
King of Curses In Demon Slayer

At the time of his demise, the walking calamity, the king of curses, divided his soul into 20 portions and stored them in his fingers and scattered them, waiting patiently and silently to be revived and to once more plunge the world into chaos.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


The graceful rays of moonlight cascaded down onto the city of Japan. The Choyyo no Sekku festivities had gone on for a full day, and after having planted about thousands of chrysanthemum seeds, the rest of the day was dedicated to feasting and drinking in honour of the ancient Gods.

At the outskirts of the city, a small dojo stood on the nigh barren land, completely unbothered by the noise and disturbance from the city.

Within the dojo, a silver haired youth dressed in a black and white Komodo sat on a golden futon regally, while he ate from a bowl of well steamed meat that had been served along with wine.

"Is everything up to your taste, my Lord?" A pale skinned beautiful woman with long dark skin that had been neatly tied into a bun walked into the dojo while she fastened the belt on her flowery Komodo and then knelt beside him.

"Human meat is still as tender as I remember..although the quality of this era is a bit lower compared to 5000 years ago.."

The youth, Ryoumen Sukuna, spoke while he picked up a piece of steamed meat from the bowl with a chopstick and placed it in his mouth before chewing gently.

"Tell me Tamayo, what are the main things that have happened in this world since the last 5000 years?.."

He asked without sparing a single glance at her as he focused on his meal.

"I don't really know much about what happened after the millennial era my Lord, but our history books narrate that, after you wiped out devils and went into slumber, humanity became the governors of the earth and ruled it throughout three Eras, the Kamkura era, Muromachi period and Azuchi- Momoyama period which were relatively peaceful times…"

She spoke, as Sukuna listened while a small smile hung on his face.

"So after being free of my terror and reign, the humans became their own lords and reigned over each other, becoming weaker and weaker with each passing era.."

Sukuna chipped in while Tamayo let out a small sigh.

"However, a thousand years ago, everything changed after the man named Muzan Kibutsuji was born.."

She spoke and stopped, as her heart skipped a beat. Normally, demons were under a pact, to never mention the surname of the Demon Lord, Muzan, however Tamayo was confident that if Muzan were to attack, Sukuna would definitely be able to save her.

Even Sukuna couldn't help but halt for a bit, sensing the foreign aura suddenly invade the room.


He merely chuckled, and instantly an overwhelming bloodlust burst out of his body, materialising a wine coloured energy wave that ravaged the surroundings.

The next moment, the foreign aura retreated as quickly as it had appeared restoring peace to the atmosphere.

"How interesting, tell me more about this Muzan."

Sukuna raised a brow in interest while Tamayo calmed her beating heart. If Sukuna hadn't been present, the situation would've been dire.

"A thousand years ago, he was nothing but a sickly human seeking a cure for his terminal illness, just like I was. However his life changed after encountering a mysterious shaman who granted him a cure which happened to be your finger, my Lord.. after ingesting it, he gained overpowering abilities at the cost of never being able to walk in the sunlight ever again…"

Tamayo spoke in an ominous tone, while Sukuna listened closely.

"Go on…"

Sukuna gestured with his finger, and she continued.

"He was so dangerous that, any human who got into contact with even a single drop of his blood was demonised and became a beast. His reign of terror forced humans to evolve and grow stronger through using breathing techniques and thus the demon slayer corps were formed..

Their main aim is to defeat all demons and stop the reign of Muzan Kibutsuji on this world.."

She ended her story by taking in a deep breath.

"So this Kibutsuji brat is creating an army of demons, by relying on a power that does not belong to him? Boring.."

Sukuna merely rolled his eyes and went back to eating his meal.

"He might seem powerful to weaklings, but to the true enlightened ones, he's nothing but a speck of dust. The reason why those demons slayers can't even defeat ants like him is mainly because their main source of power.."

Seeing as Sukuna was about to begin his lectures, Tamayo took out a small scroll and moved closer to him.

Over the past few days, the amount of knowledge she had gained just from listening to Sukuna's rants was incomparable to what she had even learnt all her lifetime.

"You see, after gaining enlightenment, I grasped the core of cursed energy itself and developed a system of power known as Jujutsu. The core principles of Jujutsu was to siphon off the endless cursed energy from one's own soul, as well as materialise techniques that were hidden in each person as potential.."

He stopped for a moment and took a sip from his cup of wine, before he continued.

"Back then, the devil race called me a sinner. Devils were born from humanity's greatest fear, and fear equals cursed energy. Their very existence was based on the cursed energy in man, so if man learnt to siphon and control those energies, it would very well be the end for them.."

He continued, and soon, a crazed smile materialised on his face.

"They stood in my way, and I killed them all hahahaha!" He laughed, while Tamayo's heart shook. From history books, it was said that the devil race was once worshipped by man, due to the fact that they possessed unnatural abilities that could probably destroy the world.

The fact that Sukuna alone was able to single-handedly eradicate all of them spoke of his power and strength.

"So what are you plans for this world, my Lord.."

Tamayo asked respectfully, while Sukuna let out a chuckle.

"For now, I plan on recovering my strength, after that, you'll just have to wait and see.."

The red glow in his eyes shone even brighter, as Tamayo bowed her head slightly.


Meanwhile, within another dojo, the demon king of the modern era, Kibutsuji Muzan sat on a small throne with his legs crossed and cheek resting on his fist.

On either side of his throne, twelve figures sat with solemn expressions on their faces.

No one dared to be the first to raise his voice before the demon Lord, and silence reigned for about thirty minutes.

"Susamaru and Hanabi failed spectacularly in the mission. I never knew, that a newly appointed demon slayer would be able to eradicate two members from the twelve Kisuki…"

His eyes scanned through all of the members present, and while some seemed to hide from his gaze, a few others stood their ground and faced him.

"Is that how far the name of the twelve Kisuki have fallen? That even a newly awakened demon slayer is able to take you down?! If that is it, then I'm afraid I have no use for none of you.."

Muzan simply let out a subtle pressure, and instantly about half of the members present puked out blood while some seemingly collapsed.

Only the upper ranks of the twelve Kisuki were completely stable and were able to withstand the pressure, however even with that, the strain on the physiques was evident.

"Lord Muzan…I have a piece of news that might probably interest you about that particular mission Susamaru and Hanabi failed so spectacularly at."

Suddenly a handsome demon with slightly effeminate features spoke with a forced smile.

His pale brown hair was spiky and he was dressed in a red and black tight shirt while an overly friendly smile hung on his face.

"Oh? And what do you mean by that, Doma?" Muzan turned towards the demon in question and asked.

"You see, Lord Muzan, it is believed that Susamaru and Hanabi were killed in one fell swoop and the remnants of energy from the attack did not feel like those useless breathing techniques employed by the demon slayers, neither was it a blood demon art.."

He spoke with a smile, while Muzan listened closely.

"What do you mean? Doma.." Muzan questioned once more.

"Lord Muzan, I think there's a rather dangerous being walking amongst us.. I suggest we descend into the city with full force and eradicate him along with the humans.."

Doma spoke with a happy and peaceful smile, while the other demons simply turned towards him in surprise, except one.