
Legacies: Immortal king

Its a crossover story b/w legacies and twilight Its my first story so please give a review if u like Small Harem Alpha mc

Manu_Shukla_4861 · TV
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13 Chs


New york, Void Mansion

[Allac Pov]

I hate this i don't want to be a baby anymore, having no control over your body and your bodily functions is frustrating. And i don't want to breastfeed fuck.

Well can't do anything now only time will help.

(10 months later)

I have started to walk, malia is calling me a little genius now. But still have to cry for food.

(5 months later)

I can now talk fluently and can express what i want to malia, when i first called her 'mama' she was surprised at first then showed me a beautiful smile, but behind that smile i can see some sadness i think she was reminded of my birth mother after all she was loyal to my mother.

But the most hate i felt to the person comes monthly to check me he is none other than the fucker who hit my butt i swear i will unlock my wolf curse by killing that doctor ahh i hate him.

Now onto my magic i didn't thought that inadu has this much magic, i cannot do magic because if i will try it will hurt my body as i didn't unlock neither wolf nor vampire side of my body, i will have to kill a person to unlock wolf side and drink blood of the person i killed to unlock my vampire side, which i can't do both because i can't leave this damm place.

When i will become 3 i will start training my body and do train to control my magic, i think i will do chakra training from naruto hmm it will help me.

(5 year old)

I can now do 30 pushups that's all for now as i am a damm child as i think 30 pushups daily is still a great thing.

Now for my magic control i can stick leaves or even spoons at all parts of my body, i think now i will try to walk no wall now.

(10 year old)

Yess my body is as strong as yuji itadori i think my magic strengthened my body to its peak and the best thing i can control my magic and conceal it now i can go outside of the house. I thought i will start having nightmares of this house if i can't go outside, ok so the question is shall i find some criminals to unlock my other sides or wait for some time, i think i will wait for some time i will practice magic from my grimoire that i think is in my soul.

It is still 7 years from canon i think i can learn all magic in my grimoire first i will start with apparation so i can go ti some quiet place to test my magic.

(15 year old)

Ah there are so many spells in this damm grimoire even though i learned most of them i think i will be be able to learn remaining in 5 more years now is the time to unlock my wolf and vampire side.

" Malia i am going outside i will come late at night or will come tomorrow as i will hang out with my friends" Said allac even though he do not have any friends he only used compulsion magic on some kids his age and introduced them to malia , he used them as a shield so he can stay outside to at night.

" Ok young master be safe and break the talisman i gave u if something bad happens, i will come immediately "said Malia

Today is full moon night i will break my curse today sorry malia for not telling u anything.

In an alley two persons, can be seen forcing a woman trying to rape she was crying for help but no one can listen to her but guess what i can listen to her these two will be my prey.

" This is a big treet to us bro " Said c1 to c2 not knowing death looming over them.

" Shut up hold her tight and gag her mouth she is shouting too much" Said c2

" Help please help someone please help me 😭😭" Cried woman desparately

" Hoo.. Don't worry lady i have come i will save you " I said

Listening to what i said all three looked at my direction, lady's eyes were filled with hope seeing me but those two were looking at me like i stole their favourite meal.

But i hate people like them who forced other people for there pleasure, even though i have slept around with many women i never forced any it was with mutual consent now now don't call me scum i will stop sleeping around after i meet with my mates.

" Who the fuck r u get the fuck out of here can't you see we r going to enjoy our meal, you don't know who are you messing up with" Said c1

Listening to them i was angry very angry how can they call any person there meal these scum.

*5 minutes later*

After i beat the shit out of them i helped the lady and called a cab for her as i don't want to kill in fornt of her.

" Thank you thank you for saving me i will never forget about this kind ness of yours " Said the lady while again and again thanking me and crying on my shoulders

" Don't worry miss and please be vigilant in future now you can go home " I said to her

After she left i apparated with these goons in woods as i don't want news in next day news paper 'big bad wolf walking the streets '.

I will not even feel anything after killing these scums.

'Avada kedavra' i shouted and first goon was dead seeing this second goon started running wanting to escape from me i chased him and killed him with a knife and start drinking his blood it was disgusting i think after turning it will taste different.

And i want to meet those fuckers who said black magic can affect mind, there is no such thing as black magic it is just strong magic strong enough so that you can not handle it well i am strong so i can handle.

As soon as moonlight fell on me my bones started to break, this is the most painful experience i have ever had.

After i have transformed i can see my reflection in a lake 7 ft tall full black with golden tail and ears , eyes glowing red with power showing colour of an alpha, i never felt this freedom this power, i want to run.

"Aiiooooooooooo" After howling i started running faster than than i ever ran before this is exhilarating.

*Next day*

After i transformed back i can feel power running through my body i need to learn to control it i can feel my magic syncronizing with my new body. My body changes slightly nothing major though i am now 190 cm tall olympic swimmer body , oh i never told you my looks i look like to ellis from lucifer tv show.

* Don't fucking break fourth wall*

My vampire transformation also happened last night but i can control my hunger i think this is due to my wolf and witch side. Now lets go back home.

" Malia i have come back " I said after returning

Now a big question should i interfere with plot to save hayley, elijah and klaus.

Nah i think i will only interfere with legacies as i don't want a pshycopath father after me and i hate elijah after hayley's death let em die it will hurt hope but i can fix her .

(17 year old)

I can now say with confidence i am strongest person walking on this earth I have learned every spell from my grimoire and have created many of my own taking inspiration from jutsus from naruto and devil fruit powers from one piece.

I think after my transformation my mind started working faster than ever that is why i was able to learn all spells from my grimoire in mere 2 years.

Now is the time to meet my mates. First i will transfer to town where rafael and landom lives and when hope comes to save rafael i will meet her accidently. Here is the start of my story.


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