
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Loki the Troller

"So, what do you like to do in your spare time?" asked Loki drinking water.

Bonnie thought about it, "Well, I like to talk with my Grams and she even told me that we were witches," stated Bonnie covering her mouth.

Acting, Loki looked confused, "Witch? Like the witches who ride brooms and eat children?"

Sighing, "Come and eat dinner, I've set the table," stated Elena bringing the food which was a homemade pizza made by surprisingly Loki, sitting around the table, Stefan sat next to Elena.

Bonnie sat in front of Elena while Loki sat at the edge, "Wow, I didn't know you could cook Loki," said Stefan smiling.

Rubbing his neck, Loki smiled, "Well, I lived on my own for a long time so you pick up stuff here and there," lied Loki. "Well, try the pizza."

Bonnie looked at the chicken pepperoni pizza and decided to take a slice, eating it she was surprised, "Wow, this is surprisingly good," Bonnie then finished the slice and grabbed another one.

Elena and Stefan tried the pizza and instantly fell in love, before Loki could take one slice of pizza, it was all gone. "So you guys are just not gonna leave me a slice?"

They all were a bit sheepish, "Sorry Loki, but your pizza is very delicious, could you give me the recipe?" asked Elena.

Loki nodded, "Well, I have to tell you guys something, remember when I said my Grams said our bloodline has witches, well I can 100% confirm I am a witch," stated Bonnie waiting for someone to laugh.

"Well, can you prove it?" asked Loki smiling. Bonnie nodded, Loki then grabbed a candle and put the candle on the table, "If you are a witch, then light up this candle."

Bonnie concentrated hard and voila, the candle got lit, "Wow! That is amazing, I guess you are a witch," said Stefan.

"But, I don't want to be one," admitted Bonnie.

"You know how many people you can help with your witchcraft, you should be proud of your heritage," claimed Stefan.

Thinking about it, Bonnie smiled, "I guess being a witch isn't all so bad."

A knock was heard at the door, Elena and Stefan went up to find out who knocked, to his shock it was Caroline and Damon. "Don't invite Damon in," said Stefan to Elena's ear.

Ignoring Stefan's whisper or did she simply not hear it, nobody knows except the Author. "Come in Damon and Caroline," invited Elena opening the door fully.

"Thank you for the warm welcome," said Damon like a gentleman. Walking inside the house, Damon's mood soured after seeing that Loki was sitting at the dinner table, "What is he doing here?"

Elena looked at Loki, "Oh, didn't you know, he is the new transfer student from California and I invited him to get to know him better," said Elena smiling.

They all sat on the couch but Damon was standing up as well as Stefan while Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline including Loki were sitting relaxingly. "So, Stefan, a quick question, do you miss Katherine?"

"Of course I miss her," said Stefan crossing his arms.

Elena watched Damon, "So, which one of you dated her first?" asked Elena out of the blue.

Damon's face softened up, "It was..."

"Oh, I forgot, we still have to do the dishes, Aunt Jenna is gonna get mad if we don't do dishes," stated Elena, "Bonnie, can you help me?"


Bonnie and Elena both went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. "Caroline, can you take off the scarf," commanded Stefan knowing why she was wearing a scarf.

"Caroline, go help Bonnie and Elena wash the dishes," commanded Damon, Caroline leaves and it just leaves the three amigos.

"You can't just feed on Caroline, humans are not for your amusement," said Stefan a bit harshly.

Damon rebuttals, "I can't feed on Caroline? Haha!! Just because she is friends with your little girlfriend doesn't mean I can't feed on her. Also, I was invited into your girlfriend's house, meaning I can do whatever I want to Elena whenever I want, so you can try to do something but it will probably fail."

Stefan didn't know how to answer, "Um, you guys are so funny," stated Loki eating popcorn.

"Forgot this Immortal b*tch was here," stated Damon angrily.

"Woah, language, just because you are not as awesome as I don't mean you have to get jealous because I am built different," informed Loki to Damon like an adult who reprimands a child.

"Just wait, one day, I will kill you," Damon claimed as he thinks of ways to kill Loki.

"Kill who?" asked Elena drying her hands.

"Oh, he said he killed someone in his dreams," said Loki pointing to Damon.

Elena nodded and made everyone leave but not before Loki gave her the pizza recipe. Returning home, Loki went to his dimension, Stefan went to bed, and later that night Damon went to Elena's room.

Touching her forehead, Damon began making her dream of a nightmare, Elena woke up in fright, feeling chilly, she looks over to her window which was opened. She swear she closed it like 4 hours ago.

Closing the window, Elena tries to make sense of the numbers Bonnie was muttering and the dream she just had. Deciding to sleep again, she falls back asleep after locking the window, Damon arrived at Caroline's house and decided to feed on her again.

Appearing in the dimension, Loki checked up on the planets, some of them already have lifeforms moving about, checking the planet where Valerie and Stefan's baby was located, the planet was the farthest one out of the solar system.

Teleporting to on top of a huge mountain, there it was, the artificial womb sitting on top of the peak of the highest mountain. It was open, then before Loki could say the word ICE, a foot was inches away from his face.

Dodging on instinct, Loki jumped away from the entity which decided to attack him. On top of the mountain is a peak but the peak is kind of flat so you can walk on it. It is as big as 10 football fields, "Who the hell?" questioned Loki.

Looking at the artificial womb, besides it was a little girl probably 4 years old. Is that her thought Loki confused. "Who are you?" said the girl in a high-pitched voice.

"Oh, me? I am the awesome, legendary, most powerful, witch in the universe, Loki!!" introduced Loki lamely making the girl smile just for a second.

The smile vanished, "Why were you trying to harm mother?" asked the girl pointing to the artificial womb.

"Wait, you call that your mother?" asked Loki with confusion on his face.

The girl nodded, "The first thing I saw when I was born was this ball, and so if it birthed me, it must be my mother," stated the girl.

"Um, no, that is something I created to birth you since... never mind, let me just show you," stated Loki creating another artificial womb right in front of the girl's eyes.

"What?!" the girl's whole world got turned upside down in a second. She began to have a mental breakdown.

Loki snapped his finger and the artificial womb he was creating disappeared, "Woah, why is this scene so familiar," said Loki remembering Kai. Wondering how Kai is doing thought Loki.

Kai at this moment was punching a building and sneezed, Kai wondered who is thinking about him, probably Sensei thought Kai was vigorously destroying the building. "This i-is w-wha," the girl then fell unconscious.

Teleporting behind her, Loki caught her and snapped his finger destroying the artificial womb that birthed Valerie and Stefan's daughter. Creating a basic house, Loki laid her on the couch and got a close look.

She has Valerie's hair color and opening her eyes she has Stefan's forest green eyes...