
Manipulation of Reality

Imagine defeating a God in an LoL match. As a reward, this God gives you the ability you've always craved. You will probably have some adventures while trying to live a comfortable life. /Mc op /Mc intelligent to some extent/ Rapid evolution/

LazinessGod · Others
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25 Chs

Chapter 19

POV: Adriel

For a few seconds, I felt myself floating, felt warm, until this sensation stopped abruptly.

I felt myself falling before I felt warm again, but the feeling was different... It was more filled, maybe.

Well, I couldn't say...

And the reason was simple, I wasn't thinking at the time

I knew I couldn't think at that moment, and it was quite simple why. Because now that I received the memory of that moment, I realized that I hadn't thought of anything, and I was just feeling

'What a weird feeling' I thought

'Well I can think now'

'Yea. Now I can think, so this means the procedure was successful!!'

'But why am I still not listening, or feeling my body?' I thought as I struggled to feel

And the more I tried, the more I could feel things around me

That's when it happened...

A sensory explosion, which came quickly, but soon calmed down...

'Oh, the runes are working, apparently'

I could feel everything, but also control this feeling

My eyes were still closed but I could see

My brain was receiving sensory feedback from many senses, with many details, and at the same time it was doing this, it was reproducing a filtered image in my consciousness.

The bed I was lying on, the floor over the bed, the walls, the runes that were drawn in every corner

I could even feel the inside of the machine, and if I focused, I could see in minute detail, how this technology worked.

And not to mention it, I could understand how it worked.

This was something that shouldn't happen, at least I couldn't fully understand this technology before when I used my power to generate it.

Of course, there were things I understood, as they were added by me, but I didn't understand everything

I vividly remembered that

So, this meant that, in addition to this tactile awareness that I gained as a skill, I also gained a form of basic technomancy

I knew it wasn't full technomancy, and the reason was that I could understand, but I felt I couldn't manipulate this technology if I wanted to.

'This is amazing! Unexpected gains I think'

I could also feel a connection to the mini star inside the machine.

It was like I could control his energy while he was close

I could say, from that feeling, that absorbing the energy of this star totally, just depended on my will.

All these sensations and everything I was learning now that I had a different body was very overwhelming.

I had to spend some time calming down

Well, not necessarily, technically, my mind was taking a while to calm down. This time, which seemed a lot, was just an illusion

In fact, only a few seconds passed outside my body.

My thoughts were running so fast, it was hard to control

I felt I could think about many things at the same time.

And theories that I used to find hard to understand were completed by my mind in seconds

You might be wondering; "How can he not understand something that was transferred directly to his mind?"

Well, the answer is simple, just because I have the information doesn't mean I understand it.

Many theories and information about quantum physics, magic, soul, and chakra were not understood by me before

The information was there, and I knew it was true, but understanding what that information really meant was something else.

But now…well, now it was all making sense. All the information that I didn't understand was going through my mind.

This information was passing through my mind and being processed and understood at an unimaginable speed

it was disconcerting

Well, after a few moments of processing all that information, I felt light

At that moment I decided to stop lying in that bed where I was

So, with my eyes still closed, I sat on the bed where I was previously lying.

When I put my feet on the ground, another wave of sensations came towards me.

My mind literally assembled a 3D model of the entire room.

I felt I could do more, but the runes on the walls kept me from doing more, from feeling more

While sitting, I tried to focus my attention on my own body, and again, a 3D model of my body was projected onto my consciousness.

I could see everything, the runes written all over my body, my veins pumping blood, which now had a color that was a mixture of red and gold.

I could also visualize my chakra networks, with many runes traveling around them, those runes that protected my veins and chakra coils from interference.

I could visualize everything...

And it was beautiful, the most amazing thing I had seen in my life

It was so vivid that it was somewhat disconcerting.

When I stopped watching everything, I got out of bed

And as soon as I got up, I opened my now, 4 eyes…


POV: 3rd Person

When Adriel's parents, who were now dining at a table overlooking the room where the procedure was previously taking place, saw movement. They got up quickly and walked to the transparent wall.

They watched as the machine, which at that time was quite large, moved and slowed down until it was the size of a normal Medbed.

The machine's transparent shields opened, and they watched the body, which was now his son, stand there, lying

They even thought something was wrong and were momentarily worried, before asking Kurama what was going on.

"It's all normal grandma, everything worked out. I believe dad is trying to adapt to his new body." Kurama replied

After receiving this answer, they nodded and released the breath they didn't even know they were holding.

They waited a while as they watched. Until his Adriel moved

First, it was a contraction, then a small spasm. Before the whole body starts to get up to a sitting position

Now that Adriel was out of the machine, and out of the temporal acceleration effect. Alice, his mother, could see her son's new body clearly and pay more attention to detail.

Her hair was now a silvery color, with small golden strands in the middle.

Contrary to what you would expect from people with white hair, Alice couldn't see the scalp of his head.

His face, now fully on display, was an exotic beauty

Alice could still recognize that face as her son's face, but still, it looked different.

His eyebrows were full, as was his hair. This would mean that, even though it has a silvery color, it could still be seen

Adriel still had his eye closed, so Alice couldn't see his son's eyes.

And if it hadn't been for her paying attention to his eyes, she wouldn't have remembered something and paid attention to the black tattoo below his eyes.

This tattoo was a bit thick, the thickness of a finger, it made an arc and from a distance, Alice couldn't pay attention to it.

Alice remembered that her son had talked about it, that where the tattoos are, his other pair of eyes would be

And that the tattoo was designed with the formation of several miniature runes, which in the end would form a basic matrix. Which had the function of blurring the attention of the one who was looking, while at the same time, it planted a suggestion in the mind of the one who was looking

That suggestion was that the person should forget about suspicions about tattooing

Alice, as she knew the rune-array function, was not affected by the second function, but she could still see that the first function was active.

She turned her attention to her son's body overview, noting other things, such as his body structure.

The body structure of Adriel's body was what could be called perfect

Everything was symmetrical, with muscles in the right places and no mistakes

Alice could see the muscle fibers in Adriel's leg moving as he groped the floor.

His torso also had tattoos, which started from his neck to his knee.

They were tattoos that used geometric shapes to draw a fine waterfall

As if this waterfall is falling from your neck

And that was just the front of the tattoo

The part that Alice couldn't see but that she knew was there, the back

Alice knew what the design was, she had helped to make

It was a drawing of a world tree, with several branches that were feeding on a small sun.

This tattoo-covered all parts of Adriel's back.

Nine branches held empty dome-shaped platforms

This tattoo was a symbol, of a plan Adriel had for the future

And once again, the otaku part of Adriel's mind took over

That plan couldn't even be called a plan, it was just another wish of her mind

As Alice watched her son, Adriel got out of bed.

And as soon as he got up, he opened his eyes, all 4 eyes

Alice felt naked looking into those eyes, her husband too, and they both squirmed a little

Adriel's two pairs of eyes were very similar, both were golden in color and a little dark.

But they had few differences

The eyes that were just eyes only had a dark golden color

But Dōjutsu was a little different, it was still golden, but it had a thin black layer around it, you could also see a distorted reflection in it as if its surface was diamond, the iris of the eye also had no pupil

Alice and her husband, at that moment.. They felt their subconscious scream at them that they were looking into the eyes of a God

And that primordial feeling was causing her back to start sweating and her legs to go weak

Adriel, now looking at them, seemed to be able to sense their discomfort, so he closed his eyes where his Dōjutsu was present.

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