
Majestic Brother

Parth can do anything for his little brother Bhav, even though little Bhav is a very stubborn and naughty teen but he is still the apple of Parth's eye. But when their little banter turns into a classic romance, you all will be stunned. So don't forget to read this incredible love story, where Bhav's handsome and charming brother is always with him to rectify all the work of love. This story is going to exceed your expectations manifold, it will be full of romance, and heart touching story, and also the magic of Bhav and Parth will make you fall for them. We promise you will get complete satisfaction from this story. You will not be able to imagine its climax. It's a Promise! Part 1; Bhav and Parth Notes; Mature theme New World God Power God Love BoyxBoylove Romance Human Welfare

omkalki · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Majestic Glow

Bhav beamed when his friends hugged him, then the younger immediately pushed Parth away which made the elder angry but Bhav didn't care as he started laughing and talking to his temple friends.

"Oh, wow Bhavo, your cheeks are even redder than before" his friend praised.

"Thanks, it's all the effect of eating apples every day" Bhav shyly giggles.

"Bhavo, have you come here for the annual golden day worship?"

"Yes!!! And I am very eager to seek the blessings of my favorite God" Bhav jumped up.

"O what a shame, because God never blesses naughty and bratty kids," Parth mocked

Bhav just furiously scrunched his eyebrows, "First of all, I am not a kid! And second of my wiser thought, you're not God Somnath, are you?" he said getting mad at his elder brother.

"Who knows, maybe I could be? His incarnation?" Parth raised an eyebrow

"Yes, you could be, Parth," Parth and Bhav immediately looked at Natasha, Bhav's one of the temple's closest friends. She's actually of Parth's age but befriends his younger one to get close to her crush i.e., Parth.

"Oh Hi, Natasha" Parth greeted her

"Hello, oh this shirt is looking really nice on you baby..." Natasha spilled her feelings.

"Hmm?" Parth asked in surprising

"I mean Parth!" Natasha faked a laugh regretting that she just called him baby.

Meanwhile, Bhav was watching his best friend flirting with his elder brother which he seemed not to like much, he hates it actually! He just rolled his eyes, "come on buddies, let's worship my dearest Lord" he excitedly said changing the topic.

"Yeah!" his friends cheered

"Parth, if you like then we could stay here...?" Natasha asked nervously, asking Parth for some private time.

Parth thought for a moment, the elder always knew her inner desires and he didn't mind Natasha though, so he nodded, "sure Natasha, baby" he smiled

"What?" Bhav asked surprised

"Baby? I mean Bhav baby, you go inside the temple, baby, I and Natasha may join you later," Parth winked at his younger.

"No! You're coming with me!" Bhav furiously ordered and took Parth inside the temple with him, where all his temple friends followed him.

"Ahh! But...?" Parth felt confused by Bhav's possessiveness, the younger just went forward still holding Parth's hand. Making sure he stayed miles away from Natasha. If you ask him, Bhav would never agree that he felt jealous seeing his elder brother with someone...why? He doesn't know yet.

Bhav along with all the children prepared Rangoli in the temple and was having fun while playing and dancing with them, Parth was happy to see him smile, he was watching his younger brother from a distance, seeing him preparing for the puja.

"Okay, Bhavo! We'll be back after lunch, do you wanna join us?"

After the preparation of idolization, all the children decided to leave from there, "No, I want to adore my God alone here, you all can go!" Bhav told happily, after which all those children bid goodbye to him and left.

Parth was returning from outside the temple with the material for worship when he saw Bhav alone in the temple revering God, Bhav was chanting Lord's name with his eyes closed which was looking very delightful.

Parth was standing far away watching him and suddenly he was surprised when an angelic light started shining from inside Bhaveshwar which lit up the entire temple.

"Bhav...?" Parth softly spoke, extremely shocked by the heavenly sight.

Bhav's godly rays were luminous. His magnificence and beauty were fantastically amazing as he was so engrossed in God's meditation that he was unaware of his own dynamism strength.

"Bhavo, we're back!!!" Suddenly their attention was distracted by the knocking of those children running to them. As soon as Bhav opened his eyes and saw his friends returning, the light inside him disappeared automatically, which only Parth could witness.

"You all here so early?" Bhav asked

"We didn't like leaving you alone, please come with us," his friend pouted

"That's good, my prayers are done for the day too! So I can come, also Parth and I have brought..." the younger was speaking when Parth suddenly interrupted.

"Uh, yeah! Bhav and I have brought many toys and food for your families, it's from our father's side," Parth said, breathing deeply. Still recovering from the divine sight.

"Oh wow, that's superb! Thank you Bhavo, thanks Parth bhaiya" the children felt overjoyed. Parth and Bhav offered food and clothes to the temple residents, Parth likes to make people happy more than idolization of prayers, so he felt satisfied after donating.

After all these rituals, Bhav hugged his friends and both the brothers bid goodbye to everyone and started going towards their car.

(P.S.; In the new world, no one is required to beg or crave food or other essential things, like house, money, etc., as God facilitates everyone to look after themselves. The living standards of the new world are just heavenly, it's beyond comparison to the old world.

And in this world, God's servants, that is, Saints, priests or devotees, etc. are highly respected, even if they are not in need, but rich people earn virtue by donating them.)


While walking on the road, Parth kept staring at his younger brother, who was walking towards the car, dancing and jumping like a child to his tune. Parth smiled, maybe those divine visions were his illusion, right?

Bhav was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Parth walking closer to him to the point where Parth's chest was touching Bhav's back. Bhav was about to take a step forward when Parth threw his hands over Bhav's shoulders and pulled him back so he was hugging him.

"Oh my god! Let go of me!" Bhav hissed, trying to squirm out of Parth's grip.

"If you tell me what you meant by you and Jayjay playing," Parth whispered in Bhav's ear, bringing back that dating app topic. Bhav felts shivers at the elder's touch, that was really something else for him.

"I...I won't tell you," He uttered, trying to be brave.

Parth removed his hands around Bhav, only to travel them down Bhav's butt, and laid his hands right under the younger's butt cheeks before squeezing them making Bhav gasp and choke on his words while they both reached where the driver was standing.

"Are you okay?" their driver asked concerned.

"Yes, Bhav is fine! You please go and bring our car from the parking" Parth replied elegantly

The driver happily nodded and went to the parking lot.

Bhav didn't dare to say anything. He stood there frozen on his spot while the older was still squeezing his butt.

"I must say you got a plump butt, just like the picture hm?" Parth whispered in the younger's ear, teasing him because he knew exactly how to make Bhav frustrated and embarrassed. He smirked when he saw a tint of pink becoming visible on Bhav's cheeks.

"Bhaiya..." Bhav was uttering something, he felt very shy. (Bhaiya; Honorific title used by younger males to address older brothers or other males older than themselves.)

When suddenly their driver came back with their car, and the younger just rushed inside by the door. Parth just chuckled at him and went inside too. Later, they went back to their home without any trouble as Parth didn't ask that question further.


"So, what are you going to do tomorrow?" Parth asked looking up from his plate of food, and to where Bhav sat in front of him.

They were currently eating dinner, just the two of them cause their parents weren't home yet.

Bhav looked up from his plate too and bluntly spoke. "Why are you asking?" he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just wondering. Aren't you going over to Jayjay's or something? Since it's Saturday tomorrow."

"So? What if Jayjayie comes over to me?" Bhav huffed.

"Well, can you be nice for once and go over to Jayjay's tomorrow?"

"Why?" Bhav raised an eyebrow.

"I'm having some friends, we are going to a party," Parth spoke before leaning back in his chair.

"Cool, I'm joining too," Bhav said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Erm...? no you're not." Parth crosses his arms and looked at the younger with a confused look. Not getting why Bhav said he was going to 'join' them.

"Yes, I am. Your friends love me anyway so" Bhav said and glared at Parth.

"Bhav you can't go there at the party, as their people drink- a lot!?"

"And what about it?" Bhav challenges.

"Do I have to remind you of how young you are?"

"I. don't. care. Oh my god! You're so annoying." Bhav scoffed before he got up from his chair and left the dinner table.

Parth just tilted his head while poking his inner cheek with his tongue, and let out a breathy chuckle. Someone needs to make this kid behave.

Bhav walked up to his room and slumped down on his bed, before taking out his phone from his pocket and finding Jayjey's contact, and tapping on the calling button.

"Hi, Bhav!" Jayjay's joyful voice could be heard on the other line and Bhav felt his annoyance- because of Parth, slowly fading.

"Hi, Jayjeyie!" Bhav said.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Jayjey asked softly, a little confused why Bhav called him so suddenly.

"No nothing happened, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow?" Bhav said and smiled to himself.

"I would love to, but the Vivek's Family is coming over tomorrow and my mother won't let me go anywhere." Jayjey sighed. Vivek is Jayjay's fiancé and his family was coming to meet them yesterday.

"Owe!!! the Vivek's? is your lover boy gonna be there too?" Bhav teased.

"Oh-My-God Stop!" Jayjay huffed but he smiled at the thought that his 'lover boy' was in fact coming to his house tomorrow. Jayjay loved his fiancé Vivek wholeheartedly.

"Ok-Ok, but seriously, is he going to be there?"

"Yeah!" Jayjey said happily

The two best friends continued to talk about everything and nothing, they soon ended their call after an hour or two.

Bhav sighed and laid back on his soft pillows. He thought about what Parth told him. The older one was going to have some friends over tomorrow.

Bhav doesn't know why, but he has a thing for elder boys, and so did his best friend, Jayjey. He found them more attractive and mature than the boys at his age. And he won't admit it now, but he found Parth attractive. One would be blind if they didn't find him attractive. And Bhav knew who the elder's friends were.

So, he was indeed going to say hi to Parth's friends tomorrow. And maybe wear something pretty too?