
Lightning and Fire Given Form(DxD)

When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

Kuroka Is healed(Rewrite)

Before they left to go after Tobio Azazel called Kurayami to his office, not his lab. Azazel had promised to help her with the negative effects keeping her from growing stronger. When he got into the office, Azazel grinned. 

"Kurayami, Kuroka as you know I have been experimenting with medicines and I think I found a means to heal Kuroka." 

Kuroka instantly jumped off his head and returned to her Nekomata form. 


Azazel nodded. 

"Yes. I have run many tests on your blood, fur, Demonic Power, and even your DNA. It is a tricky process, but I think I have a way to at least treat you." 

"What do I need to do?" 

Azazel motioned for Kuroka to sit. She did as he said and sat down in a chair. He pulled some papers from his desk and read them. 

"After all that, I found that your reserves are damaged and they need repair. Also, your demonic energy and your Senjutsu are corrupted as the way you got your reserves so high was unnatural. As things go you won't grow stronger even with training." 

She looked crushed, while her ears and tails drooped sadly. However, he suddenly gave her a pill bottle that contained 30 white pills. She blinked a few times and took it in her hands.

"What is this?"

He smiled as he gave the good news. 

"Well with the demigods here many of them brought Nectar and Ambrosia which are for healing. I diluted some along with, Phoenix Tears, Anti Poison Potions, and a few rare herbs for purification." 

Kurayami looked at it and was surprised.

"Hey, Azazel. Is there anything you can't do?"

This made him grin and he began to laugh.

"I guess I am pretty impressive. Although if you want to thank me just let me keep analyzing the Incenerate anthem." 

"Of course." 

Azazel continued.

"Anyway, they will cure you partially, but the rest will be on you."

Kuroka took one of the white pills and felt her core begin to heat up and even her skin turned light red. Suddenly, from her body, pitch-black smog began to vent. 

Not just that, she pushed Kurayami out of the way and puked up black sludge on the floor. Azazel collected it and explained what it was.

"That was the toxins in her body that made her energy reserves corrupted. This was the first one, so the rest will not have as many. Take them every week and I will see if this won't tell me more about what they did to you."

Kuroka's mouth was black and she rushed out to take a shower and brush her teeth as that tasted horrible. Kurayami looked at Azazel who was back to running tests.

"What do you know about the reason she is a stray devil?"

Azazel looked back and thought about it.

"Well, you know what Super Devils are right?"

"Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Rizevim are all Super Devils and easily in the top ten of the world's strongest. Old man Azrael is the equivalent of them and is stronger than them, But what about it?"

Azazel reached into a drawer and pulled out a file and gave it to him to read over.

"A devil was researching ways to create artificial Super Devils. Kuroka and her sister were taken in and you know Kuroka was turned into a devil and the experiments done to her were about trying to create Super Devils. It failed and Kuroka killed them. She told us the truth as she was deemed a failure and they were going to do the same to her sister."

Kurayami's squinted his eyes as it hit a sore spot. He knew all too well what it was like to be held prisoner as a test subject. Hearing that cemented his plan. He was going to help her get her sister back. Even if he had to start a war to do it.

Azazel went back to work.

"With that, she will have an easier time growing stronger. Now she can train more. If anything she should get healthier and stronger as her reserves won't be contained as much."

Kurayami left the lab and waited for about 5 minutes for Kuroka to come back. She wrapped her arms around his waist as she was still short. She looked up at him with a big smile as she had hoped to get stronger now.

He had to say she smelled good after her shower.

"I was worried if I had children in that state they would get my curse. Now, I don't have that fear. You said in 4 years yes?" 

Kurayami's eyes were glowing brightly. 

"Mom seems to want that. 4 years should be enough time for me to become a Seraph or above."

He moved his hands to her waist and picked her up until she was at eye level with him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his chest.

"Regardless, if that is what you want I will give you as many as you want."

She smiled and kissed him, his first kiss.

"When you are 18, I will be 21. Perfect ages I do have to say."

"If everything goes well that is." 

He reached up and stroked her ears causing her to smile.

"You touched my ears. Is that a sign that you love me?" 

"I do. Thanks to my mom, I know now I can and do love you girls. Now you will always be with me."

She hugged his head tight. 

"I love you." 

"And I love you."

He her down and began to leave.

"Come on then."

Kuroka's ears stuck straight up and rushed after him. She turned into a black cat and jumped on his head. They went back to the rest of the girls. When they saw Kuroka they felt she seemed different. Akeno noticed it first. 

"Kuroka? Did Azazel do something?"

She nodded from on top of Kurayami's head.

"Yup. Azazel finally found a way to treat me, Nya. I am in a great mood."

Everyone felt happy for her as not being able to grow stronger was a sad fate. Now that she could, her life would be much easier. Akeno opened a teleport circle to the same city that Tobio was from to search for him.

They began to look around and the thing the people talked about most was the tragedy of the high school students. The funeral was 2 days ago and it seemed it was said there would be no chance for survivors

"Well let's find our cousin and get out."

Akeno nodded

"Let's hope we are not too late."

Lavinia had a look on her face and asked a question.

"How do we find him? Do we let Tyrant smell to find him?"

Kurayami shook his head and held his hand out. With his grip alone he cut his palm and let his blood begin to drip down. Lavinia seemed curious about what he would do. With a single drop of his blood, he activated a magic circle. A spell he learned from Azazel. 

People who were around were left with blank looks as Kurayami's mind wiped them. He closed his eyes and focused on the spell. In this spell, the user finds one who shares their blood to the highest amount and with it he finds Tobio. His hand healed in an instant as he opened his eyes.

"This way."

He led them quickly toward Tobio and they saw him chasing after a few people. One of his friends was on the boat and he couldn't accept it. They moved faster to reach Tobio before he did something stupid.

They reached the abandoned building where Tobio went into. Love made him blind as he was led to a discreet place where he could be captured, or killed. When they got there Tobio was being attacked by a creature resembling a giant chameleon. The mouth of the creature was painted with blood.

Its tongue struck out at Tobio who had a piece of pipe trying to stop the thing, but no way a flimsy pipe would stop something like that. It had tried to spear Tobio and missed.

It just went through the concrete between his legs. It shot it at him and its tongue was tipped with a spike at him. He closed his eyes waiting for death that never came

Kurayami squinted his eyes and hit the lizard with a wave of dark purple flames which turned it to ash. Tobio recoiled at the heat and opened his eyes to an inferno of purple flames.

Akeno called out to him to get away from the fire. 

"Tobio. I would move back as those flames will make this building melt in a few minutes."

Tobio looked at the flames and they refused to go out. They had nothing to burn, but they began to burn the concrete for fuel. He ran back and saw a giant guy with a black cat on his head and a golden lion in his hands.

He was not alone as with him were 4 girls of similar ages. Kurayami approached him and extended his hand. Tobio shook his hand and Kurayami introduced himself.

"Let's be quick. I am Kurayami Himejiman as such you are my cousin. I will explain later, but we need to go first."

Tobio was going to ask more as he just met a guy claiming to be his cousin. His grandmother was deceased and she was a Himejima.

"Wait. You can't just drop that on me. How are those flames burning concrete."

Akeno raised her hands and smiled.

"Hi. I am Akeno Himejima. Your cousin as well. As much as I want to talk to you, you need to sleep. Good night for now."

She clapped making him fall asleep in her arms. Lavina poked him with her finger and asked.

"What did you do?"

Akeno smiled. 

"A little trick that Kuroka taught us, but we need to leave."

Lavinia was curious about it. 

"What trick?" 

Kuroka beamed as much as a cat could. 

"That was Senjutsu. She controlled his life force to put him to sleep. You are doing good."

They picked up Tobio, but unlike Natsume, they all just grabbed one of his limbs and raised him that way. They teleported away while the building began to burn in flames. It would be on the news that the fire was nearly impossible to put out.

Holy Fire was not easy to put out and Kurayami was doing them a favor as the building was going to be demolished anyway.