
Chapter 4

What shocked her was the identity of the woman because she was none other than the queen of the Olympian gods, Hera herself.


Hera was mad. No scratch that, she was furious.

Why one may ask?

Well, her husband, Zeus, has cheated on her again. She can't even count the number of times this happened. How did she find out you may ask? Well, when you see the child you generally have the proof before you, that and the fact that he himself admitted to the child being his.

And all after she told him that she will not forgive him if he ever did cheat on her again, it seems that bastard took it as a joke.

I mean yes, she did indeed forgive him numerous times before, but she has finally reached her limit.

After the countless time of this happening, after countless times they talk about it, for Gaia's sake she even killed the poor kids quite a few times. Yes, she knows that what she did was wrong, but at that time she did not wish to blame her husband, so she chooses to blame the poor woman that had the bad luck to catch Zeus's eye.

Now, truth be told if she were to be given another chance she would choose to castrate Zeus and be done with it, I mean come on what blame did those poor kids have? And do you really expect a human to be able to resist a god that governs over theatrics? And if you think about how she was practically forced to marry him, the bastard raped her, his own sister, what's stopping him from doing so to other women, mortal woman no-les…

Her stupidity truly got the better of her, all this year's making mistakes after mistakes, punishing those that were innocent while letting those that were in the wrong go.

Feeling at the lowest, for the first time in thousands of years Hera goes to the human world. She uses her power to change her attire and dress in normal human cloth, that being a pair of jeans, a shirt with a jacket over, and a pair of sneakers, with a cap on her head, a bit over her face, and then she opens a path from Olympus.

Her target, a bar that she heard Apollo mention. Being a god has a few perks, so locations are quite easy to find as long as you know what you are searching for.

Reaching there she enters and lets her eyes wander around, taking the sight in, then she walks forward. She goes forward and takes a sit.

Normally alcohol form the human world would not affect a god, but for this occasion she seals her power, rendering herself human.

And so she drinks, and drinks. What she did not expect though is the alcohol concentration, the fact that she drowned glass after glass of vodka and similar drinks, well god or not, she will still have her head spinning.

And so she gets drunk. So drunk that it even affected her power.

When she had entered it was 5 PM when she got there, now it was 9 and a half PM.

She tried raising herself so as to leave. She was in need of a bath and sleep… actually, skip the bath, sleep it was all that she wanted now. Sleep so that she may clear her mind, so that she may actually rest and think of how to deal with her problems. What she did not expect was that her legs were not so willing to cooperate with her.

Barely managing to rise up, she makes her way to the door, a hand goes around her waist. Turning around, she sees the smug face of a blond male.

He looks to be around twenty-five, around one seventy-five high, not bad looking but not good-looking either.

When she tries to open her mouth to tell him to release her, he stops her by covering it with a cloth, a strange smell coming to her, making her weaker.

Her consciousness almost sleeps, unfortunately, she loses control over her body.

She feels him slowly pulling her out of the club, as he says at the exit, 'I got another one bro, and from her looks, she'll fetch us a good sum as well.' With a sick voice.

She tried to call upon her power, but she remembers temporary sealing them, now she greatly regrets her decision.

From there she thought where clouded, the world around her spinning as she tries to take control of her body back until she feels the man stop.

She suddenly hears voices, shouting even.

Loud noises can be distinguished, a few muffled screams, the man holding onto her trembling.

She feels him pulling her in front of him and pointing something at her neck.

"S-step b-back or ill kill her!!"

His hand trembling, a few drops of ichor slip down her skin.

And then, when she felt 'it'.

Ancient, devastating power.

Two words come to mind, 'Pure Destruction'.

The man behind her and the object in his hand slowly slipping away, as if they were never there.

She stumbles for a moment until she feels a big muscular arm going around her waist and holding her.

Strange, she didn't feel even the slightest discomfort from this, quite the opposite, she felt warm and…safe.

Then she hears, "It's alright now, you're safe…"

Than her conciseness is completely cut out, darkness taking her.

A few hours later.

Waking up, Hera feels a headache like never before. It seems that sealing her power and allowing herself to get drunk was a bad idea.

Rising up slowly she feels sick.

Taking a few moments to calm herself, she looks around.

She is quite surprised by what she sees. Around her was a nice room, the rise of the morning sun coming upon her from the window. She is currently in a big doubled bed, with if she were to be sincere was even more comfortable than her own.

Her headache returns, she suddenly feels slightly unwell, when she suddenly hears.

"Hmm, it seems that you still feel quite unwell, don't you?"

Turning her head she sees a beautiful woman sitting beside the bed she was on a chair while looking at her.

"Well, it's good to see you again Hera."

I am really in need of an editor. So if you are interested, give me a message and I'll get in touch with you.

EugenSimioncreators' thoughts