
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs

Kitten? Princess?

[Author's POV]

Struggling to open her eyes as her vision was still blur... she slightly got up and rested her head on the headboard.

Chaewon: "It hurts. Ugh."

Jimin: "Hey?"

An angelic voice entered her ear and she knew who he was. Chaewon tried opening my eyes and lastly, she succeeded.

Chaewon: 'Hi"

Jimin: "How are you feeling?"

Chaewon: "Dead"

Jimin: "Are you hungry?"

Chaewon: "Yeah"


[Chaewon's POV]

Heading downstairs, finally getting some sunlight as a heavy breath left my mouth.

Jimin: "You have Uni too today. Do you wanna go?"

Chaewon: "I have to. I have exams soon"

Jimin: "Okay! I'll drive you then!"

He said as I settled down at the dining table while jimin was bringing food for me from the kitchen.

Jimin: "Pancakes made by Park jimin"

He said in a cute accent as I smiled.

Jimin: "Oh can't forget the caramel syrup...Oh, wait, Caramel or Chocolate?"

Chaewon: "Do you have strawberry syrup?"

Jimin: "Uhm nope. Sunwoo is allergic to anything strawberry so..."

Chaewon: "Oh okay, I'll take Chocolate then"

He smiled and handed me the syrup bottle.

He really is an example of a Perfect man <3


[Time Skip]

I entered my University's main hall and sweat was breaking over me. I didn't attend for a week. How much have I missed out? I had no idea. Where my friends were. This was all messed up. I didn't waste any more time and made my way to my class hoping to see Changmin there.

I entered and sighed in relief since the teacher was not there yet.

??: "CHAEWON!"

Surprised by the sudden call, I looked behind only to encounter Changmin with a worried face.

Changmin: "You need some explanation to do."

He said as he folded his arms on his chest.


-Lunch Break-

Chaewon: "So yeah that's how I ended up with this guy"

I completed my sentence after telling him the whole story and this time mentioned his name too!

Changmin: "Sunwoo..."

He said while looking at the table on which we both were seated.

Changmin: "Kim sunwoo"

Chaewon: "Yeah"

Changmin: "Well whatsoever... Stay away from him. Just warning you!"

He raised his left eyebrow and sighed.

Chaewon: "I'm trying my best"

I said as I showed him an awkward smile making him smile which showed his dimples.


Chatting with changmin while exiting the University as it was finally time to go home. Gosh, I really missed talking to my one and only comfort zone. I spotted Jimin standing beside his car with his hands in his pockets and he was looking around.

Guess it was time to say bye to Changmin. I hugged him as he hugged back and the warmth of his hug was still present.

Changmin: "I'll see you tomorrow then"

Chaewon: "I hope so... Bye Dimples"

Changmin: "Ba bye sunshine!"

I smiled as he said my nickname which was of course given by him.

I made my way towards Jimin and he saw me coming and gave a smile.

Jimin: "Who was that?"

Chaewon: "Oh my best friend"

Jimin: "Oh btw we won't be going home right now"

Chaewon: "Then where are we going?"


He laughed while I watched him with a confused face.

Jimin: "Sunwoo said that you need new clothes?"

Chaewon: "No I don't"

Jimin: "It's fine, we'll still go shopping"


-Shopping Mall-

Chaewon: "Who are we waiting for?"

Jimin: "Sunwoo"

Chaewon: "Why?"

He chuckled and replied.

Jimin: "Because I have work to do and sunwoo was free so he offered to take you out shopping"

Chaewon: "No thanks I'm going home"

I waved at jimin and turned around only to bump into a hard chest.

Chaewon: "Can't you watch where you're going?"

I looked up while rubbing my forehead. Was that a chest or a wall? Oh fuck it was Sunwoo. NOOOOOO!

He bent down to my level as I was small compared to his height. His face was right in front of mine, way too close making my heart race as he steps closer coming near my ear and whispering.

Sunwoo: "You can't run away now princess"

A cold shiver runs down my spine as I gulp and he finally moves his damn face out of my face. Does he have a split personality or what? One moment he's damn cold and wants to kill me and the second moment he calls me kitten and princess as if he just didn't threaten to shoot me right in the head.

Chaewon: "So annoying"

I silently said but I'm pretty sure he heard me because his facial expression changed.

[Sunwoo's POV]

Wandering in the store as I glanced at Chaewon who was looking through clothes. She might be the first girl that doesn't like shopping, especially for brands.

I walked to her to see if she liked something.

Sunwoo: "Anything?"

I asked with a cold tone as she looked at me with her doe, brown eyes.

Chaewon: "No! Let's go home"

She completed her sentence and walked out of the store while I kept standing there.

Forget her, I'll just choose for her. She's annoying anyway.

I showed my hand to the customer service reps and one of them showed up immediately to me.

Sunwoo: "Give me all of this collection"

I told him while pointing at half of the store as the person looked at me stunned.

Rep: "This all?"

Sunwoo: " What else did I say?"

Rep: "Yes sir! I'll be right back!"

Sunwoo: "Hurry up"

I sighed and looked at my watch and then my eyes roamed around for chaewon. She was standing outside with a drink in her hand.



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