
Manipulation of Reality

Imagine defeating a God in an LoL match. As a reward, this God gives you the ability you've always craved. You will probably have some adventures while trying to live a comfortable life. /Mc op /Mc intelligent to some extent/ Rapid evolution/

LazinessGod · Others
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25 Chs

Chapter 1

Well, I come through this book to tell you my story of how I became one of the perfect

You might be wondering why we call ourselves perfect, the answer is quite simple actually, is that we are the apex of all existence

Unlike the beings below us, we no longer have any doors to open, or a wall to break.


There's nothing else, no matter how hard we try, we can't find the way

That's why we're called that, because we're already at the top, and that's why we're perfect

But that doesn't matter, let's talk about the before

Well, at the beginning I was nothing, a simple human, and among humans I was also simple, common, I believe is the best word to describe

I wasn't pretty or strong, maybe a little smarter than the others. But as my mom always said, I never liked pushing myself, so I didn't use that intelligence for something

As a matter of fact, I've always had a kind of selfish way of thinking, and one of my guidelines was that if I didn't know that what I did was really going to work, I didn't try.

I believe it was very related to my laziness too

But one day... Everything changed


?? December 2019

São Gonçalo/Rio de Janeiro

In a place a little away from the city, there was a house

Well, this house was not so nice, but it was enough for those who lived in it.

The resident family was not rich, but neither was it poor. Perhaps they would have been better off if the eldest son was not a neet

His name was Adriel and he was 20 years old

He just stayed home every day since he graduated, he also just worked for himself so his parents didn't have to spend it on him, but other than that, he didn't do anything anymore.

On that day, he was at home playing a game called "League of Legends', as usual, and his parents and siblings were at their respective commitments away from home.

As one of the best players in the country, with his above-average intelligence and great mechanics, he was second on the national server.

A few hours ago, he was still the first, but something strange happened, an in-game account surpassed him by a few points, if that was all he would be fine, but this account was strange, the account didn't have a single loss

He even thought it was a hacked account, but after checking a game, he found that the person who controlled this account was just abnormal, he could fight all opponents like it was nothing, sometimes he did 5v1, it felt like a conscious machine, as if calculating all the movements it was going to make in advance. He was also fast and always seemed to know where the opponent would attack

He didn't know if it was fate or something, but he ended up in a game against that account in the next game.

He was very calm, even knowing that the opponent was very good, and maybe even better than him, he still wanted to try

The game was very close and he saw the horror of the opponent, he and his team almost couldn't do anything

It was a pressure he had never felt before, and in a moment of madness or despair, he talked to his team and chose to use them as bait as he fought 4v1 with the enemy team and ran to take down the turrets until he reached the enemy Nexus

The owner of the strange account quickly understood what he wanted to do and copied his actions. At that moment a race against time started, it seemed like a fight between giants

This fight continued until the Nexus, at that time, Adriel was even sweating without knowing it, his whole body was tense and he was trying hard to count his blows against the Nexus and the champions of the enemy team.

This game was at the level of a world championship final.

When Adriel thought he was going to lose, his body instinctively clicked the mouse faster and he won the victory

He would be happier if he wasn't feeling excruciating pain in his arm. The moment he made the last click, he stretched the muscle in his forearm.

He had never tried so hard and his body was being charged for his effort.

After a few moments of moaning, he didn't even look at the computer screen, got up and went to the kitchen to get some ice to put on his arm.

He spent some time in the kitchen and then went back to his room.

When he opened the door, he went rigid looking at his computer chair.

A man was sitting on it, his back to him, his mind went through many scenarios before a second passed, until he thought of a possibility, he had seen such a scenario in a novel he read.

"You're right in your thinking, I'm really the young man in the story you read" the man said without looking back

Adriel visibly relaxed before trying to ask something and being interrupted

"Well I was bored, that's why I was playing this game, and that's also why I came here, the whole thing about giving you something and watching your life as a stalker" he said before turning around.

Adriel looked surprised by what he saw, the man's eyes were completely white filled with golden spots, like a strange universe with inverted colors

"Why do you only have this game?" the man asked

"Well, you should already know the answer" Adriel replied, accepting his situation.

"But I want to hear you talking"

"I'm not the type who likes to do things, so I don't have the money to buy a better computer" Adriel replied

"Well, your biggest wish makes sense with your personality... Anyway, let's get this over with" the man said before standing up and walking in front of Adriel and touching his forehead

Time seemed to stop for him, before everything got back to normal again

"Before I leave, I have to explain how your gift works, otherwise you might end up killing yourself quickly, and neither you nor I want that."

"As you can already imagine, you can change what you see with certain rules. You can't change living things directly, but that's fine for plants."

"You have to pay attention to one thing, don't try to do something to give yourself infinite power at once, you'll die if you try.. Raise the levels gradually. Of course, you don't have to go slow, just don't try for example, modify a pill to give you infinite powers, or close to it. Existence itself won't allow it and you'll be erased before you know it."

"Well we're done here, goodbye and good luck" the man said before simply disappearing

Adriel stood there with a thoughtful face, before finally walking and sitting in the chair

All the time he was thinking about what to do, how to start

He just gained an almost omnipotent power, so he didn't know what to do next

He stayed like this for an hour and a half before getting up and going to the kitchen, still with the ice on his arm. He went to the medicine cabinet and took out any card without looking at it too much

After taking a pill from the pack, he placed it on the table and focused his attention on it before a transparent screen appeared on top of the pill.

The screen had nothing but the object's name, so he tried to give a mental command to open that screen and there it was, a new interface appeared. This time, there was a lot of information, from atomic formation to a 3d formation of what the object design was like.

Adriel could edit any information but the part; [Class: Medicine]

At least he couldn't take out the "medicament" part, so that should be true for all objects, he thought

He noticed that there were three descriptions of the object, the first was a simple description; [Description 1: headache pill], second description; [Usage description: oral ingestion, 20 min after ingestion the pill will take effect], the last description was the ingredients that made up the pill

After watching for a while, Adriel focused on modifying the first description; [Description 1 : headache pill > total cure pill]

After the modification of the first description, the pill glowed and changed shape, becoming a crystalline golden pill. Adriel also noticed that other information has changed, such as ingredients and how to use

This time the time needed for the pill to take effect was 1 hour, Adriel thought it was too long, so it changed to 10 min

He then took the pill and a glass of water and took

While waiting for the pill to take effect, he took the cell phone out of his pocket and looked at it, it was a base model cell phone from 2 years ago. The cell phone already had a broken screen and it hadn't worked properly for a long time, he thought for a moment and decided to modify the cell phone

After focusing his attention on the phone, the transparent screen reappeared in his view, and with a thought, the modification tab opened, the layout was similar to the pill, but it had some changes. For example, Adriel could modify component by component

Before getting lost with mobile modifications, he focused on the [Durability : 40%] feature and switched to 100%. The cell phone glowed and when the light went out, it was brand new, as if it had left the factory

When Adriel was going to continue the modifications, he stopped and put his hand on his forehead

'I'm an idiot' he thought

"I should sort out the technical knowledge part first, to get the best result," he said to himself before turning his attention to the pack of pills on the table.

He thought for a moment and nodded, when he was going to focus his attention on the pill to change it, his body went rigid, he felt his whole body tingle, but he couldn't move

After a few seconds, his body returned to normal, but not only normal, his whole body was better, Adriel felt amazing, like a new body.

After checking himself out, he realized that all of his old scars and pain were gone. He got up and went to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror.

His stubble had fallen out and his face was smooth, his pimple scars all gone. His hair, once thick, was now as straight as a baby's.

From what he felt, all the hair on his body besides his hair had fallen out. He took this opportunity to shower

"I've never felt so light, and strong..."

Because of the pill, his muscles had fully healed, giving his body a little more strength, his body fats gone. His parents would definitely notice his bodily changes

'I had already chosen not to hide this ability anyway. This could definitely change our lives' He thought as he put on clean clothes

My first job, sorry for the spelling mistakes

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