
Legacies: Immortal king

Its a crossover story b/w legacies and twilight Its my first story so please give a review if u like Small Harem Alpha mc

Manu_Shukla_4861 · TV
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13 Chs


[Allac pov ]

I had bought a house in town where rafael and landom live, and my house is near the church where rafael will be staked and i am waiting for the day to come when i will finally meet Hope Andria Mikael Son.

*after several days*

Today is day as i have seen rafael kill his girlfriend accidently and was now take to the church and i can see a suv parking over, and there comes hope and alaric.

[Hope pov]

My name is Hope Mikael Son original tribrid first of her kind, people think i am a abomination who should not be alive and i agree with them i think i should have died istead of my father and uncle.

My own mother died because of me. I am such a abomination i would have killed myself if not for that boy who comes in my dream every night ever since i was little.

First i asked about him to mom she said that he was a special person who i will meet in future, and do not tell about him to any other person, i secretly painted his face every year i don't know how many paintings of him i have in my locker, when i was painting at salvatore school one of twins saw the painting her name was lizzie she was a bitch she wanted to destroy my painting i was a step slow to save the painting i thought it would be destroyed i was fuming with anger at that time but to my surprise it was saved by second twin Josie then she slaped Lizzie and started shouting at her this is the first time i have ever seen josie raise her voice but that slap was insanely satisfying even though i was not the one to slap her.

After that whole ordeal she came to me first time and her first question was

" Who is this you know him can i meet him"

Seeing her sincere and lovestruck eyes looking at painting i can't understand what is happening do i also look at the painting with those eyes, but now i can only answer truthfully.

" I don't know who he is, he only comes to my dreams but i also want meet him, do you know him"

After listening to me she made a 🥺 sad expression and said.

" No i don't know who he is but i also see him in my dreams, i want to meet him"

seeing her sad expression i know one thing she loved him even though she never met him i also feel that sadness maybe i also love him. I need to talk to aunt freya about this.

"Hope why do you called me here " said freya arriving at salvatore school

" Aunt you know about the boy who comes in my dreams" I said

Listening to me her eyes wavered for a sec and that tells me she why i dreamt about him.

" Please tell about him please, it is madenning me please tell me there is a girl in here who also sees him in his dreams and seems to be love in him and is also suffering "

Listening to her eyes becomes as big as saucers and she become shocked.

" Who is that girl tell me all about her " she asks me

Then i tell her everything about josie and again pleaded her to tell me about the boy.

" Call her i will tell about him to both of you"

Then i called jossie, she picked up my phone and said.

" I have no time to talk to you lizzie is not talking to me, even though i have said sorry to her"

" It is about the boy we both see in our dreams "

" I am coming, where are you"

" I am at my room"

Then she came not even a full minute has passed

" what you have to tell about him " she said

" i don't my aunt has to tell about him" i said

Then aunt freya started to tell everything about him

the mate bond, his three mate out of which we are two , listening to her I was shocked and jossie was also shocked i was feeling complicated now i finall know what i feel about him, i love him even though i never met him i love him and i don't want to share him but everything do not go as you want, we have to compromise because he will not leave any one of us out because of this bond and there is one more who we do not know nothing about.

After that day i and jossie become close to each other she was my one and only friend , we are now like sisters because of this lizzie started to hate me more and never leave a way to annoy or badmouth me or my family.

Now i can say confidently i will have no problem if jossie share him with me. Even though i can not say i will not feel jealous but i can share him with jossie but i don't know about the third.

Today i was going with headmaster to take new wolf in he was taken into church.

As i got inside the church i saw a father was chanting some gibberish while wolf was staked i wood.

" Silencio" after silencing him i got near to the wolf and helped him calm down.

After the whole ordeal we came out of church deciding to go back to school then i saw landom

even though i know he had feelings for me but i can never reciprocate them back then i don't understand why but now i know, seeing his eyes i know he still loves so i decided to make things clear.

" Landom u still didn't get over your crush, i cannot reciprocate your feelings i love someone else"

After hearing to me he started fuming

" who is he"

"I don't know" I said

That was pretty foolish first saying i love someone than saying i don't know who he is.

" Are you mocking me " he said angrily

I wanted to say some thing but before that i saw him the person i see everyday in my dream.

I don't know what I was thinking but I ran towards him hugging him i can feel the bond strengthening being near him i will never let him go never. Then i saw his they were looking at me with love and little lust. If anyone else other than him seen me those eyes i would have hated them but not the person infront of me i even feel elated he looked at me like that . I was feeling so happy seeing him that without even knowing i blurted out

" I love you❤❤ "

listening to myself i was shocked i don't know what type of person he is but i know i love him huh so this is the power of mate bond.

I waited for his answer but the answer came in form of kiss he kissed me first a chaste kiss then a more passionate kiss our toungues interwined and played with each other exploring each every corner of our mouth. I feel like i was melting in arms, i never felt this happy , I wanted time to stop at this moment.

" * cough**cough*" then came voice of alaric from behind

suddenly i became embarassed being kissed outside in public.

Alaric was staring at us more specifically at the boy infront of me , and i think i know why because if he is my mate he will also be jossie's mate.