
Manipulation of Reality

Imagine defeating a God in an LoL match. As a reward, this God gives you the ability you've always craved. You will probably have some adventures while trying to live a comfortable life. /Mc op /Mc intelligent to some extent/ Rapid evolution/

LazinessGod · Others
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25 Chs

Chapter 2

Later that day...

Adriel was thinking alone all afternoon, he made some basic plans and also thought about how to talk to his parents

When they got home, the first thing they noticed was their son sitting at the living room table.

They soon realized he was different

"What happened to you boy?!" asked his mother Alice was her name

She realized that her son was not the same one she saw when she left the house, he was better looking, more centered and also looking more confident. He also had a seriousness she never saw in her son.

"Mother, father, we need to talk, preferably alone..." Adriel replied, before getting up and going to his room

His parents looked at each other before following their son

As soon as the door closed, Adriel started talking

"Something happened to me today, something that will definitely change our lives, so we need to talk" he said.

"But before I explain what happened, I need to show you guys"

Adriel took an old tablet that had been broken for a long time and gave it to his parents

His parents felt awkward with all this seriousness to deliver something broken, but they refrained from speaking when they saw their son's eyes

"First of all, check the tablet, confirm its current status yourselves"

"ok" x2

His parents followed his lead and tampered with the broken electronic before confirming it was broken

After that, Adriel took the tablet and placed it on the table, before concentrating and changing the percentage from 10% to 100%

Adriel's parents will never forget the event that took place in front of them, something that would change their lives

A light shone on the tablet and the previously broken screen was brand new.

Adriel fiddled with it and the screen turned on, something his parents tried before and couldn't

Before they started their stuck questions, he spoke

"Well this is just a small thing I can do now, I can do a lot more. But first I have to tell you how it happened..."

So, in the next few moments, Adriel told his parents how he received his new ability and how it worked, then began to tell them the possibilities it would bring them. Not that his parents couldn't imagine before he spoke

"I thought of a lot of things before you guys arrived and formulated some basic plans. We have to be very careful as many countries would give all their finances and even try to give other countries' finances to get their hands on that kind of power."

"I for one don't want to become a lab rat" Adriel spoke with a shudder

"None of us want to.." his parents spoke hastily

"Well... So let's talk about the future, I have some plans..." Adriel spoke before telling his parents about his plans

In the end, his parents were thoughtful, their son's plans seemed crazy, but if they had support from that strange power, it would be very possible.

They also realized the danger they were in with something like this

At first they didn't take what their son said about being a lab rat too seriously, but after listening to their son's ideas, they realized that maybe he was right. After all, the world they lived in shouldn't be as peaceful as it seemed, since there could be other worlds as your son said, wouldn't it be at all strange that the dangers that existed in them didn't exist in theirs.

They were still feeling very awkward about what they'd just been through, such a crazy story was happening to them of all people. Your child could change their lives because of a random game on a random day

They left Adriel's room still half dazed, and still thinking about their son's plans.

It would definitely change their lives, your son said he had little plans, but that wasn't true, his plans were crazy, and a little too big.

His main plan was very greedy

It was a plan beyond anything they could ever imagine achieving, but with that ability to back him up, it would be weird not to do something like that and stay the same.

They realized that they didn't understand their son as much as they thought, he wasn't someone without motivation, he was someone without something to lean on.

Now that he had enormous power to support him, he seemed to have come out of his cocoon and become something else. They think

Things were going to get hectic, but they were feeling a happiness well up inside them. They could see their child achieve far more than they could have asked for.

They looked at each other and seemed to talk to each other with their eyes, smiled at each other and went in opposite directions.

They needed to prepare mentally and physically for what was going to happen.

A small rock in the middle of the ocean can cause a tsunami

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LazinessGodcreators' thoughts