
Majestic Brother

Parth can do anything for his little brother Bhav, even though little Bhav is a very stubborn and naughty teen but he is still the apple of Parth's eye. But when their little banter turns into a classic romance, you all will be stunned. So don't forget to read this incredible love story, where Bhav's handsome and charming brother is always with him to rectify all the work of love. This story is going to exceed your expectations manifold, it will be full of romance, and heart touching story, and also the magic of Bhav and Parth will make you fall for them. We promise you will get complete satisfaction from this story. You will not be able to imagine its climax. It's a Promise! Part 1; Bhav and Parth Notes; Mature theme New World God Power God Love BoyxBoylove Romance Human Welfare

omkalki · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Warmth and Shower

"Parth, I heard you were going to have some friends over today, is that right?" Parth's mother, Adhya asked in a soft tone.

They were all currently sitting around their big table, eating breakfast. "Yes, we are just going to hang out here for a while before heading over to the party."

Parth spoke and smiled.

"Hangout? And does that mean drinking till you get way too drunk?" Bhav's father joined in the conversation and chuckled.

Their parents didn't mind Parth drinking when he had friends over to go to a party, but they always told him to not get crazy drunk because his friends used to do a lot of crazy things while drunk, but Parth always pays attention to this.

"No, I promise you I won't," Parth chuckled. "But since they are coming over, would you mind if we get the house for ourselves?" Parth continued.

"No, not at all. We can leave the house before they come." Parth's mother said and smiled.

"Oh, and bring Bhav with you guys"

Bhav's head flew up at hearing his name and looked at them confused. "What?" he asked.

"you're leaving the house with mom and dad tonight," Parth said and looked at the smaller boy.

"What? No? I'm staying here, thank you." Bhav snickered.

"Ah c'mon Bhav, the three of us can do something fun right? Let's not bother your brother tonight." Bhav's father decided to speak up.

"No! Daddy, I am staying here." Bhav huffed and crossed his arms.

"Don't you want to come with us?" Adhya asked, trying her level best to convince this brat.

"No, I want to meet my Bhaiya(s)," Bhav said and turned his gaze to Parth who was looking at him annoyed. Bhav smirked.

"Why? They don't want to meet you." Parth scoffed, irritated by the younger's behavior. Parth knew that all his friends liked Bhav very much because they found his naughtiness adorable, which Parth did not appreciate at all.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that till you actually believe it." Bhav spitted back and gave Parth a pointed look.

Parth got so irritated by his behavior, he held the spoon in his hands tightly and almost bent it if it hasn't been for his mother speaking up.

"Ok, so Bhaveshwar, you can stay here tonight-"

"But mom-" Parth spoke but got cut off. "On one condition, you won't bother them, okay? You can greet them but if Parth tells you to leave, you must leave okay Bhavo?"

"Sure, Mumma!" Bhav said happily and grinned when he saw Parth's mad expression.


Their parents left around 5 pm because Parth had been begging them to leave, but his friends weren't even coming over till 8 or 9 pm. He just wanted to have the house for himself, because that meant he was in charge, of the house and the bratty little boy.

Bhav was sitting in the living room watching a series on the big flat-screen TV. Parth walked down the stairs after being in his room making some tunes for his song.

He walked to the living room because he heard someone quietly screaming and squealing. When he walked inside the living room, he saw Bhav wrapped up in a blanket and his eyes peeking over the blanket, while he was rolled up in a ball on their oversized couch.

Parth walked over to the quiet boy and sat beside him. "What are you watching?" he asked looking at the younger.

"Little Krishna's new series," Bhav said but his words were muffled because of the blanket.

"OK, but I'm going to watch a basketball game now," Parth said while reaching for the remoter to the TV.

Bhav didn't get to protest before Parth turned off his kid's channel and typed in the numbers to the sports channel.

"Helloo???! I was watching that!" Bhav squealed looking at Parth with an angry expression.

"Sucks to be you eh?" Parth mocked and smirked.

Bhav had enough. No one gets to interrupt him, not when he had been waiting for Little Krishna's fight series to publish. Bhav harshly removed the blanket from his body and tried to get the remote back, but Parth moves his left hand with the remoter, away.

Bhav's face changed to a mad pouting expression and he just ended up looking like a cute puppy. Bhav jumped on Parth's back after trying to get the remoter from him for the nth time and not succeeding.

"Give me the remoter back!" he squealed while hitting Parth's chest while he was hovering over his back.

"Nope." Parth mocked still sitting on the couch unbothered.

Bhav got up from Parth's back and stood in front of him, blocking the view from the tv.

"Give. Me. The. Remoter. Back." Bhav said sternly and opened up his right hand in front of Parth. Signaling him to put the remoter in his hand.

Parth's just smirked before taking the younger's hand in his own hand and pulling him forward so Bhav fell on top of his chest. He managed to get Bhav's legs on either side of his waist, and now Bhav was sitting on his lap.

"You always end up on my lap huh? Maybe you should just stay like this then." Parth teased.

"S-Shut up, you d-dragged me!" Bhav's words were muffled.

Bhav pushed his upper body up from Parth's chest and looked at the older now. He didn't know what to say. He felt his cheeks slightly starting to burn. Bhav quickly snuggled his face in the crook of the elder's neck, before Parth could see that he was blushing.

Parth just let out a deep chuckle before focusing on the basketball game again while Bhav continued to hide his face.


After the basketball game was finished and their little cuddle session was over, Parth wanted to shower before his friends came over.

He softly moved Bhav from his lap and Bhav just hummed.

"I'm going to take a shower; you're going to be fine right?"

"Erm. Duh? I've been waiting for you to leave already." Bhav sassily said and picked the remoter up from the sofa, tapped on the Kids Section, and continued where he left.

"Yeah right," Parth made a 'tsk' sound before leaving the living room.

Bhav stuck his bottom lip out making him pout from the sudden emptiness feeling. Parth's warmth. The teen boy snuggled closer to the blanket covering him and concentrated on the TV screen.


Parth walked upstairs and into his bedroom before throwing his phone on his soft bed. He then walked to his bathroom which was connected to his bedroom, and went inside. Parth stripped his clothes off and threw them into a basket with his dirty clothes in.

He went inside the shower and let the water run down his body.

Bhav on the other hand finished watching Little Krishna's episodes and started to get bored. He let out a sigh before removing the blanket from his body and standing up.

The teen then walked out of the living room and up the stairs. Bhav was about to walk to his room when he heard some humming coming from Parth's room.

Bhav stopped in his track and walked towards Parth's room, the door was a bit open so the younger fully opened it before stepping in.

Bhav tried to focus on the humming and it was Parth singing. He listened closely and walked to where it came from. Parth's bathroom. Bhav just stood beside the door and listened to the elder's voice.

Parth was amazing. His masculine voice filled the whole bathroom. Bhav was listening in silence and hummed along. He had heard this song before, Parth sang this song with his rock band in the annual celebration of his college.

But he had never heard Partha sing alone like this. Now when he had he was in awe. Parth's voice was so calming.

Parth washed his hair and body while singing. The older one could be in his room singing all day long. He felt like he was at peace when he made music or sang. Singing was his passion.

Parth finished showering and stepped out of the shower to dry himself. He wrapped a towel around his lower body, exposing his toned abs and deep v-line.

He finished inside the bathroom and walked out only to be met by Bhav running from beside him and squealing. Parth furrowed his eyebrows and had a questioning look on his face.

He ran after the younger and hugged him from behind, caging him before he had the chance to get out of the room.

"And what are you doing here?" Parth spoke in his ear while hugging his waist tighter.

"I-erm... nothing"

"Nothing? How long were you here?" his voice was deep.

"N-Not that long" Bhav tried to wiggle out of Parth's embrace, but stopped instantly when he felt something. "P-Parth w-what's that?" he asked.

"What's what?" Parth didn't know what the younger was talking about, but just a second later he knew what the younger meant, and smirked.

"Oh you mean this?" he continued and moved his abdomen up Bhav's butt.

Bhav let out a little huff before turning his body around to face Parth. He instantly regretted it because their faces were way too close.

Parth smirked and picked the ethereal up before softly throwing him on the bed.

"Seriously, what are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by when I heard some humming coming inside your room, and the door was open." Bhav softly said while looking up at the older.

Bhav just sat on Parth's bed watching him with fond eyes while staring at his back muscles flexing whenever he would move.

Parth removed the towel around his lower body and it fell on the floor.

Bhav immediately covered his eyes with his hands.

"Oh my god! You can't do that!" he spoke.

Parth just clicked his tongue and smirked. "What? You were the one staring at me in the first place."

Bhav didn't answer and continued covering his eyes. While Parth picked out his outfit for the day. He picked out a plain black saint Laurent t-shirt and paired it with some black jeans. He tucked the t-shirt in his jeans and put a belt through the jeans.

"You can look now." The older spoke and Bhav slowly removed his hands.

He was analyzing the older from head to toe. The way jeans hugged his thighs but were still loose, and his small waist was perfect for the t-shirt. He was staring at the older and thought he looked

"Ugly," Bhav spoke and got up from his laying position to sit at the edge of the bed.

"What?" Parth turned his face to look at Bhav.

"Your outfit. It's ugly." He snickered.

"You sure about that? Cause you're drooling." Parth smirked.

Bhav gasped and closed his mouth. "I am not!" he said and looked down.

Parth just chuckled before walking over to his glass shelf, which was his liquor collection.

Parth had his own liquor collection in his room just like his parent, because his parents trusted him. He found the key to his glass shelf and took the key into the keyhole before opening it. Bhav was watching from where he sat at the edge of the bed. The teen boy then walked towards Parth and stood beside him.

Parth raised an eyebrow at him when he watched as Bhav took out a bottle of Smirnoff.

"And you know what that is?" Parth asked, still with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, of course! People at my school drink this!" Bhav said and smiled at the older.

"That shit's weak," Parth said before taking the bottle out of Bhavehswar's grip. "and what were you thinking when you chose this?" he asked, still looking at the younger.

"That one for me," Bhav said like it was nothing.

"Yeah, like that's gonna happened. Do I need to remind you of how old you are again?" Parth asked and tilted his head.

"Spinach! You're so annoying!" Bhav huffed before walking over to the bed again.

Parth chuckled and placed the Smirnoff back on the shelf again before picking out two stronger alcoholic beverages.

"Why can't you just let me have it? People my age drink that all the time" Bhav huffed and crossed his arms.

"Just because they do, doesn't mean you have to. And you're so immature anyways.' Parth mocked and chuckled when he saw the offending look Bhav had on his face.


The clock was now 8:30 pm and Parth sat in the living room with Bhav on his side, waiting for the elder's friends to come.

"You remembered what mom said, right?" Parth asked and looked at the younger beside him.

"blah blah blah" Bhav mocked and stared at the older.

Parth just poked his inner cheek with his tongue, and Bhav was getting on his nerves. Parth analyzed Bhav's outfit, because the younger had changed into a pair of way to fitted skinny jeans that made his plump butt more visible, and a loose t-shirt that was revealing his collarbones.

"Why did you change clothes?" Parth asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why not?" Bhav snickered and gave the older a pointed look.

Before Parth could say anything back

The doorbell rang.

"Yeezy! My bhaiyas are here!" Bhav squealed, got up from the couch, and ran out of the living room.

"Bhav don't!" Before Parth could hold him back Bhav was already out of the room, on his way toward their main door.

Bhav saw that the maids had already opened the door and there stood 6 of Parth's friends, but one, in particular, caught Bhav's eyes.

"Laksh bhaiya!" Bhav squealed and ran over to the older.
