
Lightning and Fire Given Form(DxD)

When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

Training Results and Birthday Celebration(Rewrite)

After Ares essentially got forced by Azrael to stick around, Kurayami took advantage of that and challenged him to a rematch. Unlike the first time, Azrael acted like a proper judge and let them fight it out to their heart's content. 

Of course, Kurayami ended up receiving severe injuries from those battles which Akeno and Kuroka were often forced to heal. But Kurayami was stubborn if anything as once he was back in shape he challenged Ares once again.

He was not the only one as Esdeath, Raynare, Vali, and Akeno all took a crack at Ares. However, unlike him, none of them could fight Ares for long even Raynare who was now being mentored by Azrael.

She had the potentiol to become a Super Fallen Angel like her grandfather, but that was just potential. On another note, Ares and Kurayami quickly became great friends as their battles were something each enjoyed greatly. 

Ares even began to personally teach Kurayami about dual-wielding his blades. Comparing their experience was pointless as even with two lives Kurayami could not compare to the time Ares had been fighting. 

Through those fights, Kurayami discovered more about himself. After Azrael gave him and Akeno his blood, the purest Fallen Angel blood in existence he began to push his way into the Cadre Rank. 

In each fight that he underwent, Kurayami's bloodline began to devour his human genes and replace them. This was called a Sublimation as his genes purified themselves. 

Ares could feel that and he pressed Kurayami harder, to squeeze out his potential. During a particularly brutal fight between them where Ares did not hold back and acted as if he was going to kill Kurayami, his survival instinct and talent pushed him into the next rank.

Kurayami's 5th pair of wings emerged from his back signifying he had joined the ranks of the Cadres like his Father. Angel wings signaled the power of an Angel as they were much like the tails of a Yokai. 

Not only did they purify and increase the total mana of the Angel, they also increased their control over their innate Light Magic. In Kurayami's case, his Holy Lightning had been refined with Zeus' Lightning. 

In that battle, he turned the tables on Ares and forced the war god to take things seriously to avoid getting injured worse. Esdeath on the other hand still had 2 pairs of wings as it would take longer for her to grow more as her genes were still stabilizing. 

Raynare and Akeno were still stuck with 4 as becoming a Cadre was not easy. It was a legendary rank and Kurayami had done so because of his mutated bloodline. Akeno and Raynare though were not far off and only needed a right push. 

Ares planned to be that push, but unlike Kurayami, they could not handle Kurayami's training plan. A shame as he was getting plenty of battles from his friend. 


4 months after the start of Ares' stay, Kurayami invited him, Azrael, Azazel, and Vali over to his house for Kuroka's 18th Birthday. She was quite excited as she was turning into an adult that day and Kurayami was quite excited as Azazel promised to bring some fancy whiskeys from share. 

And that was exactly what he and his friends were doing even Vali who was 12. Azazel opened up a brightly glowing bottle of alcohol and poured out 5 glasses for Baraqiel, himself, Azrael, Ares, Vali, and Kurayami. 

Once all their glasses were full, Azazel raised his glass. 


One after the other, they all clinked their glasses with him and down their shots. Shuri was not happy at the moment as her young son was drinking. Though, she had to admit he did not look young at all. 

Because he became a Cadre, he had begun to mature rapidly. Just 4 months ago, he was 5'11, but now he was 6'3. He looked much like his Father only younger so she no longer treated him as a child as much as she wanted to. 

Instead, she spent time with Kuroka, Raynare, Esdeath, Akeno, and Annabeth while the men drank. Kurayami's enhanced liver began to process the alcohol he consumed, but this alcohol was designed to work even on a Seraph like Azazel. 

He was feeling the growing feelings of a buzz. 

"Ok, that is strong but pleasant."

Azazel laughed as he poured out another round. 

"I brewed it myself."

Azrael closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling. 

"A great drink." 

Ares down his drink and grinned. 

"Now that is great, but I got something just as good." 

He reached out into the open air and a large bottle of dark purple wine appeared in his hands. 

"Got this from Dyonisus a while back. Never got around to opening it, but now is a good time."

Kurayami drank down his second shot as he watched as Ares opened the wine. Instantly, they were hit with a strong, but pleasant scent of grapes. Ares sniffed the wine a bit before he poured it out. 

"Be ready to be amazed." 

Baraqiel seemed extremely excited. 

"I can tell this will be good. Son, how are you feeling?" 

Kurayami felt his face loosen up and he cracked a small smile. 

"Good. Feeling the buzz, but over I am good." 

Seeing an actual smile made him smile. 

"Well then, let's not waste this." 

Unlike Azazel's whiskey, they did not down this. They took time to savor the wine which proved to be correct. It was strong, enough to get a god drunk, but not unpleasant. Vali started to rock back and forth while hiccupping now and then. 

"Everything id koilinf fumnnt. Why arre their 5 Azszeld?"

Azazel started to laugh as he looked at Vali. He would be a terrible parent for letting a 12-year-old drink, but Vali was the descendent of Lucifer. He was supposed to commit sins and break rules and do as he pleased. 

"Man, you are shitfaced."

Vali shook his head. 

"No, I am not. The Whitw Desggpn E.mporrr van deunk all of you under."

Everyone began to laugh at him as Azazel poured them all another round. 

"Another round." 

Shuri frowned as she looked over at the men's table as they kept drinking. 

"Azazel, go easy on Vali. This is his first time drinking and he is 12." 

Azazel chuckled. 

"He is fine. The mighty White Dragon Emperor said he will drink us under after all."

Vali drank his 4th round and began to rock even harder. 

"Beae wirnwsss tp my-" 

Before he could finish his face hit the table knocked out cold. Instantly, the men erupted in laughter. Azazel patted Vali on the shoulder. 

"Damn, he is out cold." 

Azazel moved his hand and Vali began to levitate with Telekinesis and put him on the couch. Once Vali was out, they continued to drink and mingle among themselves. Meanwhile, Shuri shook her head. 


Kuroka smiled as she looked at Kurayami who seemed to react positively under the influence. His normally expressionless face seemed to relax under the effect of alcohol. 

"It's nice to see him have friends now." 

Shuri felt the same.

"I know. I am glad he is having fun, I just wished he would go easy." 

They watched as they downed another round. At that moment, Azazel reached into his pocket and pulled out a poker deck. 

"Who is up for a round of cards?"

One after another they began to agree and they began to play as they drank. Halfway through, Azrael brought something special. 


These were not mundane cigars, but cigars grown by Tezcatlipoca of the Aztec Pantheon. The god of Smoking grew some of the best cigars around and they were quick to accept. 

They all took one and Kurayami lit them for everyone. Now this was a party as they gambled, drank, and smoked the night away. Now, Shuri was annoyed as she used a quick spell to form a barrier between her and them. 

Akeno watched as Kurayami took a slow drag of his cigar and began exhaling. It seemed he had done this before, but that was impossible. She frowned as she always questioned why her brother seemed like he was much older than her. 

'What is up with you brother?' 

She did not ask that through their link and just asked herself that. As for Shuri she shook her head annoyed at them. 


Esdeath sighed. 

"Why are they having all the fun?" 

Shuri frowned. 

"Am I borring?" 

Esdeath shook her head. 

"No, no, no, of course not."

Shuri smiled as she liked teasing her daughter-in-law. No one was worried as everyone here was a powerhouse. Baraqiel, Kurayami, Azrael, Ares, Azazel, and Vali if he was not drunk. 

Not to mention Akeno, Raynare, Esdeath, and Kuroka were also here. 

Outside the house, Titus, Tyrant, Ulrik, Blitz, Cain, and Astor were roaming their property making sure everything was fine. As for Aurora, the little lion was sleeping in Shuri's lap.

Just as everyone was having a good time, instantly they all heard a cacophony of roars, snarls, and howls. All of their familiars found an intruder and that alerted everyone. Titus sounded the alarm, but they all heard the roars of Tyrant. The pseudo-dragon did not take to people intruding here as it involved his master.

Cain and Ulrik were silent ones, but their mounts were neighing up a storm. That instantly everyone alerted as Kurayami, Azazel Baraqiel, Azrael, and Ares all dropped their cards and went outside.

What they saw was Titus, Ulrik, Cain, Tyrant, Blitz, and Astor surrounding a woman who looked just like Shuri. They were closing in and it seemed they were seconds from tearing her apart. 

When she spotted Baraqiel she yelled out for help as even she could not handle this many rare and powerful monsters. 


Baraqiel sighed as they all got worried for nothing. 

"Titus, back off." 

Titus did as he was told so Kurayami did the same. 

"Stand down." 

At their words, the familiars disengaged and returned to his side. Ares took a puff of his cigar as he looked at the woman. 

"You know this broad Baraqiel?" 

Baraqiel nodded. 

"It's Suzaku, Shuri's niece."

Hearing his words they all calmed down. The only reason she had not been attacked was that she looked and smelled like Shuri. Baraqiel walked over as he kept his cigar in his mouth. 

"Suzaku. I haven't seen you since Shuri healed me. I am glad you are ok and alive."

Hearing his words, Shuri rushed outside and when she saw her niece she rushed to her niece and gave her a big hug. She was truly happy to see her again as only Suzaku had supported her relationship with Baraqiel.

"I haven't seen you in years. I am glad you came."

Suzaku looked at her aunt's big belly and smiled.

"Aunty, your pregnant? Congratulations. I was hoping to come on better terms, but your familiars nearly killed me." 

Shuri rubbed her belly and smiled.

"I am glad you are ok. They only mean to protect us. Come in, it's been ages." 

Shuri led her inside leaving them all outside. Kurayami took a drag on his cigar as he turned to his Father and friends. 

"That happened."

Azazel hummed. 

"Wonder what she could want here?" 

Ares shrugged. 

"All I know is she is hot." 

Baraqiel frowned. 

"Don't let Shuri hear you." 

"I won't. Anyway, let's get back to the game." 

Azrael smiled. 


They all walked inside back to their table where they resumed their game. Suzaku looked over at the table as she saw Kurayami among them. 

"Is that your son?"

Shuri nodded as she frowned at the men's table.

"My son, my husband, his grandfather-in-law, Ares and Azazel. Doing men things." 

Suzaku cleared her voice so everyone paid attention. 

"I am Suzaku Himejima. Neice of Shuri and cousin to Akeno and you. Nice to meet you two."

Kurayami glanced over from the table with a puff of smoke. 


Akeno quickly hugged her tight as someone her mother loved must be a good person. Esdeath and Raynare looked at her and felt she was very strong. And not too much weaker than they were. 

Suzaku turned looked at Baraqiel and bowed.


"Glad to see you once again." 

She looked at Shuri's big belly and rubbed her belly. 

"How far along are you?" 

"4 months." 

Suzaku gave the reason she came here. 

"I want to speak more, but it can wait. I wanted to tell you that I am the next head of the clan. As such, along with Lady Amaterasu's verdict, all members of the Himejiman clan are to no longer pursue or engage in hostility toward you or your family. The elders as expected not pleased.

They still see your marriage and more so your children as a shame on the family."

Baraqiel shook his head at human stupidity as Grigori was not weak. On top of it, even if the head goddess gave her order they are still intending to go against it. Ares snorted. 


Kurayami had to agree. 

"How is grandmother?"

Suzaku did not know that Amaterasu had told them to call her that. However, it sounded like something she would say.

"She is doing just fine, but she sent me here to talk to you. A few exiled members are making moves and seems they are planning something. I came to ask if you can help a young man named Tobio Ikuse."

Kurayami took another drag of his cigar. 

"Who is he and why are they after him?"

Suzaku explained what was special about him.

"He is descended from the Himejima clan and as such he is related to us. He is our cousin as well, though his grandmother. She was exiled for her using Buddhist magic."

Shurui frowned at the thought.

"The clan did exile any who used foreign magic or had sacred gears. They are quite isolationist."

Esdeath raised an eyebrow at how foolish that was.

"They would get rid of sacred gear users? What fools. Everyone knows sacred gears are some of the greatest weapons you can have."

Suzaku scoweled as it was true.

"It is sad, but they are so old-fashioned, I can't do much just yet. I may be the next head, but I still require more time to consolidate my authority." 

Azrael smirked as took a shot. 

"I can help with that. Would not take too much effort at all." 

Suzaku shook her head. 

"Please don't bother yourself. Regardless, having Grigori's backing will help push the clans out of their ancient dogma." 

Azazel was fine with that. 

"If you're the clan it would expand our influence a fair bit. I would like to get access to ancient tomes of your clan." 

"I don't mind sharing that in time, for now, I require this favor."

She looked at Kurayami who was beginning to get a reputation for his power as fighting Ares was a considerable achievement. Amaterasu had ordered them to not antagonize him as she did not want him to hold bad feelings toward the Himejima clan.

"So. Can I ask you to help him if needed?"

He began to pet the Auroro who jumped onto his lap which was quite a sight as they were rare.

"Sure. Azazel, you told me a bit about the guy as you met him a few years ago right?" 

Azazel nodded. 

"Yup. That guy gave me the feeling of a Sacred Gear or something of a similar nature." 

Kurayami turned to Suzaku.

"Why does he need help?"

She described more about what had occurred.

"Alright. You hear about the sinking of the Heavenly of Aloha?"

Kurayami thought about it. 

"I think so. It was all over the news in the human world. 234 students and teachers went missing when it sank. Only a few managed to survive and they were the ones who didn't go on the trip. What about it?"

Suzaku continued her explanation.

"An organization called the Utusemi Agency is making moves. It is made of exiled members of the 5 principal clans and they were after something on the boat, but from the looks of it, they didn't find it. They are now going after the survivors and Tobio will be one of the ones hunted if nothing is done. I can't do it myself because of all the pressure from the Elders." 

Kurayami thought about it. 

"Seems interesting." 

Esdeath and Raynare were both itching for another major mission. 

"Seems it is time for us to put our training under Ares to the test. Ready Esdeath?"

Esdeath nodded.

"I have been wanting a mission since Kurayami fought Ares by himself." 

Ares rolled his eyes as he took a drink of his wine. 

'Damn brats.' 

Akeno sighed how to battle thirty they were. She could see it in her brother, when he was not in battle he was like a waiting blade. Just waiting to pop to reveal his battle frenzy.

"Fine. We owe it to our relative." 

Shuri smiled and turned to Kurayami. 

"Please help Tobio. No matter how small it is he is family."

"I promise to try my best, but not today. I am far too drunk." 

Suzaku smiled sheepishly as they had been drinking and celebrating. 

"Of course. Take your time." 

They did just that and had a fun night. Suzaku spent time with Shuri and the girls while Kurayami had fun with his mates. Once everyone left, he fell quickly unconscious blacked out drunk. 

Esdeath, Raynare, and Kuroka had to drag him to his room. By that time, Azazel, Azrael, and Ares left. Kuroka's birthday may not have been normal, but she was happy he had fun. 


The next morning Kurayami took a cold shower as his hangover was kinda of bad. Not bad enough to get in his way, but enough to be annoying. That morning, Kurayami, Esdeath, Raynare, and Akeno all spread their wings and flew toward the Japanese Grigori outpost.

Kuroka as usual had her spot on Kurayami's head. While they left, Shuri and Suzaku caught up on events in their lives.


At Grigori, the 5 of them went to Azazel's office and found him talking to a young woman dressed in a witch outfit. He looked hungover and overwhelmed at the witch girl. 

When they entered the office, the blonde witch instantly got them all in a tight hug.

They were all surprised as that was super forward. 

"Hello, friends. I am Lavina Reni. Azazel told me all about you. I am so glad to meet you all."

They looked at Azazel who held his head. 

"She is Grauzauberer. They are here about the ship as well."

Kurayami also suffering from a hangover. Lavinia nodded and clarified what had happened. 

"A few magicians from Grauzauberer have gone rogue and joined up with the Utsusemi Agency. We captured a few and found out about a project they call the Four Fiends Project."

Azazel as a sacred gear fanatic explained what they were.

"The four fiends are independent avatar-type Sacred Gears. Kind of like Divine Dividing with four different powerful beats sealed inside."

Esdeath saw how Kuraaymi's hollow eyes lit up with a desire to have them. She sighed and smiled.

"You really love to collect creatures right?"

He summoned Aurora and nodded as she snuggled into his arms.

"It's something about having creatures that make me smile."

Kuroka frowned at another cat. 

"Hey, I am the only cat allowed." 

He paid her no mind and kept petting Auroro who was a baby. That reminded Azazel of something. 

"Speaking of creatures, check this out."

He reached into his coat and brought out a purple gem that gave a strong presence Around Raynare coiled Viritra and he gazed at the gem.

"So, You made a contract with Fafnir. What is your goal?"

Azazel bragged about it.

"I plan to make an Artificial Sacred gear like the Scale Mail of Boosted Gear and Divine Divining."

Azazel placed the gem back in his coat with a grin.

"I got Vali, Kuraymi, Raynare, and Esdeath as perfect research material into sacred gears. Just with their help, my progress is going great. You could use your lion as armor and you know that Nemean Lions have nearly unpierceable skin."

Kurayami looked at Aurora. 

"As in a synchronization?" 


Vritra returned to Raynare's body as he lost interest. After that, they spoke at length about what they should do and had a list of students who didn't go on the trip. Kurayami, Esdeath, Raynare, and Akeno all looked at the list and pointed at the first one on it.

"Let's start with the girl named Natsume Minagawa."

Esdeath looked at her picture and nodded. Azazel handed them four eggs which Kurayami took in his hands. 

"They help awaken Independent Avatar's sacred gears."

Lavina tried to pet Aurora, but the cub was very proud and tried to bite her. Kurayami snorted, still loose from the alcohol. 

"Don't bother. She only lets my family touch her and as you are a stranger she won't trust you."

Lavina pouted as the small lion was just very adorable. She swore to get Aurora to like her which would be very hard. Kurayami opened a magic circle under them as Lavina rushed next to them.

"Don't leave me."

She made it in time as they teleported away. Once they were gone, Azazel reached into his drawer and pulled out a potion which he drank. Instantly, his hangover was gone. 

"That's better."


Kurayami teleported them all to the home of the girl which was easy as they had the address. Raynare shook her head as she felt no life around.

"No one is home."

Kurayami summoned Tyrant who looked like a big red Komodo dragon at the moment.

"Sniff her out."

He could do it, but he did not feel like it.

They followed Tyrant as he went to the room that looked like a girl's. The girls didn't mind, but Lavina was a little embarrassed. He got a used shirt from the laundry basket.

He put it in front of Tyrant who sniffed and licked it and he soon got her smell. Lavina looked at him with a questioning look.

"So you break into a girl's room and have a lizard smell her clothes?"

Tyrant was pissed he was called a lizard and while he walked by her he zapped her with his tail.


Her hair was on end and she looked at Tyrant like he was evil. Kurayami shook his head.

"He does not like being called a lizard. And he could have cut you up with his barbed tail."

Lavinia looked over at Aurora who was chuffing as a laugh. Kurayami began to follow Tyrant who had the scent. 

"Well let's go find the girl."

They followed Tyrant who to normal humans would look like a big dog while he led them to Natsume. Tyrant already had her scent.