows me how much energy I have, how long it takes for my body to undergo one more evolution, or which part of my body will evolve next

Let's just say it's very useful...

Leaving the room, I was caught off guard, not by my parents hugging me. What did they want until they saw me stop with a look of shock on my face?

They saw it too, my body glowing with a pulsing light

Right after leaving the room, and consequently leaving the room's protective runes. I was apparently contacted

Or more like connected to something

I could feel, a feeling in my mind, of something calling me

This thing kept calling until it became a faint voice in my mind


And the moment I heard that voice, the voice of a child in my head, calling me master in an anguished way, I knew I needed to know what, or who it was.

I quickly opened my Dōjutsu again

This time, I looked in a specific direction.

That direction, from my perspective, would be the northeast

My vision, now greatly improved, crossed the Atlantic quickly

My vision crossed many African lands until reaching Egypt

More specifically, my vision landed where the pyramids were. Before once more advancing, this time below the earth, below the pyramids for about 2KM, or 1.2 miles

When my vision reached that point, I encountered a magical barrier.

It was a pretty ugly magical barrier in my opinion, but it did what it was probably meant to do, keep humans away

Taking into account that this ruin had not been found until now, this magical formation did its job well.

As my thoughts flew over it, my vision broke through the magical barrier

Since, if even arcane runes couldn't stop me from seeing what I wanted, what would such a basic magical formation be

And when my vision passed through the barrier, I saw what was calling me

It was a kind of halberd, it was glowing with a comforting light, at the same time it was pulsing, just like my body and at the same frequency.

I knew that was what was calling me because it seemed that this halberd caught my eye, and started trying to call me more

I could see, with my Dōjutsu, your emotions

She was excited and at the same time happy.

I knew it wasn't her master, but she believed it was.

This was weird, it felt like a mystery to be solved.

I knew I had a lot to do, now that I've successfully changed species, I had a lot to do according to my plans.

But, I wanted to know, I wanted to solve this mystery that was handed to me on a platter

I wanted to understand why, in a seemingly normal land like mine, there was such a thing as this...

I momentarily closed my Dōjutsu and looked at my parents

The halberd seemed to know that I had stopped looking at her and she started to get a little desperate, trying to get my attention.

I tried to send a mental message to her that I would visit her soon, and it seemed to work because she calmed down a bit.

Looking at my parents, now standing beside me, I said

"I found something, in Egypt... It seems to be calling me... Do you want to go with me to see what it is?"

They looked surprised by my voice, as it was different from my old self.

It was softer and gave a sense of authority. This was not something conscious, it was just the feeling my voice gave to the listener

My parents looked at me for a moment, before looking at each other and accepting my suggestion.

They were also curious about what was it that was calling me

The mystical side of things was still foreign to them, but they could understand this sort of thing happening in other universes.

Now, it happened in the universe they were in, something was calling their son somehow, and the location of that was in Egypt, on the very planet they were on.

It was making them confused and uneasy

Well, those were the thoughts running through your mind, and I didn't know about your thoughts at the time, I still didn't have the ability to read minds at that time...

After they agreed to come with me, I looked to the northeast again and activated my Dōjutsu once more

Only this time, I not only looked at the halberd, but I also created a portal in front of me by doubling the space, which led to the room where the halberd was.

That was one of my Dōjutsu skills, it was instinctual, as I knew I could use this skill

My parents looked surprised, that out of nowhere, a portal in the style Thanos used in Avengers appeared in front of them.

But they soon realized that their son didn't seem to explain, he just walked through the portal.

So they did the same and followed him

Hi everyone, are you enjoying how the story is developing? Well, if you're not, you can talk

I look forward to receiving feedback from you if something isn't right.

I plan to develop my character well before he does something like jumping between worlds, but that's not too far away, but also not too close.

Anyway, I came here, through this text, to talk to you about my new story, it's also fanfic for now, but this time it's more centered on a world

If you want to have a look, visit my main page

Thank you very much in advance

LazinessGodcreators' thoughts