
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs


[Sunwoo's POV] {Morning}

Stuffing the waffles in my mouth while reading the newspaper as one of the headlines took all my attention.

'Most Expensive Diamond Gone Missing'

I chuckle knowing who it was. I turned the page and continued reading when a small groan could be heard. I looked behind me and saw Chaewon coming downstairs while rubbing her eyes.

Sunwoo: "You're awake early today."

I said with a serious, cold tone and she stopped in her tracks.

Chaewon: "You're home for the first time in the morning"

Sunwoo: "Now probably your day will go perfectly since you saw my handsome face"

She made a vomiting sound and walked into the kitchen.

Chaewon: "As if"

Sunwoo: "I'll be going now, don't wait for me at night, don't miss me too much"

Chaewon: "Hmmm"

She folded her arms over her chest and looked at me weirdly.

Chaewon: "I heard noises last night"

I was picking up my coat but stopped. I turned my face toward her and asked.

Sunwoo: "What type of noises?"

Chaewon: "Screaming"

Sunwoo: "I didn't hear anything"

Chaewon: "Maybe I was just hearing things"

Sunwoo: "Congratulations Kim Chaewon, you just wasted my 5 minutes"

Chaewon: "It's Hwang"

She said in an annoyed tone as I picked up my coat, wore it, and then walked towards her.

Sunwoo: "It's Kim from now"

I smirked and left the house. Ugh, can't believe I'm stuck with her.


Sunwoo: "Ay jimin"

Jimin: "This is the fifth time you're calling me Sunwoo"

I smiled cause I loved teasing him.

Jimin: "Glad to see you smile"

Sunwoo: "Can't we just kill her hyung?

{'Hyung' is used in Korean/hangul language for 'older brother'}

He looked at me dead serious.

Sunwoo: "Okay okay chill... Jeez"

Jimin: "Did u make her breakfast?"

Sunwoo: "Who?"

Jimin: "Chaewon?"

Sunwoo: "Why would I do that?

Jimin: "Seriously??"

Sunwoo: "I'm not her servant"

Jimin: "Gosh... I'm gonna check on her"

Sunwoo: "Why do you care about her so much?"

Jimin: "Because she's not a toy Sunwoo... you used everyone just like this and then just killed them as if they're nothing. She already suffered so much and you not even caring about her makes me heartbroken"

Sunwoo: "So what? People just use you all the time"

Jimin: "Give her a chance at least Sunwoo. Maybe she's different"

Sunwoo: "All girls are the same Hyung"

I let out a deep sigh as that one particular person came to my mind. Jimin stayed quiet and just left leaving me in Guilt now.


[Chaewon's POV]

Ah, fuck my neck hurts. I was watching anime as always since KIM SUNWOO trapped me here but life was better only the hours sunwoo was not around. Jimin messaged me to get ready because he wanted to visit a cafe that opened in Seoul. Sunwoo's mansion was way far from Seoul, I don't why he had to make a house so away from the city makes me miss the city lights.


Jimin: "How is the cafe?"

I looked mesmerized by the aesthetic looks of the cafe. It was just my type, soft colors.

Chaewon: "It's pretty"

I smiled at him and he returned the smile gently.

Jimin: "Let's play a game!"

Chaewon: "Okay! I love games"

Jimin: "Secrets?"

Chaewon: "What type of game is that?"

Jimin: "You have to ask a question and the other person has to reply within 10 seconds"

Chaewon: "Ohhh...What happens when u don't answer within 10 seconds?"

Jimin: "A punishment?"

I made a realizing face and he smiled.

Jimin: "You go first"

Chaewon: "Okay. Do you have a girlfriend? Or like anyone?"

Jimin: "Pffpt No"

I looked at him up and down and he laughed.

Jimin: "I'm serious"

Chaewon: "Okay there is no way, a handsome guy like you is single."

Jimin: "I'll take that as a compliment...Did u ever date?"

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed.

Chaewon: "Nah, my stepmother kept an eye on me all the time so nope"

Jimin: " Well I could say the same that there's no way a girl like you was single her whole life"

Chaewon: "Haha...Do you have any siblings?"

Jimin got quiet as his eyes landed on his cup.

Jimin: "Older brother was burned to death."

I gasped as he bit his lower lip.

Chaewon: "I'm sorry"

Jimin: "Younger sister was shot right in her head in front of my eyes"

The atmosphere around us was now gloomy.

Chaewon: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that"

Jimin: "It's fine. I have sunwoo and he is like a younger brother to me"

I smiled and he let out a heavy sigh.

Jimin: "Well past is the past"

I hummed still feeling guilty for asking that question.

Jimin: "My turn"

He suddenly said scaring the shit out of me.


The game continued and we laughed like horses and kept on hitting each other while laughing. My day was much better because of him.



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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