
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs

What the heck?

[Sunwoo's POV]

Lost in my thoughts while sitting in my office with Jimin in front of me discussing something with Hyunjae over the phone.

Jimin: "Geez Jae, just get it done over with"

I looked at him as he ended the call and sighed loudly

Jimin: "Hyunjae said that he couldn't find anything about Seonghwa being fishy nowadays."

I nodded and started twirling the pen in my hand.

Sunwoo: "Let's just focus on our plan at the moment"

He hummed and left my office. A loud sigh left my lips as I closed my eyes and placed my head down feeling tired.

[Chaewon's POV]


Changmin: "Bruh, I explained"

I threw the pillow at his face but he dodged it.

I don't know how to play chess and here's this piece of shit judging me for that.

Changmin: "You just have to protect the Queen...Oh gosh nevermind"

Chaewon: "Let's just do something else"

Changmin: "Fine"

We fell into silence trying to figure out what to play.


Changmin: "Chae, this is the 5TH TIME YOU'RE LOSING"

Chaewon: "Then make me win asshole"

I scoffed and he kept on laughing at me. Video games just weren't my thing okay?

Changmin: "Next time we're going to an arcade"

Chaewon: "Fine!"

He pushed me not that hard but not that soft either.

Chaewon: "Dude, I was about to fall"

Changmin: 'Tsk...Should've fallen"


Sitting on my favorite couch while slurping a chocolate milkshake. I was waiting for the only person who lives here with me.

In a moment or two the door opened. I jerked my head to the side to see and saw Sunwoo entering while taking his coat off.

Chaewon: "Hi"

I smiled at him and he glanced at me and smiled back.

Sunwoo: "Hey"

He looked weak today. His eyes were red and his smile was not his smile. Was something wrong?

I got up and walked towards him.

Chaewon: "Are you fine?"

I asked looking at him really close.

Sunwoo: "Yeah, Just some headache"

He smiled I'm sure He was lying.

Sunwoo: "I'll get some sleep"

I nodded and watched him going upstairs and then shutting the door of his room. I went back and sat on the couch and went back to watching tv with Sunwoo still in mind.

[Sunwoo's POV]

Heavily throwing myself on my bed, I curled myself into my blanket. I hope Chaewon didn't think I ignored her.

Only sighs left my lips as my eyelids got heavier but a sudden movement on the side of my eye alerted me as I sat straight.

Gosh not tonight, not now, I'm not in the mood to fight anyone. I got up and walked towards the glass door that led to my balcony. Staring outside as I saw nothing but the moon in the sky. I walked towards my closet and turned the light on. I grabbed a gun from under my clothes and walked towards my bed again. I placed it under my pillow just to be safe and suddenly I thought about Chaewon. Fuck.

I rushed downstairs but she wasn't there. Went to the garage, she wasn't there, the swimming pool was empty. Blood started rushing in my head as I could do nothing but stare at the couch she was sitting on before. Panic all over me as I stared here and there trying to get something at least. Why did it have to be Chaewon? I gripped my hair in my hands as I fell on my knees trying to think.

Okay, I didn't hear anything so she's not gone.

Sunwoo: "Fuck this"

I rushed up to her room and harshly opened the door revealing an empty room. A humming voice entered my ears as I followed it. Light footsteps as I was now standing in front of Chaewon's washroom. Should I open it? Or not?

I twisted the door handle as I let go suddenly. Its unlocked? Gathering my courage that was near my feet now. I burst open the door and the sight infront of me made me embarrased. Chaewon taking a shower and her whole body visible to me. I was staring at her. Her body.

A sudden scream scaring the shit out of me making me scream.

Sunwoo: "JESUS"

I closed the door and breathed heavily. Oh gosh.



Sorry I have been busy with the new comeback of THE BOYZ and all!! STREAM LIP GLOSS BY THE BOYZ~