
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs


[Sunwoo's POV]

Mixing the coffee as I took the cup in my hand and walked towards the garden. I looked at the flowers that were grown and walked over to the big swimming beside it. I didn't go for a swim for almost months now.

It's been three days since I last saw that man in the woods and always kept Chaewon next to me. She grew suspicious eventually that something was wrong but I decided not to worry her. I was feeling something towards her, I know. It was not normal. It was something I never felt or never tried to feel. I wanted her, the past few days, she's been so close to me that now I feel attached to her and I fucking loved every second of that attachment because I know she was different, very different from other girls.

I scoffed remembering 'her' again. A yawn was heard from far as I knew who it belonged to.

I sat down near the edge of my swimming pool with my feet in the pool. I took a sip of my coffee, the weather was sunny today and yet here I was drinking hot coffee. I was wearing black shorts with a white tank top. My hair is still messy since I woke up twenty minutes ago. I sighed and stared at my feet that were in the pool.

Placing my cup down, I got up and took a few steps back, with a fast pace I jumped in the pool making a big splash. Fuck It was cold.

[Chaewon's POV]

Chilling on the couch watching tv while drinking orange juice. I was watching my new favorite drama when I heard a big splash from outside. What the fuck? I placed my glass down and rushed towards the garden door and hurried outside.

Chaewon: "What the hell Sunwoo"

I saw him in the swimming pool floating.

Sunwoo: "It's hot and I needed it"

Chaewon: "Whatever"

I said and went towards him as He moved his muscles around keeping him floating.

Chaewon: "How deep is it?"

Sunwoo: "15 something, Can you swim?"

I shook my head as a 'no' and he nodded. Sighing as I saw him going deeper into the pool. I was jealous, why is he enjoying the cold water alone? Fuck me because I can't swim.

He suddenly popped up in front of me and held the edge to keep himself balanced, I bend down to his level.

Chaewon: "Enjoying"

I asked touching his hair strands. He slightly smiled. I was weak again not for his smile but for him. I know I shouldn't but I can't help falling for him. I try to resist the sensation inside me for wanting him but I can't. He's been so close nowadays that I find myself staring at him. At his thick lips. My brain resists him but my heart doesn't. And I fucking know he doesn't feel the same for me.

A hand on my arm as I was lost in my thoughts. I closed my eyes as I was pulled, Cold water touching my body. I was now all wet, keeping myself from drowning as I tried to fight the water pressure to go up but I couldn't. I was out of breath at that point. Panic rushed over me, a hand gripping my waist from both sides as I tried to open my eyes underwater but I couldn't. Trying to go up to breathe but I couldn't. I was afraid of drowning and at that very moment that was happening. Oh come on it's a fucking swimming pool, I won't die, Maybe I will. Who knows.

The grip on my waist got tighter as I felt myself reaching for some air. I held the edge of the swimming pool to support myself as I took long breaths. Inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Chaewon: "Why would you do that?"

I asked after finally catching my breath. His left hand is around my waist and the right supports him while holding the edge.

Sunwoo: "Help you overcome your fear"

Chaewon: "I think you made it worse"

I scoffed as he just stared at me.

Sunwoo: "Do you trust me?"

He asked as his eyes met mine. I do. I do trust him but I know he's gonna do something not good. My eyes fell on his chest, his white top attached to his body showing his every muscle and his abs. His shorts stuck on his thick thighs. Thankfully I was wearing black and not white or else I would've been half-naked too.

Chaewon: "Yes?"

I replied with a unsure answer and he slightly nodded.

Sunwoo: "Now you're gonna trust me, Don't close your eyes okay"

I nodded as I felt him pushing my body downwards along with him. He placed my arms around his shoulders so I could hold him for balance as He gripped my waist. Holding me close to himself, I was once again all inside the water. Trying my best to hold my breath, I felt Sunwoo's hand lifting my chin up making me look at him. His doe eyes staring into mine, his clear skin glowing in the water too, his big hands around my waist making me feel many things.

Suddenly feeling all dried up, I looked at Sunwoo, tapping on his shoulder to get me up to catch my breath but he shook his head. The fuck.

I looked at him and felt him coming close, real close. His eyes not breaking contact with mine as his warm body finally touches mine sending thousands of shocks down my spine. His hand slowly trailing up my cheek as he leaned in. I didn't even try to resist what was about to happen. I wanted it to happen.

His lips attached to mine as he opened his mouth making me suck in all the air trapped inside his mouth. Was this a water Frenchie? Giving air to each other.

His head moved to a certain angle making it easier for him to kiss me. He smiled in the kiss. I felt it. I felt his lips. His touch made me shiver even tho we were literally underwater.

His lips left mine as He bought our bodies up and we both started catching our breaths. My body still balancing on him as he held the edge. Once I caught my breath, I felt him bringing me close again and this time without even wasting a minute, he smashed his lips on mine. Tilting his head making his movements faster, I gave in not by force but by choice. His hand was on my waist as I trailed my hands over his chest making circles on his clavicle. His bottom lips sucked on mine and I couldn't help but take a sound out of my mouth.

This was hot. Making out in a fucking swimming pool. He was hot.



Have a great week bubs! Next chapter soon <3