
Losing The Night

"Don't take a step closer" she said almost yelling her eyes widen as he was moving his legs trying to move close to her "not even a step closer" she added as she raise her voice at him but he didn't seem to listen he was actually trying to move close to her "one more step and I will kill myself right here in your arms" she added which make him freeze on the spot "I wish you a safe trip your highness" she bow politely and leaves Tina is fifteen years old when she met Charles the crown prince whom she fell in love with unknowingly to her that he was the crown prince of the most powerful country they got separated the day she realize that they were words apart.

Ademide_Adeoye · Teen
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25 Chs


The police sirens were horning all over the incident place Charles was taken by an ambulance as a 'do not cross banner' was paste all over the incident scene James who has already heard about the incident rush to the hospital which Charles was admitted he blame himself for letting Charles out of the palace if only he knew that Charles would had am accident on his way back he would have not let him out James and Klara stay and waited by the viewing room just outside the operating room that Charles was been operated James stay there and watch his friend being operated warm tears flow down his cheeks 'Charles has always wanted a simple life he didn't want this and it all my fault' he clench his fist together and inhale "is that what you are suppose to be doing now it all your fault and you are just standing there crying" Klara said and scoff James avert his gaze from the operation center and look at Klara with annoyance written all over his face "because of you now the king had cancel our marriage" she added and ran her finger through her hair James grab her by the collar and pin her against the wall with annoyance "what is the meaning of this" Klara yell and cough James look so angry as his fist around klara slightly turn white "this is all your fault Klara" klara eyes widen James has never call her Klara before but now he was so angry and he didn't look like the funny and calm James she knew "if you have leave him with Tina he won't be in that place" he yell "if anything happens to him I will kill you together with myself and we will go to hell together" he release his hand around her collar and shift his gaze back to the operation center Klara was panting for breath rubbing her neck as her heart race faster she have not seen the other side of James if not now that the funny smiling guy turn to the cranky bloodthirstiest king.

In the operation room the doctor were busy stitching Charles deep cut Charles was in trance remembering his mom and the special moment they spent together 'give up but don't stop fighting' he saw James smiling at him and messing up his hair like he always do 'you are a good boy you what Charles sometimes you just have to be selfish and live for yourself' 'live for yourself, live for yourself' the word keep replaying in his head as the trance end as he saw Tina and the first kiss they shared his pulse start dropping as he saw Tina in his trance "can you feel the love tonight" the melody play in his head Tina smile at him in her white sleek in the trance and his pulse return back to normal 'Don't take a step closer' his heart skip a beat as tears tick down 'no matter how much I think of it am just your weekend love' his respiratory pattern started dropping the doctors eyes widen as they look at the anesthesia monitor "give me the defibrillator" the doctor said as a nurse hand him the shock defibrillator "one two three" they deliver an electric shock to his chest 'i wish you a great life your highness' his pulse went down as the doctor keep releasing electric shock in his body


"What's going on here" the prime minister ask Klara run to him and hug him "dad" she call out and cry in his chest "it okay" he pull away and look at James "where is he" he ask James "can't you see how I put him in my head" John chuckles as he move closer to James he raise his chin up as he shoot him a deadly glare "you are just the same as your friend" he leave him and look at Klara "he is in the threate dad they are operating him" Klara said thirty minutes later the green light in the threate room turn off the prime minister rush towards the doctor as he come out from the threate room "how is he?" The prime minister ask the doctor sigh out heavily "am sorry to inform you that he is in coma but it now that deep coma he will wake up after two weeks or more" the prime minister inhale as he smile wickedly at the doctor "can you erase his memory?" He ask as the doctor eyes widen with shock.