
Legacies: Immortal king

Its a crossover story b/w legacies and twilight Its my first story so please give a review if u like Small Harem Alpha mc

Manu_Shukla_4861 · TV
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13 Chs


[Allac pov]

As we were in car going to salvatore school hope was explaining me everything about mate bond which i know already but feigning ignorance is best sometimes.

"So you are saying we are magically bonded married couple" I said while grinning.

Listening to me hope became red like rose and started saying

" It's not like that, if you don't like me you can be just away from me and nothing will happen"

While saying that hope was looking down nervously while praying to herself that i will abandon her.

" The hell are you talking about even though we just met i feel like i know you from my last life(*well he is not lying*), don't you dare say i will abandon you, listen you are mine only mine i will never leave you behind " I was angry listening to hope how can she take our bond lightly.

Listening to me hope was happy that i will not abandon her and also ashamed of herself, how can she think like that, so to change awkwardness between them she said

" You also have 2 more mate bonds" Said hope

" What do you mean " feigning confused and surprised look, i feel like shit lying to her but i can't just say i know you from tv series and wished from god to make you my mate.

Then she told me everything about jossie.

" So she like you is my magically bonded wife " i said

hope was annoyed listening to me definitely not wholely accepting the idea of sharing me.

"YES" said hope in deep voice definitely not accepting the idea.

" So are you fine with the idea of polygamy " I asked

" What can i do, mate bond will always bring destined individuals together even they do not want to, this! this is your fault you perverted bastard why do you have more than one mate bond" shouted hope even surprising herself as she thought she had accepted the idea of polygamy.

Allac can only listen to her as he is the one who wished for 3 mates.

" Listen to me hope i don't know what will happen in future but i can definitely tell you that i will love you all equally " said cliched line of harem protagonist, but in his case mate bond will make sure of it

Then we started doing some small talk our whole way back, when we reached school we first put both landom and rafael in wolf transformation chamber and then we headed toward headmaster's office.

" So hope should have told you by now about mate bonds and that one of your mate is my daughter, so as a father i can not take this lightly and i will ask you some questions for my satisfaction " said alaric then he throwed a ball towards me, i remember this artifact it is truth ball but as if this ball can pass my occlumency barrier , i will manipulate my mind to get desired answers.

" so you are tribrid"



" how many years have you known"

"when i unlocked my wolf curse first"


" how do you unlocked your wolf curse "

" when i saw a women going to be raped i rushed to save her and accidentally killed the offender and it was a full moon night then my bones started to break and i transformed, seeing me transform the woman i saved told everything to police and from then on i am being chased by hunters"


" so you killed anyone else"

" yes "


seeing this allaric frowned then he asked

"who "

" some of those who were after my life"


listening to this allaric's frown lightened, as if i only killed those i killed criminals and i also killed some super naturals to check my power and i also needed blood to satisfy my thirst.

" ok so i asked you what i wanted, but listen to me if you ever hurt either jossie or hope i will kill you understand " said alaric

As if you can kill me " i understand " i said giving him a military salute

" ok so you can now enroll here " said alaric

" Thank you can you please now call jossie here i want to meet her" i said and he complied with my request and called her.

*jossie 773838×××*

" Hello dad how are you " said jossie from other side of phone

" I am fine my little girl can you come to my office its urgent " said alaric, i was going to laugh at that nickname but some how i controlled it.

" Dad how many times i have said to not call me that , i am not a little girl anymore"

listening to this i cannot hold back anymore and laughed but stopped when alaric glared me.

"Dad is there someone else there " said jossie listening to my laugh

" Yes there is i wanted you to meet him " said alaric

" ok i am coming " said jossie

*5 min later*

*knock knock*

"Dad" asked jossie

" yes come in " alaric said

I was nervous what will be her reaction seeing me, will she react like hope or will she run away.

[3rd pov]

After jossie came in with lizzie she first saw her dad then her eyes wandered in room searching for the person her dad wanted to meet her, her eyes landed on hope then she saw man beside hope as her eyes met his and she froze time seemed to stop, then she ran towards him without him not caring about any person present there she hugged him very tightly not wanting to let him go. There he was standing the person of her dreams, she waited for him. Then she took the first initiative and kissed him. Allac was first surprised then he also kissed with same passion , their toungues battled for dominance but allac won eventually.

Seeing allac kissing jossie hope wanted to jump between them but cannot make herself do that as josie also waited for him so long but she will make sure to spend more alone time with him.

Seeing this scene alaric coughed and said

" Not infront of me "

Listening to what alaric said jossie got embarrased and reluctantly let go of allac.

Seeing the scene infront of her lizzie UNDERSTOOD that this man was josie' s mate then she felt hate for the person infront of her as he is the person who become a wall in thier sisterly bond, he was the reason behind jossie hitting her and many of other arguments.

She will ask him to go away and leave josie , and if he will not go away she will beat him and make him do it not knowing the person infront of her is very strong.

Sensing killing intent from somewhere allac frowned then he found the cause and saw lizzie , first he can't understand why she wanted to kill him then he remembered she wanted to control josie's life but now because of him she can't, he hated her bitch character and if she will do anything against him and he is 100℅sure she will he will show her place her place even though she is his mate's sister. Then he smirked at her, that made the killing intent double she now hated him more she will not let go of this.

Sensing the tense atmosphere alaric said

" Hope and Josie give allac here tour of school and lizzie you bring rafael from wolf transformation chamber and give him tour of school they both will be new students here " said alaric

" he can't study here" shouted lizzie while pointing her finger at allac who smirked at her again

" oh why can't i " said allac

" i don't know why but u can't " again shouted lizzie

" ok stop that now and lizzie do what i asked you " said alaric while glaring at lizzie

" ok fine" said lizzie while huffing and got out of office

" looks like she don't like me much " said allac after lizzie had gone away

" it's not your mistake i will talk to her " said josie

After that we also started out tour.


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