
Lightning and Fire Given Form(DxD)

When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs


They followed after Tyrant for about 20 minutes until he led them to the Natsume. It seemed she was running from something with fear in her eyes. They saw she was running from 6 high school-aged students who had creatures as their sides. Kurayami slammed his foot on the ground and made a bounded field in the entire area.

Natsume ran face-first into the edge of the dimension and she freaked out, yet Esdeath raised her hand and created several blue spears of light.

They were a mix of freezing Demon Magic and Light and swung her hand down. The spear impaled and killed each beast with ease. As soon as the beasts were killed their handlers collapsed as well. Kurayami approached one and nudged the guy with his foot.

"He is alive, but barely. I say we take him back t-"

Many magic circles opened up under the students who collapsed after the death of their creatures. Akeno looked at the disappearing students and quickly began to analyze the magic circles. 

She thought about it and gave her thoughts.

"They had teleportation circles, and circles to limit brain activity. The host is alive as it seems."

Lavinia nodded and looked at it with hatred.

"I know one person who could do that, Agusta. She was one of the most talented mages in Grauzauberer. However, her experiments were unethical and she developed magic circles similar to the ones used. She must have joined the Utsusemi Agency after her defection."

Raynare rested Asmodai on her shoulders curious. 

"So, does she have a sacred gear?"

Lavinia nodded.

"She has a sacred gear called Night Reflection Cross. Not very powerful, but it allows the user to control shadows."

Kurayami thought about it and nodded.

"If possible we kill her and take the sacred gear as it could be a good asset for research, for Grigori."

They all were happy with it and they all wanted Akeno to have it. Esdeath said so as much. 

"You take it Akeno." 


Raynare nodded. 

"Your talent lets you keep up with us without one. Imagine with one. 

Akeno smiled. 

"If it comes to that, sure." 

Lavinia scowled. She no longer looked like her cheerful self.

"If you are taking her sacred gear at least let me be the one to kill her."

Kurayami looked at her and thought about it.

"If we kill her the sacred gear will return to the Heaven System as such we need to get it first while she is alive. As such do you know how to remove a sacred gear?"

Lavinia frowned and shook her head. Kurayami approached the passed-out girl and placed her on his shoulder.

"Leave that to me. 

Kurayami spread his wings and Esdeath, Raynare, and Akeno did as well. Lavina slammed her staff on the ground and flew along with them. They all flew toward Natsume's house, but on the way, she slowly opened her eyes and as she was much shorter than Kurayami she could see the ground.


She began to kick and struggle as she was off balance and she looked at the 10 black wings and felt like she was taken by one of the things chasing her.

"Calm down. I will drop you if you don't."

She stopped struggling and Kurayami pulled her to his front in a princess carry. She saw who was carrying her and saw a guy about 20. She glanced at his face and back at the ground so she calmed down to not get dropped.

"You calm?"

She nodded and looked around. She saw 4 girls, a black cat, and a girl in her late teens floating in the air in a witch cosplay.

Kurayami decided to explain somewhat. 

"To be frank, you are being chased and hunted by Utsusemi. They want something you possess."

She nodded like crazy while she hugged his neck so as not to fall. They got to her house soon after and when they landed she got on the ground and she hugged the ground.

"I don't want to fly ever again."

Esdeath grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

"HEY! Take it easy. You are really strong." 

Esdeath shook her head.

"No time. Get in the house. you are a sitting duck out here."

Natsume frowned, but they all got in the house. She sat on the couch and Kuraaymi pulled out a white egg.

"Here. Hold that."

Natsume thought it was weird and yet she held the egg and it began to crack and hatch when she touched it. Not long after a big hawk emerged that landed on her shoulder and it freaked her out.


The hawk got sad and it flew to Kurayami's arm. He rubbed its neck as it talked to him. 

"He says you hurt his feelings!"

Natsume looked at the hawk and it did look a little sad.

"Sorry. Wait. How did that come out of the egg? How did you know? Why did you have wings? Why is she in a witch cosplay?"

Lavinia tilted her head confused.

"Cosplay? This is my uniform."

Raynare chuckled.

"It does look like a cosplay. You should wear something different or people will assume you are a foreigner in a cosplay."

Raynare glanced at Kurayami but did not tell him that. Lavinia looked at her clothes and looked sad.

"Do I look like that?"

Kurayami looked her over and nodded.

"Yeah, It does look like a cosplay."

Lavinia walked away from a little sad as her uniform was called cosplay. Esdeath looked at her casual outfit. Raynare and Akeno wore some battle attire except for Kurayami still dressed in his leather combat gear. 

"Do I look like I am cosplaying?"

Lavinia rushed back and looked at his outfit carefully.

"You look like a cosplaying Lord of the Rings fan." 

"Could be worse." 

Natsume began to laugh as the hawk went back to her shoulder. She still looked a little scared, but she began to pet the hawk and saw it would not hurt her.

"I guess you need a name. How about Griffon?"

It screeched as it liked the name. Kurayami coughed to get her attention.

"I should explain why this hawk came out of the egg. You own a sacred gear that was created by the God of the Bible. It is one of the Four Fiends which were four mighty beasts in ancient Japan that were killed and sealed in 4 independent avatar sacred gears. Which means there are three more."

Natsume looked overwhelmed and looked at the hawk on her arm and shook her head.

"You mean God is real?"

He nodded.

"Heaven, Underworld, gods, Fallen Angels, magicians, devils, dragons, yokai. The list goes on, but what is important is that you are being hunted for your sacred gear."

Natsume held her head while Griffon flew onto Kurayami's shoulders. She looked at him and asked.

"So you are a Fallen Angel?"

He nodded and pointed at his team.

"Me. Esdeath, Raynare, and Akneo are fallen angels. She is Lavinia Reni and is a magician. The cat on my head is Kuroka, a Nekushou." 

Kuroka waved a paw over. 

"Hi, nya. Nice to meet you." 

Kurayami pointed at Griffon. 

"Your hawk is a very dangerous creature sealed inside you. No offense."

The hawk screeched to say none was taken. Natsume looked at him and asked the important question.

"Can you understand him?"

Kurayami nodded.

"I talk to animals." 

He summoned Aurora and the big lion cub nuzzled into his chest. Natsume looked at the small golden lion and tried to pet it, but just like Lavinia she almost got bit. Natsume pulled her hand back and pouted.

"What is it? Looks like a golden lion."

He rubbed the lion's head.

"You ever hear about Greek myths?"

She nodded as he started to brag about his pet.

"This is a Nemean Lion cub her name is Aurora."

She was left slack-jawed and was going to ask more questions, but he shot that down. 

"First thing first is we need to get you somewhere safe. Do you have any family?"

She shook her head.

"No. I live alone on an inheritance."

"I see. For now, you need to come with us. 

He tapped his foot on the ground and opened a magic circle under them teleported them all to Grigori. She freaked out and ran straight into Ares and when she fell on the ground and looked up at Ares's scar-covered and terrifying face.


She screamed and passed out. Ares looked at her and looked annoyed.

"Who the hell is she?"

Kurayami grabbed Natsume and put her on his shoulder again.

"She has a scared gear."

Ares raised an eye brow. 

"Interesting. Keep me posted." 

"Of course."

With that, Kurayami and his group went to Azazel's lab where they placed her on a couch. Azazel was not in his lab at the moment, but they just waited for him to return.

As for Natsumi, when she woke up she looked around and saw Esdeath, Kurayami, Akeno, Raynare, Kuroka, and Lavinia looking at her. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"It was not a dream."

Kurayami sent her a small zap on the forehead causing her to shoot up like a set-off mousetrap.

"Let's go over why they are after you. I told you the Utsusemi Agency is after you right?"

Natsume held her forehead and nodded.

"Yeah. Why were people from my school after me with those monsters?"

"Those were prototype artificial sacred gears. They need the four Fiends as they plan to fight the 5 principal clans of Japan which I will explain at another time. All you need to know is that they serve the Shinto gods." 

Natsume felt a huge headache coming.

"How complicated is the real world?"

Akeno chuckled as she understood how it would feel.

"Remember the guy you ran into earlier?"

Natsume nodded and shivered.

"The biker dude." 

Akeno laughed and told Natsume the truth.

"That was Ares, the god of war."

Natsume felt her brain shortcircuit and grabbed Akeno's shoulders and shook her back and forth.


Esdeath nodded.

"Yup. That one. He is a god and there are many pantheons out there. What you need to know is most people don't know about the supernatural as it is an unspoken rule not to let humans know about it. As for why we brought you here is to get you trained on your sacred gear as from here on your normal life is over."

Natsume shook her head and looked sacred.

"I am just a normal girl, Why me?"

Raynare shrugged.

"Does it matter? You were chosen and your sacred gear is active. No matter what you want you are stuck with it for life. If it is removed it means instant death for you. Besides what is so wrong with the supernatural? If anything your life was lame before, and besides. Don't people your age dream about this all the time."

"Those are fantasies and not meant to be real. I still want my normal life. I want to grow up and get married, have kids, and die of old age."

Kurayami did not like the idea. 

"Well, we can't let you leave as if things go wrong your sacred gear could go wild and kill everything around you. Sacred gears run on emotions and if you get angry Griffon will act on them. Join Grigori and control your sacred gear better for your and everyone's safety. Think carefully about what you are going to do. We need to find 4 more people."

Natsume was confused.

"There were 7 survivors. Why are you only counting 5?"

"We only care about the four fiend users and one more. The other 2 are of no consequence."

She frowned and looked at him.

"They are people too. Can't you help them as well?

Edeath shook her head.

"There would be no point and they have nothing to offer. Think about it as we need to go."

They all walked away to get the next on the list, Tobio. Esdeath looked at Natsume and gave her an option.

"I would train with Ares. Even if he is scary he is the best trainer you can find."

They left Natsume to think about what to do with her life.