
Login in Ben 10 (adaptation, not original)

(english is not my first language) Bryce was reincarnated into the Ben 10 universe and now begins his journey with a login system alongside max, ben and gwen. It is not my original novel, I just use a translator and then try to adapt it to make it more enjoyable for others this is the original link http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcg · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Capitulo 25

Chapter 25 Ripjaws vs. the Sea Monster!

"Ben, come back quickly!"

Bryce was anxious and yelled at Ben. Ben looked scared too. He Reacted and quickly swam to the port!


The huge shadow suddenly emerged from the surface of the water and a large amount of flowing waves kicked up!

The sea monster was at least ten meters long and as terrifying as a plesiosaur. His long body was suspended in the lake, and a pair of dark pupils glared at Bryce and the others with murderous intent!

"Are you sure this guy isn't a monster created by Dr. Animo?" Gwen muttered.

The sea monster's hostile gaze settled slowly on Ben, who was closest and still swimming toward the harbor.



Bryce hastily pressed the Omnitrix, and the screen flashed up. The first alien to appear was heatblast. Without thinking, he spun again and landed on four arms.


"Identifiable Objects Detected: Lake Sea Monster!"

"Choose to transform into ripjaws and you will be able to complete the registration!"

However, the login task made him hesitate a bit. This time, it was clear that the task was to give ripjaws a chance to get stronger!

"...I will strengthen ripjaws!"

Bryce made the decision for him in an instant, whipping the omnitrix around quickly, landing ripjaws and squeezing the omnitrix.


A burst of light came out!

Originally he wanted to attack Ben, the sea monster was attracted by the green light of the port.


With a hanging light on his head, a shark-toothed mouth and the strong body of a man-fish hybrid, he's ripjaws!

He opened his mouth of sharp steel teeth, and looked into the eyes of the sea monster!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully logging in!"

"Get the green reward: Jinbei's Fishman Karate from the One Piece world!

The strength of ripjaws is not outstanding at first but with fishman karate, not only can he exercise his physical condition much better in hand-to-hand combat, he can also control the water around him, which is perfect!

In less than a second, he learned all the gyojin karate skills from jinbe!

And facing the sea monster.

Originally, ripjaws, was of little threat to the monster, but the next second his instinct warned him not to get close, that made him roar alert several times, staring at ripjaws body without moving!

Ben, swim slowly, I'll come quickly to your side."

Ripjaws also stared at the sea monster, shook his fish tail and quickly swam to ben's side in a second!

He stepped between ben and gwen, facing the sea monster!

The huge body of the sea monster.

And the little figure of ripjaws.

It formed a stark contrast.

It seems that the sea monster can easily destroy ripjaws!

"Why did bryce choose this alien? He doesn't seem very powerful at all... He should choose four arms", gwen's expression was full of concern, looking at ripjaws back, she couldn't help but have some doubts.


Seeing Ben walk away, the sea monster immediately became furious and roared, causing Ripjaws ears to ring.

Ripjaws eyes froze, his right palm turned into a karate chop, and he fell into the water in front of him without hesitation, exploding into a large number of water bullets!


Countless drops of water are like bullets, scattered on the body of the sea monster, hitting one after another!

The effect is not strong, but the sea monster is enraged!

His eyes instantly turned red, he opened his sharp teeth and crashed into ripjaws, and countless waves followed him to crash into him!

"Watch out Bryce!!"

"It's over, the two don't have the same proportions!"

Gwen and Ben looked anxiously at Ripjaws. They doubted if the ripjaws slender body would be able to survive the direct hit!

"Don't underestimate me, big guy" ripjaws looked at the approaching sea monster without changing his expression, when he saw it approaching, his right fist smashed into the monster!

Whale strike!, with his strike he sent a whale formed of water against the sea monster!

The whale was filled with a terrifying force, so it caused waves, in the surrounding water.


It just so happened that the ripjaws whale-shaped punch and the sea monster's head collided heavily!

The impact caused huge waves!

Ripjaws slender figure did not move at all!

There was a hint of human shock on the sea monster's face!

Can this little shark control the water to stop it?

You know, sharks are their prey!

"Okay, that's amazing, that alien can control water?"

Ben and Gwen were a little relieved that Bryce was still alive.


The sea monster quickly recovered from the impact, retracted its head fiercely and opened his teeth to bite ripjaws!

Ripjaws also opened his steel-toothed mouth to attack too!

At the same time, his arms retracted behind him, forming a pool of water, pool of liquid that looked like an entity.