
Login in Ben 10 (adaptation, not original)

(english is not my first language) Bryce was reincarnated into the Ben 10 universe and now begins his journey with a login system alongside max, ben and gwen. It is not my original novel, I just use a translator and then try to adapt it to make it more enjoyable for others this is the original link http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcg · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Capitulo 26

Chapter 26 Underwater Duel vs. Lake Monster


The sound of collision rang out, and the steel teeth exposed by ripjaws collided with the huge teeth of the sea monster, like a knife and an ax colliding.


Half a second later!

Ripjaws teeth actually dented a bit inside the sea monster's huge teeth, creating twists and driving his teeth like steel nails into the sea monster's teeth!

If the sea monster's teeth are metal, then the ripjaws' teeth are hardened steel, dedicated to destroying everything!

The sea monster didn't feel the pain, but it could clearly feel that his teeth were broken, and his eyes widened.

This feeling of being hurt...

It's been a long time since I felt it!!

"aquatic blades!"

Ripjaws had a fierce look on his face, his teeth clamped down on the sea monster's large teeth, using it as a foothold, his body swayed up and down, and with a mighty jump, he was thrown into the sky!

His body twisted in the air, facing the sea monster, his fists pointed downwards and he fell towards the sea monster quickly!



The water that was originally all over his body under his fishman karate control condensed into two blades of water around his arms and stabbed fiercely towards the sea monster.


Anger flashed in the sea monster's eyes, and with a deep roar, it swung its massive tail violently and slashed at ripjaws in the air.

"It's useless!" Ripjaws eyes were filled with cold light, he knew exactly how tough his aquatic blades are!


The next moment!

The sea monster's roar echoed through the surrounding lake, and countless fish became alarmed and fled into the distance in a panic!

He saw the huge tail of it, and the moment he met the aquatic blades, the two blades were not affected by the impact at all, and instantly slashed, like countless knives!

His tail gained countless scars!

"Success, success, that alien with sharp teeth is amazing!!" Ben was dumbfounded. In his impression, shouldn't the biggest and strongest sea monster win?

Ripjaws is much smaller, so it stands to reason that he would be defeated by the sea monster, but now it looks like... he's a bit stronger!

"Bryce's aliens are all different from normal common sense," Gwen replied from the sidelines.


Drops of water splashed on the surface of the lake, ripjaws flying in the air fell into the water, and the moment it sank to the bottom of the water, it flicked its tail to stick its head out of the water. And he looked at the sea monster not far away!

After the sea monster was injured, instead of retreating, he awoke the ferocity of it. A pair of dark eyes were filled with violence, plunged into the water of the lake and the water suddenly became turbulent!

"I have to go!"

Ripjaws was not careless, he quickly dove into the water.

Because his eyes are protected by special eyelids, his eyes can open freely in the water and the light on his head allows him to see places within a few meters.

The water is dark and calm, and the surroundings can be seen clearly.

This does not mean that the sea monster is gone, but rather it is a sign.

A sign that the storm is coming!

Ripjaws didn't move, but he swished his tail slowly, his eyes wide with warning looking around him.

Bang Bang Bang??

There was a burst of bubbles in front of him, some going over ripjaws and others smashing into his face. Then a stream of water rushed towards him, making his body sway a little. His tail movement also increased to keep him stable!

"Here it comes!"

Ripjaws eyes solidified and he looked ahead. In the dark water of the lake, a giant quickly charged at him!

With the approach of the sea monster, the undercurrent also churned up rapidly, almost making ripjaws unable to keep their balance!

"I can't fight with physical strength, I have to use the skills of jinbe!" Ripjaws prepared his fists, maintaining a Gyogin karate stance.


At this time, the sea monster attacked from the front, his head was slightly lowered and he hit the front hard, his speed was extremely fast!


Ripjaws flicked his tail and swam several meters along the underground stream. The huge body of the sea monster quickly passed by his previous position. If he was still there, he would have received the attack!.

But it's not over yet!

The huge body of the sea monster has its drawback. Can't hit ripjaw, his body fail head-on collision, it's too late for him to turn around!

Whale piercing!

Ripjaws right arm muscles hardened like iron blocks, his fist condensing all the water around his body into a huge Whale, which crossed the current and crashed into the sea monster's back with a loud "bang", like a big hammer!


Another painful roar!

The furious sea monster quickly disappeared and then struck head-on again!

Ripjaws fully understood the sea monster's attack pattern. He used Fishman karate to attack and when the sea monster was about to attack, he used the swimming ability of its body to escape, and then...

(The names of the movements were very rare so I will not put them)

Shot after shot, powerful punches and kicks, greatly exerted the advantages of ripjaws, and each time he managed to hit the sea monster!

It can be said that the sea monster was one-sidedly defeated!

In just two or three minutes, the sea monster's body was already blue, purple and red, it was no exaggeration to say that it had injuries all over its body!

The originally enraged sea monster also lost its spirit!

He has always been invincible, but today he got hit by a little man-shark!

"Go!" ripjaws clenched his fists, panted slightly and was still in good condition.

When he collided with the sea monster for the last time, looking at ripjaws, his body gradually collapsed, the wound on his body seemed to hurt a lot, and even he shrank unconsciously!

It hurts much!


The next moment!

The sea monster forcibly twisted his body and swam deeper into the lake! !

Ripjaws was stunned.

He if he was right.

Was this sea monster defeated?


Ben and Gwen, who were still worried about Bryce on the shore of the lake

Then they saw emerging to the surface a small shadow