
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Loki the Menace

Teleporting out of Kai's prison world, I ended up in the forests of Mystical Falls. I then hear people talking from the Salvatore Boarding House. I began walking to the house and saw that Elena and Damon were talking.

Snapping my fingers, I made my outfit fit the clothes of the 2000s, walking to the porch, I went into the house and saw Elena talking to Damon, walking up to Damon, before I could reach them, he saw me and was a bit shocked.

Elena followed Damon's eyes to see me with my chiseled face alongside my jeans, sandals, and red sweater over a shirt that read Okay. "Do you know him?" asked Elena to Damon who she now knows as Stefan's brother.

"Yeah, I met him once," stated Damon.

I walked up to the two of them, "Well, hello there, who might this lovely lady be?" I asked politely with a smile.

Elena smiled, "My name is Elena Gilberts," introduced Elena.

Damon narrowed his eyes, "My name is Damon Salvatore, but you already know that don't you," stated Damon wondering if I was a vampire, werewolf, or something else. "Elena, Stefan is not here, so can you give us privacy, I want to talk to this person one on one."

Elena shrugged, "Alright," walking to the couch and sitting down Damon then led me to the porch where Stefan appeared right behind me which was not surprising at all. Closing the door to not alert Elena, Damon's eyes grew cold.

"Um, I know what you guys are thinking, how am I alive right?" I asked sheepishly.

"Are you a vampire?" asked Damon trying to look intimidating. Stefan stood beside his brother and stared at me with a curious gaze.

"Um...will you believe me if I say I am an Immortal Witch?" I said chuckling a little.

Damon had enough and looked into my eyes, "I compel you to tell me the truth about who you are," commanded Damon.

"What was that supposed to do?" I asked quite curious then I remembered, when I watched the show, vampires could compel humans by looking into their eyes.

Damon grew irritated and blitzed toward me but before he could react, he was sent flying onto a car. Stefan's eyes widen, then he tried to blitz towards me also, but just like his brother, he got sent flying. "Seriously, I say I am a witch and you try to kill me?" I said shaking my head.

Damon grabbed a glass shard and threw it towards me, I caught it with two fingers, then sent it back to Damon impaling his shoulder. "Dammit! How the hell did he do that?" asked Damon pulling the glass shard out.

"What was I supposed to do? Let you impale me with the glass shard?" I state mock hurt by what Damon said.

Stefan then blitzed behind me, grabbing my shoulders, he flew back in shock, quite literally as I used a bit of lightning chakra mode shocking Stefan. "What in the hell?" asked Stefan wheezing. I then watch in slow motion as Damon tried to punch me, I didn't want to dodge but...

Dodging each and everyone, I then grabbed one of his punches and flipped him over my shoulder hitting him on the concrete creating a mini crater. Spitting out a bit of spit and blood, Damon and Stefan got up quickly. "What the hell are you?" asked Stefan a bit out of breath.

"I am BATMAN!!" I joked, "Alright, enough playing around, if you guys insist on trying to fight me, then I have no choice," Chanting: Impediendum, Stefan, and Damon tried to move but couldn't.

"You're a witch?!" stated Damon shocked that he could not move.

"I did say I am an Immortal Witch," I confirmed as I released the spell.

Damon immediately blitzed towards me and I had let my guard down him a little so he managed to snap my neck. Falling to the ground, I fell dead. "Immortal my ass," said Damon mocking me.

Walking away, Damon and Stefan went into the house to find Elena. Finding Elena sitting at a table with...

Loki?! They couldn't do anything but Damon looked outside to find the body still laying there, so how the hell is Loki here? I waved at them, "Elena, look Stefan is right there," I stated waving them over.

Reluctantly, they went to the table and sat down, "So, where were you Stefan?" asked Elena a bit angry.

"I was out taking a leak," lied Stefan cooly.

"Oh, yeah, I just came here to see you, and talk to you about something," stated Elena.

Stefan smiled, "Well, then let's talk outside," said Stefan taking Elena outside.

"I did say I am Immortal, and can you please stop attacking me, I haven't done anything wrong," I state sincerely.

Damon's face grew red with anger, "How are you alive? I killed you," claimed Damon.

"Why don't you listen, I am Immortal, I cannot die, oh my god." Why doesn't Damon understand...

"Impossible, even vampires die, you are lying," claimed Damon a bit perplexed.

I breathed in and out, I was getting annoyed at this point, "Damon, please, I already told you that I am Immortal, why do you think I'm lying?"

Damon then again tried to snap my neck, falling onto the ground dead, Damon looked around then spotted me in the kitchen. "DAMMIT!! How the hell are you doing that?!"

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe I am just built different," I answered. Damon began poking the body but suddenly the body turned into a vervain mist burning Damon's eyes and skin. "Also, don't get too close to my bodies, they explode randomly."

Damon controlled his screaming to a minimum, Stefan then appeared right beside Damon and tried to help him which kind of work. They both stared at me, Stefan with his eyes of calculation, while Damon had eyes of blood and murder.

"Can you stop looking at me like that, I have not done anything wrong," I said sighing.

Stefan and Damon looked at each other, they both nodded and pulled out both of their stakes. Damon rushed towards me while Stefan tried to flank, stabbing towards my heart, Damon didn't expect me to punch the stake into splinters.

Then before Stefan can do anything, I grabbed Damon and used an original move: Jupiter Palm, hitting Damon in the face with my palm, he was sent flying and eventually landed on the wall cracking it.

Usually, Jupiter Palm involved a palm thrust with the mass of Jupiter but since I didn't want to explode Earth including the other planets, I toned it down to only hurt like 3 freight trucks hitting you full speed.

I then felt the impact of Stefan's stake but moved my body like water making the stake slip off my skin and I turned my body striking Stefan in the body and making him spit blood. "Goddamn, what the hell is this guy?"

Damon got up slowly holding his face, Stefan moved beside Damon and clutched his stomach. "Fine, if you won't leave me alone then I'll just end your pitiful existence," I state ready to chant a spell.

"Fine, we will leave you alone," said Stefan abruptly.

Damon spit out some blood, "Alright, we'll leave you alone, just get out of our house," stated Damon.

"Nah, since you guys tried to attack me then I decided I will live here," as I said that, Damon and Stefan's faces grew pale. "Oh, don't worry, I am the best roommate you'll ever get."

"Alright," said Stefan.

Damon was about to protest but got a look from Stefan to shut it, "Tch," grunted Damon, and they both went to the basement to drink some blood. While drinking blood Damon was annoyed, "Why did you agree to let him live in our freaking house?"

Stefan was drinking animal blood, "Because, don't you wonder who or what he is? Also, he can just force us to move, and also did you notice he never used magic to deal with us, it either means he has weak magic or his magic is too strong," stated Stefan bluntly.

Damon had to agree since the spell he used on them made them unable to move, and if Loki didn't release the spell, he wonders if he would be able to break it. "Fine, but he is your responsibility since you so graciously invited him to live with us."

Stefan nodded, I currently at the moment was sleeping in the room that I picked, I also warded the walls with spells so that Damon could not try to murder me in my sleep even though he would fail over infinite times.

And so I slept, I like sleeping because dreams are pretty interesting whenever I had them and also I am excited since I just met the Salvatore brothers...