
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs

His Smile

[Chaewon's POV]

Well, it was a weekend which meant that Sunwoo would be home today. I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror with a toothbrush in my mouth, hoping that Sunwoo has an important meeting or anything at all. I wore a white shirt with black ripped jeans and headed downstairs. And of course, there he was, my living nightmare. It has been a month with this guy but I still don't understand him.

One day he's like a sweetheart, being all nice and buying clothes for me, and the other day, he acts as if someone destroyed his house. UGH!

Well, I tried not to show my annoyance and went straight to the kitchen. The only thing I didn't like about this house was that the dining table was right in front of the kitchen and Sunwoo always sat there in the morning.

Sunwoo: "Morning"

He said but didn't make eye contact with me.

Chaewon: "Morning"

I replied with a straight face matching his energy. I could feel his eyes on me as I poured the coffee.

Sunwoo: "Do you wanna go out?"

I stopped.

Chaewon: "What?"

I wanted to make sure what he said. He cleared his throat and said.

Sunwoo: "Do you want to go out?"

Chaewon: "Are you asking me for a date?"

Sunwoo: "EW"

I rolled my eyes.

Sunwoo: "Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You look like an ugly duckling"

Chaewon: "Oh Mr.Sunwoo...You also look like a damn smelly raccoon"

Sunwoo: "Raccoons are cute, unlike ugly ducklings like you. I was just asking because my friend invited me to a party tonight and I have to bring a plus one"

Chaewon: "Then go fetch a girl from a bar. I'm an ugly duckling anyway"

Sunwoo: "I'm just wasting my time on a dumbass. I have some errands to run, be ready at 7. I'll send a dress, Wear that!"

He grabbed his car keys and left. Peace for some time at least.

[Sunwoo's POV]

Jimin: "Why the fuck would you call me on A WEEKEND??"

Sunwoo: "I have stuff to do plus I couldn't bear her face anymore."

Jimin: "Oh gosh. Oh, Are you taking her to Juyeon's party tonight?"

Sunwoo: "Yeah"

He squinted his eyes at me.

Sunwoo: "What?"

Jimin: "Nothing..."

Sunwoo: "Can you send her a dress?"

Jimin: "Now I have to go and buy her a Dior or a Chanel dress."

Sunwoo: "Yep"

Jimin showed his middle finger to me and left my office. Suddenly my phone started ringing taking all my attention.


Sunwoo: "What do you want Hyunjae?"

Hyunjae: "Uh excuse me? No hi or hello?"

Sunwoo: "Hi"

Hyunjae: "Ignorant Bitch"

Sunwoo: "Kiss my ass"

Hyunjae: "I'd rather not, I'll skip the offer. I got the information you want on Chaewon. I'll send it"

Sunwoo: "Okay thank you"

I ended the call-

[Chaewon's POV]

Jimin delivered things to me and said that they were for the party tonight.

Do I really have to go? I would rather sit in my bed and watch dramas.

I opened the shopping bags and ofc they were brands. A beautiful emerald dress with a slit cut over the thigh. Emerald earrings with a necklace that matched the earrings.

When do I even have to get ready? The fuck? I dialed the number which I least wanted to talk to right now. 'Mr.Racoon"


Sunwoo: "What?"

Chaewon: "Drop the attitude and tell me what time should I get ready?"

Sunwoo: " Probably at 11"

Chaewon: "We're gonna be there at midnight?"

Sunwoo: "Yes"

With that, he ended the call. Bastard.

I threw my phone on the couch and went towards the kitchen. I wanted to cook today since the chef always made food for us but he wasn't here today. Rich people's problems ig. Can't Sunwoo cook?

I opened the drawers and took out the ingredients. And then got busy cooking.

[Sunwoo's POV]

Checking the information Hyunjae sent me, she was a pretty simple girl with lots of attitudes.

Her mom died due to cancer and her dad left her to marry someone else only to come back and make her life miserable. The fuck?

She is the only child. Has fear of guns. She joined therapy classes but soon stopped going. She has a best friend 'Changmin'.

The name sounds familiar. I heard it somewhere while on my missions. She has been single her whole life? Weird-

[Chaewon's POV]

10:00 P.M

I stretched my arms and finally got out of bed and went in to take a shower.


I curled my hair and wore simple makeup then rushed to grab the dress from the closet. I looked at it again and then wore it. I wore the emerald earrings but decided to wear the emerald necklace I was already wearing which was the only thing left of my mom with me. I wore heels too then.

I glanced at myself once again in the mirror, the dress fit my body just perfectly, it showed all my curves. I picked up my phone and checked the time but saw a message sent by Sunwoo.

Mr.Racoon I'm outside, hurry up.

I typed 'okay' and then left the room.


I saw him standing near his car while checking his phone. He was wearing a black suit. His bangs only covered his left eye because of the gell applied to it. He spotted me and walked closer while eyeing me up and down.

Sunwoo: "You're looking....good"

Chaewon: "Thank you"

He came closer.

Sunwoo: "That's not the necklace I sent"

Chaewon: "Yeah, this is my mom's. I never take it off"

Why was he stepping closer to me? He bought his hand near my neck and gently picked up the necklace that was laying on my neck. His warm fingers brushed my skin.

Sunwoo: "It's pretty. Matches the dress"

His eyes now staring at me. I stared back.

Sunwoo: "You're love staring at me right now"

He smiled and this was the first time I saw him smiling. I wanted to stare more but I scoffed and pushed him gently and walked up to the car while blood rushed down my cheek. Dang it. Why was he making me feel this way?