
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Loki the Highschooler

(3rd POV) Loki teleported out of his dimension just as the sun was rising, he spent some time creating new planets and whatnot making like 2 solar systems. "That was fun, making very specific solar systems with each planet holding life," stated Loki appearing in front of his bed.

Walking out of his room, Loki saw Damon sleeping on the wall opposite his room, it seems that Damon tried to enter Loki's room to kill him. Tapping Damon's shoulder, Loki tried to wake him, "Huh, where the hell am I?"

Rubbing his eyes, he then focuses and the memories come back to him, after being annoyed last night, he went to Caroline and fed on her then he came back to the Salvatore House a little satiated.

Since Loki arrived, he forgot that he was gonna threaten Stefan with revealing his identity to Elena. Going up to Loki's room, he is filled with blood and is extra strong, so he tried with all of his might, tried to unlock the door but it wouldn't budge.

After failing to unlock the door, Damon began punching the door to no avail, after punching was a nogo, he began using weapons but of course, none of them worked. "I don't know. Why are you in the hallway?" asked Loki yawning.

Damon immediately got up and without a word, he walked off and out of the house. What a weird guy thought Loki walking down to the kitchen, currently it was time for school so Stefan already left this morning, should I go to High School also thought Loki.

It would be pretty funny to see Stefan's face when he realizes I am in his class thought Loki laughing. Walking out of the Salvatore House, Loki teleported to the school's roof to see Stefan catch a football. "Catch," said Stefan throwing the football back to Tyler.

"Wow, I didn't know you were good at football?" said Elena.

Stefan smiled, "There are a lot of things you don't know about me," said Stefan cryptically.

Elena was confused but brushed it off, and they began their walk to their classes. Loki then teleported to the principal's office and used Sharingan to Genjutsu the principal in giving him the same schedule as Stefan.

He gave the principal some forged transfer paper and went on his way to class. "I think you should try out for football, and maybe you can make some friends," Elena proposed as they walked in the hallway.

Stefan chuckled a little, "I love football but I don't think Tyler and Matt would like me on the team," stated Stefan. "But, if you say I should try out then I can at least try."

Elena punched Stefan on the arm jokingly, "Now that's the spirit," as they were walking, Loki suddenly pop up beside Elena.

"Now that is a good idea," stated Loki which kind of startled Stefan.

Elena looked over and saw Loki, Okay, so Loki has orange/reddish hair and he has a blue sweater covering a pink Kirby t-shirt with some skinny jeans with some blue sneakers. He is 6 feet and his eyes are blue. "Oh, Loki, you go to this school too?" asked Elena.

Stefan was watching me keenly, "Well, yeah, I just transferred here from California," answered Loki smiling at Stefan. "So, are you two like a thing?"

Elena blushes, "Um, um, how did you know?"

Stefan narrowed his eyes at Loki, "Well, the vibe I get from you two is different, but I guess I was correct, haha! Anyways, have a good day," said Loki walking in front of Stefan and Elena.

"Wow, he seems smart, don't you think so Stefan?" asked Elena looking at Stefan who was still watching Loki walk away. "Stefan?"

Stefan looked at Elena, "Oh, sorry, I mean, I guess he seems smart, a little too smart," said Stefan cryptically.

After that conversation, Stefan and Elena walked into their class to see Loki standing with the teacher. "Damn this guy," whispered Stefan to himself.

Sitting down, the teacher began speaking, "Hello class, today we welcome a transfer student from California, introduce yourself."

Clearing his throat, Loki looked at each and everyone's face, "My name is Lucas Marcel or you can call me Loki, I prefer Loki, I hope we all can get along," introduced Loki bowing a little.

"Alright, you can sit in the seat next to Stefan," said the teacher.

Walking to the seat next to Stefan, Loki sat down, yawning he began to read everyone's minds for fun. It has been a long time since I been in school thought Loki to himself, Stefan here and there would glance at Loki.

Stefan during the day would realize something, that Loki had the same schedule as him. During History Class, the teacher, whose name is Mr. Tanner began talking about World War 2. Bonnie looked at Loki and noticed something weird.

It is like he is similar to me thought Bonnie stealing glances at Loki, what is this feeling thought Bonnie, he is quite handsome thought Bonnie blushing a little. "So, Loki, what do you know about World War 2?" said Mr. Tanner.

Loki pointed at himself, and Mr. Tanner nodded, "Oh, well, I don't know that much," stated Loki chuckling nervously.

"Just humor me," said Mr. Tanner interlocking his fingers together.

"Well, on September 1st, 1939, Germany invaded Poland from the west and two days later, France and Britain declared war on Germany which began World War 2, am I right?" asked Loki.

Mr. Tanner coughed, "Correct, it seems you do a bit about World War 2," stated Mr. Tanner a bit impressed. Getting back to his class, Mr. Tanner began to teach about Germany and Hitler.

Throughout the school day, Stefan was 10% talking to Elena and the other 90% was watching Loki. Walking to football practice, Stefan sat on the bleachers while Elena was cheerleading. Mr. Tanner then arrives and Stefan went up to him, "Mr. Tanner, can I try out for the team?"

Looking at Stefan up and down, "Sure, it should be fun," stated Mr. Tanner calling the team over. "It seems there is a recruit who wants to join the team, alright Stefan, you can run routes, or do you want to defend?"

"Can I do routes?" asked Stefan putting on the football helmet.

Mr. Tanner nodded, "Who wants to guard Stefan?"

"Matt, he takes your girl and now is gonna take your team, me, personally, I wouldn't take that kind of disrespect," whispered Tyler to Matt.

Matt gets a bit furious, "I'll guard him," stated Matt.

"Bonnie, you should have dinner with me and Stefan, what do you say?" asked Elena stretching.

Bonnie reluctantly agrees, then Caroline pulls up with Damon, and she even pulled up with a scarf in the middle of summer. "Caroline, where were you?" asked Bonnie, "And who are you?" pointing to Damon.

"Oh, you must not know me, I am Stefan's older brother," stated Damon sitting down on the bleachers next to Caroline.

"Elena, don't worry about cheerleading, just watch Stefan, come on, sit down," said Caroline. Elena sighs and sits down next to Caroline.

Damon then smells the air and looks up on the roof to see Loki waving at him which infuriates him, "Enjoying the show?" asked Loki.

Despite the distance, Damon could hear Loki, "Once I find a way to end you, you are so dead," stated Damon silently but Loki heard it anyways.

"Just watch the show, little boy," stated Loki.

Damon's head almost popped off, he was so angry that he almost just attacked everybody on the field but calmed down after thinking about Katherine. "Go Stefan!" yelled Elena cheering Stefan on.

Matt was positioned in front of Stefan who was in a running position, after hearing that cheer, Matt became angrier, I am gonna make Stefan regret taking my girl thought Matt. "1, 2, 3, GO!" shouted Mr. Tanner.

Stefan already told the Quarterback that he was gonna run straight, fake left, go right then stop and turn left full sprint, beginning his route, Stefan ran straight, Matt was right beside him, faking left, Matt almost bit it but recovered, going right and picking up speed, Matt had to run a bit faster.

That cost him as Stefan stopped and turned left which caused Matt to slide since he was running full force, that was how fast Stefan was running. Throwing the football a bit higher than usual, Stefan realized this and jumped up and caught it.

What the hell? That was like a 40-inch vert thought Tyler shocked. Matt got up from the ground and the training went as usual but the difference was Stefan outperformed everybody. Being accepted into the football team, Stefan was excited.

Returning home, Damon confronted Stefan just before he was gonna go to dinner with Elena and Bonnie, "You love her, don't you? It is almost funny since she looks exactly like Katherine, but hey, you do you."

"She may look like Katherine but she is not her," stated Stefan defending Elena.

Damon laughed, "Yeah, yeah, whatever," Damon then left to have a date with Caroline, Stefan then walked to Elena's door.

Knocking on it, Elena opened the door, "Can I come in?" asked Stefan politely.

"Yeah, come in, Bonnie is already here, and we even invited Loki," said Elena nonchalantly.

Stefan's blood ran cold, he walked into the house and saw Loki and Bonnie on the couch talking...