
Losing The Night

"Don't take a step closer" she said almost yelling her eyes widen as he was moving his legs trying to move close to her "not even a step closer" she added as she raise her voice at him but he didn't seem to listen he was actually trying to move close to her "one more step and I will kill myself right here in your arms" she added which make him freeze on the spot "I wish you a safe trip your highness" she bow politely and leaves Tina is fifteen years old when she met Charles the crown prince whom she fell in love with unknowingly to her that he was the crown prince of the most powerful country they got separated the day she realize that they were words apart.

Ademide_Adeoye · Teen
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25 Chs


In the ward Charles was in the ward the ward was so big and luxurious oxygen pipe was pass through Charles nose the anesthesia monitor was place beside him as his heart was beating steady.

The doctor and the prime minister were already in the ward the prime minister keep glancing at the sleeping Charles "he is a strong child" the doctor said causing the prime minister to raise his head up and look at him "some people had died having similar accident I think he has a reason to live" he added "that's why am asking you to erase his memory" the prime minister said "we treat people we are not God minister I can't erase his memory unless he has a brain damage but he did not"

"There is nothing science can not do doctor I have a reason for this his Majesty want this for him" the doctor inhale shapely and return his gaze back to Charles "thirty Millon dollars will do" he smirk as the doctor eyes widen "deal?" He ask "I will arrange do it tonight it is a partial coma he might wake up anytime soon" the prime minister smirk triumphantly and bring out his phone few minutes later after the prime minister put his phone back in his pocket the doctor phone vibrated he check his phone and was shock the prime minister just credited his account with thirty million dollars "make sure you do that tonight"


Tears tick down Charles eyes as he listen to their conversation unknown to them that he was just in coma he is fully awake and was able to listen to every of their conversation emotions started burning in him he felt hurt and annoy 'he want to show them that he was not the weak child they think he is, he will surely avenge'

The prime minister walk back to the viewing center Klara was sitted like a motionless object she smile when she saw her father she stand up and move closer to him "Dad" she said "follow me" he said and leave as Klara follow him they stop and sit at the receiving room "I ask the doctor to erase Charles memory" Klara has widen as her heart skip a beat "what!! Dad if you do that he will forget everything about me" she said almost yelling "not only you Klara and Tina too"

James who has follow them quietly hide under the chair and listen to their conversation he grasp hearing that the prime minister wants to erase Charles his best friend memory.

"But he will also forget that we were engage"

"Then I will re_engage you guys" the prime minister said and klara smile this is her only chance to have him once he completely forget about Tina he will be for her and her alone.

Countable tears tick down James eyes as he walk into Charles ward he saw his sleepy friends and inhale he move closer to him and sit beside him he rub his hair and smile at him "can you remember the day we met over the castle fence we were just five years old back then" he wipe his tears and hold his hand "I was actually running away from my dad I don't want to get beaten by him you ask me who am I, I told you who are you to ask me that question not even knowing you are the crown prince" he smile as he resist his tears from flowing "we fight a great deal then till your mum interfere she told us to be a good boy and we should not fight she took me back home and explain it all to my father..... First day pass second day third we became close friends you became my twins brother we wear the same cloth any time I come to the palace and play with mum also she read us folktales and rub our hair under the moonlight".

"she told us give up but don't stop fighting I had a hard time figuring out the meaning of this quote I realize that she was actually talking about herself the day she died that... Tears you shed that day that pain you felt that day pierce my heart and I vow to protect you"

He sit upright and rub his hair "but five years later when we are Ten years you got engaged against your will but that night after your engagement we play gist and talk together, you always tell me there is no reason to live but I didn't have the chance to tell you that you are the reason I am living" tears tick down Charles eyes listening to him he wish he could stand up and hug him he is hurting him on this sick bed he could feel it his voice was fill with hurt, pain and longing "six years later we are sixteen and now mature damn you grew up handsome that every girl was dying to have you I sometimes get jealous of your beauty sometimes I wish I could just steal your "he chuckles as Charles smile invisibly 'you punk I always get jealous of your beauty too you are more handsome than I am' he said to himself "but you met Tina and found a reason to live you smile a lot and laugh a lot you got to feel to feel what love it and am happy about that" he lips curve up into a bitter smile "but Charles no matter what happen I want you to come back for Tina I want you to be selfish and live for yourself" he said and weeps clutching unto his arms knowing he won't be able to remember him when he wakes up he has to take this chance and confess his true feelings to him warm tears flow down Charles cheek as he heard his best friend repeat the word 'be selfish and live for yourself' he knew clearly what he mean by that he knew he has a battle ahead to fight.