
King of Curses In Demon Slayer

At the time of his demise, the walking calamity, the king of curses, divided his soul into 20 portions and stored them in his fingers and scattered them, waiting patiently and silently to be revived and to once more plunge the world into chaos.

David_555 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


A small candle light illuminated a small dojo in the Demon Slayer Headquarters, while the two figures who seated across each other with a small table before them cast a shadow onto the paper walls.

A young man dressed in a long white robe, gently stroke a open scroll before him with a brush while a gentle smile hung on his face. The upper part of his face was purple and looked rotten, as if a corrosive substance had been poured over it, while the other figure seated across him gently gazed on his master do calligraphy with elegance and grace and the poise of an immortal.

He was tall and muscly, and his short dark hair was spiky. His green robes and Buddhist beads around his neck, along with the small smile on his face made him look gentle and well spoken.

"Master, I have a single question to ask, concerning Ryoumen Sukuna.."

The Budhist man asked, and his master paused a bit and raised his head to gaze at him for a moment.

"Go on, Gyomei. I won't know what you want me to tell you unless you ask.."

Kagaya Ubayashiki, the current head of the demon slayer corps, and master of the Hashira spoke with a small smile and gently stroke the paper scroll before him.

"I've been wondering Master, what would happen if Ryoumen Sukuna met Muzan Kibutsuji? In a battle of pure strength, who would prevail?.."

Gyomei, the stone Hashira asked and placed his palms together, while a tear streamed down his cheeks.

"Interesting question Gyomei…If Ryoumen Sukuna met Muzan Kibutsuji in a battle of pure strength, Muzan would not stand a chance.."

Kagaya paused for a while, and then replied with a smile.

"How is that even possible master? Even from history, we know that Muzan Kibutsuji was undefeatable until he met Yoriichi Tsugikuni..However with Yoriichi's passing, Muzan still remains undefeated..how could anyone possibly defeat him?!"

Gyomei spoke while more tears streamed down his face, a rather weird disposition for a man of his calibre.

"You're right, Gyomei..who could possibly defeat Muzan Kibutsuji, the King of Demons? Certainly not anyone from the demon slayer corps. However Sukuna is not merely anybody. Five thousand years ago, the name of the King of Curses was hailed as the strongest."

Kagaya spoke as Gyomei listened with rapt attention.

"Let me tell you something, Gyomei. Now not a lot of people know this, but many people believe that Yoriichi was heaven's answer to put a stop to the reign of Muzan Kibutsuji, however what many don't know is that, Yoriichi created his sun breathing from the teachings of Jujutsu, preached by Ryoumen Sukuna. To him, Sun breathing was not just a technique to be use and discarded, but innate and a part of his own soul…that's what made him so powerful to even contend against Muzan."

Kagaya had stopped his calligraphy at this moment.

"Meanwhile, Muzan on the other had gained his strength from ingesting a finger of Ryoumen Sukuna. Is that enough to give you an idea of the gap between the two?"

He spoke and turned to look at Gyomei who was rather stunned after the revelation.

"To be honest, a fair fight would rather be between Yoriichi and Sukuna, and although I think Yoriichi would still lose, at least, I think he would be able to even match the steps of Ryoumen Sukuna.."

Kagaya spoke and took a deep breath, before he dipped his brush into ink and continued his calligraphy.

"Sigh. If somewhat somehow, those two manage to join hands, then this world is surely doomed."

Tears once more streamed down the eyes of Gyomei while Kagaya let out a sigh.

"You think it's possible that Sukuna might be reborn, don't you?"

Kagaya asked while Gyomei shook his head in agreement.

"Unlike my other colleagues, master, I think everything is possible.." Gyomei spoke with a serious expression.

"It's good you think this way, Gyomei, and I just wish the others would be as opened minded as you are. However, about a week ago, I received information, that two members of the lower moons of the twelve Kisuki had been brutally killed.."

He spoke, and raised his gaze towards the stone Hashira's gentle face.

"Normally this wouldn't be any big new considering I'm well aware of my students' capabilities and how strong you all are, however the one who was actually confirmed to have eradicated those demons was only a young demon slayer who had just passed the entry exams about a month ago.."

Gyomei's expression changed while he placed his fists together like a monk.

"Master, you think Ryoumen Sukuna is inhabiting the body of the poor boy?" He asked as tears streamed down his face once more.

"It's just speculation, Gyomei. After all, what if it is possible that our young recruit was able to actually defeat two members of the twelve Kisuki. Whilst I don't doubt the capabilities of Urokodaki's students, it might not be a stretch to say that he defeated them with external abilities also."

Kagaya sighed and said, while Gyomei nodded.

"Master. If Sukuna is to reborn and is to team up with Muzan, what can we do to take both of them out?"

Gyomei asked with Kagaya sighed once more.

"Gyomei, first of all, I hope it never comes to that, however it's better safe than sorry, won't you agree? If Muzan and Sukuna were ever able to team up, then your priority should be taking out Sukuna first..and how to do that? You have two options.."

Kagaya's expression suddenly changed, as he reached forth underneath his table and grabbed a larger scroll.

"To defeat Sukuna, our breathing techniques would not be enough. We'll need to trace back to the origin, and find out what true Jujutsu is. That way, we can use his own theory and teachings against him.."

Kagaya opened up the scroll to Gyomei who couldn't but glance through for a moment.

"But master, we've known and practiced breathing techniques all our lives. How could we possibly be able to gain insight into it in the shortest possible time?"

He shook his head and spoke, while Ubayashiki simply nodded and smiled.

"The second option is even more absurd than the first. You see Gyomei, I refuse to believe that no matter how strong Ryoumen Sukuna is, he had access to the power of life and death. Legend says that he used a secret technique to store his soul in his fingers and scatter them.

You see, Gyomei, if we can gain access to that secret technique we might be able to modify it and then perhaps use it to resurrect Yoriichi. We'll need his aid if we want to take down those two."


Meanwhile, within a small familiar dojo, a handsome pale skinned man with king dark hair stood before a table with his eyes completely transfixed on a couple of scrolls before him seriously.

"Ryoumen Sukuna eh? Things just got interesting now.." The man, who was none other than Muzan Kibutsuji, the modern Demon Lord chuckled and let out a small smirk.

A/N: Sorry for the late update