
lonely princess

Amna, a lonely and isolated individual, lived a solitary life, devoid of meaningful connections and friendships. Her life was marked by sadness and disconnection, ultimately leading to a solitary death. However, Amna's story takes a remarkable turn as she is reborn into a new life. With a fresh start, she is determined to break free from her past isolation and forge lasting connections with others. As Amna embarks on her new journey, she meets a diverse group of individuals who become her friends and confidants. Together, they share experiences, support each other, and explore the world around them. Through her friendships and experiences, Amna discovers a sense of belonging and purpose, transforming her life from one of loneliness to one of joy, connection, and fulfillment. With each step, Amna's story becomes one of hope, resilience, and the power of human connection.

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36 Chs


Amna's eyes locked onto Shahmeer's, her gaze piercing and unyielding. She could see the truth in his eyes, and she knew she had finally gotten to the bottom of the mystery.

Shahmeer sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Fine, Amna. Yes, it was me. I was the one who saved you in the basement that day."

Amna's heart raced with excitement and relief. She had been right all along! "Why did you deny it earlier?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Shahmeer shrugged, his eyes still cast downward. "I didn't want to get involved, okay? I was just passing by, and I saw you in trouble. I helped you out, and that was it. I didn't want any thanks or recognition. I just wanted to move on with my life."

Amna's eyes widened in disbelief. "Just passing by? You expect me to believe that? You saved my life, Shahmeer! You could have just left me there, but you chose to help me. Why?"

Shahmeer's gaze finally met hers, his eyes flashing with a hint of emotion. "Because I couldn't just stand by and watch you get hurt, okay? I may not know you, Amna, but I'm not a monster either. I have a heart, and it told me to help you that day."

Amna's heart swelled with gratitude and admiration for this mysterious boy who had saved her life. She knew she had to make him understand the impact of his actions. "Shahmeer, you may have just been passing by, but your actions changed my life that day. You gave me a second chance, and I'll always be grateful for that."

Shahmeer's expression softened, and he looked away, his jaw clenched. Amna could see the tension in his body, but she also saw a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something new, something beautiful.