
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs

They know each other?

[Changmin's POV]

Eyes on the board, mind on Chaewon. I had a pen between my teeth as I looked at Chaewon who was sitting two rows in front of me. The past week, she has been a bit distant from me. I felt alone, despite being the school's most popular boy and having lots of friends, they were nothing compared to Chaewon's friendship.

The bell rang and I rushed to the basketball court after grabbing my bag. I had a match today, a very important one against a guy in my school. We were gonna do 1 on 1 for the team's captain position.

He was standing in front of me, his brown hair covering his forehead, dark brown orbs staring into mine with a sly smirk plastered on his lips, Jacob. He has been the team's captain for a year now and I had to take the spot now. It wasn't that he was rude and all, he was sweet and caring but I couldn't be under him any longer.

I smirked at him and grabbed the ball, my eyes soon landing on Chaewon sitting on the bleachers giving me a hopeful look. She gave me a thumbs up and I smiled. The coach threw the ball in the air and Jacob caught it, He was an inch taller than me.


Shooting the last score as I jumped high enough so the ball could reach easily. The ball went in and the score was now 50 - 45. I WON.

The coach congratulated me and the whole school who was watching the match stood up and cheered my name. I ran to Chaewon and hugged her. She grabbed the towel hanging on my shoulder and patted the sweat away from my forehead.

Chaewon: "Congratulations team captain"

I smiled and let go of her as Jacob came towards me.

Jacob: "Great job buddy"

He tapped my shoulders and smiled.

Changmin: "Looking forward to playing with you again"


Sitting in the lunch area with Chaewon. Chanhee and Younghoon, my other two close friends. Layla aka the headgirl came towards our table.

Layla: "Hi Changminie"

I silently gagged at the nickname, she was an attention seeker. She placed her hand on mine and I jerked it off.

Changmin: "What do you want?"

I looked her at as she bend down obviously showing her chest which I was least interested in.

Layla: "Well the last time I gave you my number, you didn't call"

She pouted and blinked as her fake eyelashes covered her whole eyes, one of them even about to come off.

Changmin: "Yeah because I tore it apart the second you left"

Layla: "Aww cutie, I'll give it again"

A scoff was heard during our boring conversation, I looked at Chanhee who was judging Layla.

Chanhee: "He said he tore it apart, you don't need to throw yourself at him gosh and couldn't you find a much shorter skirt than that? It shows your buttcheeks"

Layla's eyebrows frowned at Chanhee and he rolled his eyes. She winked at me and then left.

Younghoon: "She doesn't even know how to wink"

He laughed.

Chaewon: "Plus she looks like a slut in that cheerleading outfit"

Chanhee: "She is a slut"

We all laughed and continued gossiping about Layla and her minions.


[Sunwoo's POV]

Walking towards my office with my hands in my pocket, I heard weird sounds as I got closer. Familiar voices.

??: "Fuck yeah just there"

???: "There?"

??: "Ah ah Yes...Right there"

???: "I'm tired...Is this enough?"

I twisted the handle of the door and walked in and saw Jimin and Hyunjae together.

Sunwoo: "What the fuck are you guys doing?"

Jimin: "I was scratching this asshole's back"

He said as he slapped Hyunjae back.

Sunwoo: "Next time try not to make sounds like you're having sex"

Hyunjae: "Yes sir"

Hyunjae laughed and Jimin got up and walked towards my desk grabbing his phone.

Jimin: "Hyunjae was checking random security footage when this caught his eye"

He handed me his phone as I sat on my chair.

Jimin: "It's Seonghwa, he was seen at the barrel's bar with his partner Yeosang talking to some men and was seen exchanging something most likely the latest weapons"

I nodded as the video played in front of me. Part of me thinks that they were the ones watching me and Chaewon that night but again, they don't know me. Seonghwa's dad was my dad's enemy and his dad joined Yeosang's dad's gang and together they ended my dad's life.

They all are alive and breathing right now. None of them know that I'm their dead enemy's son and none of them know the revenge I have been planning for years now. Seonghwa is my main target here, His dad loves him to bits and I'm gonna end Seonghwa first because his dad killed mine and I loved him to bits.

I know Yeosang was forced to join his dad and sometimes I feel bad for him because I see footage of him killing people but then crying because he can't do it. But this world is not a place for people like him. The world was too cruel.

I massaged my temples as Jimin took his phone

Jimin: "Do you think, they're gonna attack on the city?"

Sunwoo: "Most probably"

Hyunjae: "When are you gonna step up the game you prepared"

Sunwoo: "Soon"

Jimin: "Oh btw How's Chaewon? I didn't hear from her much"

All the thoughts left my mind as I heard her name. A smile on my lips as blood rushed to my cheeks thinking about the whole pool thing.

Hyunjae: Did...something happen?"

He questioned with a weird expression.

Sunwoo: "None of your business"

I rolled my eyes and he scoffed.

Hyunjae: "You guys slept"

Sunwoo: "What the fuck...No"

Jimin: "Then why are you blushing"

Sunwoo: "I'm not blushing"

I said as I touched my cheeks and fuck they were warm. I got up and walked out of my office feeling shy. I was supposed to be mean to people and not fall for them, Why was I changing? I looked at my watch and saw the time. I need to pick Chaewon gosh.


I was leaning on my car, sleeves rolled up, sunglasses on as everyone was staring at me while passing by, mostly girls. I saw Chaewon coming out with her arms linked to someone else's. She saw me and smiled and came towards me with her arms still linked to another guy. I looked at him and he was familiar. Way too familiar. I swear I saw him before.

Chaewon: "Sunwoo, this is Changmin...Changmin this is Sunwoo"

She pointed at me and the guy looked at me.

Changmin: "Nice to meet you Sunwoo"

He smiled and it was a fake one.

Sunwoo: "You too Changmin"

I lend him my hand to shake but he gripped it really hard.

Sunwoo: "Did we perhaps meet before?"

I said as I let go of his tight grip. He smiled...Fake again.

Changmin: "I don't think so...I never saw you before"

Liar liar pants on fire. I rolled my eyes and looked at Chaewon.

Sunwoo: "You can let go of his arm now"

She looked at the intertwined arms and awkwardly laughed.

Chaewon: "Well dimples, I'll see you tomorrow"

She hugged him as I just watched with jealousy filled inside me. I grabbed her hand and made her sit in the car. Before getting inside myself, I looked at Changmin.

Sunwoo: "Try keeping your distance from My girl"

He scoffed and smirked.

Changmin: "Of course"

He said with a straight face and I got inside my car, driving off as Chaewon was busy on her phone.