
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Loki the Father Figure

Getting out of the dimension, Loki fast-forwarded to a particular year, 1994. (Lucas's POV)

"Why can't I siphon any magic?" asked Kai looking around.

"Sorry Kai," said Jo as the witches finish the Bennett spell trapping Kai in the prison world.

All Kai saw was light then he was teleported, looking around, everything looked like the real world but where are the people thought Kai until he realized...

They trapped him in a prison world, screaming in frustration, he began punching the ground making his hands bleed. He tried to siphon anything but nothing was working, "GODDAMMIT!!!"

"Hello Kai," I state as I sit on top of a car's hood smiling.

Kai immediately grew wary as he stood up and looked at me, "Who the hell are you?!" asked Kai slowly approaching me.

I pointed at myself, "Me? I am nobody, I am just your friendly neighborhood witch," I state smiling as I summon a cookie and ate it.

"Witch? Die!!" shouted Kai rushing towards me and managing to grab me he began using his siphon ability to siphon my magic. Feeling the power, Kai began to laugh maniacally and began siphoning more. 50 seconds later, Kai was in utter shock, "How do you have so much magic?!"

Kai had siphoned like 1% of my magic and he was about to explode, "Well, what if I told you I am God, would you believe me?" I asked smiling.

Shaking his head, Kai was in disbelief, "If you are God then I must be the Devil, enough babbling, now die!!" Kai tried to push me with telekinesis but I didn't move, chanting: Capitis exploding, he tried to give me an exploding headache but it seemed to not work.

Kai grew frustrated, chanting: Mori Ignis, using almost all of his magic, he lit up my body with blue flames which were quite impressive but he depleted like 95% of his magic with that one spell.

"That is quite impressive, Malachai Parker, but it doesn't work against me," I state. Activating my Rinnegan, I began absorbing the magic, yes, I can absorb magic since I modified my Rinnegan to absorb magic.

Falling onto his knees, Kai began panting, that spell took a lot out of him, "A-Are you truly god?" asked Kai looking up at me absorbing the spell. I smiled and nodded my head, "Then why did you make me this way?!" Kai shouted crying and breaking down.

I went up to Kai and patted his head, "It is okay, I made everyone special in their way, just because you are an "Abomination" I still love you the same as all my creations," I stated while rubbing Kai's back.

Kai began to break down more eventually falling asleep, I snapped my fingers and we teleported to the Salvatore Boarding House, I set Kai down on the couch. 3 hours later, Kai woke to see that he was in a room or more specifically on a couch.

Getting up, he looked around frantically and saw me reading a newspaper, then he ran up to me and kneeled. "God, I am so sorry for attacking you, I was in a bad mindset and..."

Putting down the newspaper, I rubbed Kai's head, "It is okay my son, I forgive you, but can you tell me why you were sent to this dimension?"

Smiling, Kai sat next to me and explained his whole story about how his family believed he was an Abomination because he siphons magic, and how the coven didn't want him to merge with his twin sister Josette to be the coven's next leader.

Explaining how they tricked him after he tried to kill Liv and Luke, "After trying to kill them, I feel absolutely nothing," stated Kai putting his head down and expecting the worst.

I patted his head, "It is okay to feel nothing for those who don't love you, but don't push your frustrations on people who had nothing to do with your problems, okay?" I asked.

Kai nodded, "Alright, I will take your words to heart God," stated Kai.

"Just call me Loki, I prefer it more than God."

"Alright, Loki," said Kai looking up at me.

"Also, don't just kill people, kill people who deserve it, the people who did nothing wrong don't need to be vanquished, okay?"

Kai nodded, his stomach growled, "Um, God, I mean Loki, where can I find food?" asked Kai looking around.

I teleport the both of us to a restaurant and snap my fingers, a bunch of food appears on the table, "Eat up, after you finish, I will give you something and will begin your training," I state as I ate eggs and bacon.

Kai smiled and began eating, for the first time in his life, he was happy. 2 minutes later, Kai was full, "How did you create so many dishes?"

"I am God, but enough of that," I claim as I snap my fingers, and all of the plates vanish. "Now," as I snap my fingers and we were both teleported to a field of grass. I hand Kai a necklace with a K dangling off the chain.

"Why did you give me a necklace?" asked Kai inspecting the necklace which was golden and shiny.

"That necklace contains an infinite amount of magic meaning you will never run out of magic to siphon, but that doesn't mean we will not train your siphon ability, but don't abuse the necklace too much, or you might explode out of existence," I cautioned clearing my throat.

Kai almost dropped the necklace but caught it and was unsure of what to think, I then urged him to put it on, and he put on the necklace warily, and after wearing the necklace, he began to siphon magic from the necklace. "This is awesome," stated Kai touching the necklace.

Then before Kai knew it, he began to absorb too much, I sighed and snapped my fingers absorbing the magic into myself before Kai explode. "See, that is why we need to train your ability, you almost died if I was a second late," I claimed patting his head.

"Thank you, I will never do that again," stated Kai wiping the sweat off his head. I began to train Kai every single day, for 15 years making the year in the real world 2009. Weaving Kai's punch and dodging Kai's spinning kick.

I grabbed Kai's other fist and used an original move: Explosive Punch, timing the punch with my heartbeat, launching my right fist towards Kai's chest, a explosion of pressure threw dirt everywhere but surprisingly Kai got out of my grip and blocked my punch but he had a broken arm. "Impressive, your reaction time got faster."

"And your punches always hurt, damn!" stated Kai holding his broken right arm. Chanting: Sana, using the magic in the necklace, his arm began to reform and the bone reformed itself back in place.

Over the last 15 years, I have taught Kai how to perfectly master his siphoning ability to the point he can siphon magic from one finger. I taught Kai how to fight, but since he is not a Hanma, his development was gradual.

He has a boxing style mixed with grappling, but since I am way too strong, every time we spar, he tries to land at least one solid punch. "It seems you have grown splendid, my time here is almost up," I stated while smiling which made Kai's eyes widen.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you have to train by yourself, and after you master your fighting style, then you can get your revenge," I state smiling.

Kai was shocked, "How did you know?"

I tap my brain, "I am God, I always know, I won't stop you, but just be careful," I said as I began walking away.

"Wait, when am I gonna see you again?" asked Kai.

"Don't worry, you'll see me again," I said giving Kai a head pat as I teleport to the real world.

Kai smiled and clutched his hand, he then began to practice his routine over and over so that he can finally be able to take revenge...