
Legacies: Immortal king

Its a crossover story b/w legacies and twilight Its my first story so please give a review if u like Small Harem Alpha mc

Manu_Shukla_4861 · TV
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13 Chs



Hello my name is josie saltzman, my dad is headmaster of our school and there is my twin lizzie. I am having dreams like literal dreams daily of a boy it was weird until i didn't know the reason because we have never met, i have never seen him personally, i didn't what i felt for him.

When i was little i asked my mom and dad about the boy in my dreams but they never answered always changing the topic our talk.

One day i was roaming in school park with my sister then we saw a girl painting namely Hope Mikaelson daughter of none other than demon klaus mikaelson, while i didn't have any particular feelings for her i knew my sister hated her not because of her family lineage but because she was simply better than anything than my sister, she was jealous of her that is why she bullied her and because of that hope didn't had any friends, i wanted to stop her but i wasn't able to because as long as i have known i have always lived in my sister's shadow.

That day she was like any day she was going to badmouth her but she went and started destroying her painting i wanted to say something but i can't, i can see how angry was hope then i saw what or whom she drew and my mind went blank as soon i gazed at the painting, then i felt anger like never before how dare my sister destroy painting of the boy of my dreams, then in that anger i went and slapped my sister and shouted " how dare you to destroy that painting " she was frozen and looked at me like she was seeing someone else i can't understand why, than it hit me i slapped my sister this was the first time i did something like that to her or even raised my voice, this was the first time i stood up to her and who gave the power the boy in my dreams just who he is i want to know and did hope knew who he was.

When i asked her she said she also saw him in her dreams i was stunned she was like me i think we can be friends. Ahh i have to make up with lizz why am i still annoyed at her.

The next day day after that hope called me saying she knew something about boy and asked me to come to her room i literally ran to her room, in her room she was not alone there was also her aunt freya she explained to us everything about mate bond and this boy being our mate, it was weird that we have to share but we can't do anything.

Afer that day hope and i become very good friends as we will be together in future with our mate.

Seeing our friendship grow lizzie was annoyed and tried to break our friendship because of that we quarelled few times and there started to become a wall in between our relationship, and to fix that i told her everything first she screamed at me how can i share a man, then after that she started setting me up with different man i always refused, but oneday she left me drunk with a man at my room i nearly done it with him and to my saving grace came to my mind came image of my mate it immediately sobered me up, then i beat the boy blue and black and got him expelled.

I also bitch slapped my sister and fought with her and that day i slept at hope's room, it also strengthened our relationship, after that day lizzie didn't do anything weird and we started to ammending our relationship, there was still awkwardness between us but nothing like before as she didn't like hope and still didn't accept my bond.

Today my father called me, he again called me little girl, even though i asked him not to and i can hear someone laugh from behind, then confirming my situation he said he wanted me to meet someone, i thought who could it be then came a crazy idea in my mind could it be my mate, but i laughed it of how much of a chance can it be, but i can't help but feel excited who could it be.

Then i and Lizzie headed to headmaster's office.

As soon as we entered i first saw my dad than hope and finally after them i finally saw him after waiting for him so many years, i ran towards him then i kissed him. Then a voice came from behind it was my dad's i finally remembered we were infront of everyone i become embarassed seeing me like that he simply smiled and hugged me, his smell was addictive, his arms were gentle yet firm

i want to remain these arms for all eternity. Seeing us like that lizzie was annoyed as she understood he was my mate and started spouting nonsense

listening to them i was becoming more and more annoyed by my sister's behavior if she behaves like that in future i may have to leave her behind. But i was pleased by my mates behaviour he ignored her like a fly simply said 'seems like she didn't like me' after she left . I was happy happy that he was going to enroll here and we could spend more time together.

As we started touring the school hope latched on his right arm seeing this i latched on his left arm , we were walking on school corridors with our hands interwined so we were getting many stares especially Allac he was getting hateful glares from many boys but he simply shrugged at them.

Then i started explaining everything about school to him when we were infront of chemistry class i explained him that the teacher was william he is librarian and he is substitute to real teacher who in one of his experiments he incirated himself wit hell fire and burned all his hairs but didn't leave a scar. Then we saw teacher asked penelope to perform a spell , then she saw me and scowled

" why is scowling at you" asked allac

" she asked me out and i rejected her it was a big hit to her ego, of course i was waiting for you" i smiled at him

listening to this he smiled and kissed me gently , i was shocked but hope was jealous so he also kissed her seeing this scene everyone in halway was stunned as he was kissing both of us and neither of was rejecting him, the hell i will ever reject him.

Then we started our tour again i explained him everything like councellor room, library our sport which was derived from quidditch.

And lastly we arrived at wolf transformation dungeon where the person who came with rafael was supposed to be.

At that our tour ended.