
Chapter 5

Pressure engulfs the room. For Hera, her headache was the last of her worries right now, why one may ask?

Well, all this mountain crushing pressure was focused on her.

Barely managing to raise her head, she tries to speak but finds herself unable to.

Feeling this dread start filing her heart. She has never felt like this before. Not even her mother Rhea or her 'father' Cronus were not able to emanate pressure like this.

Looking at Hera with cold eyes, for some reason, Gaia becomes more and more disturbed. Her presence and all the other Olympians making her furious.

After all, originally she left them to take care of the world as she sleeps, so imagine her surprise when she awakens and finds that the world and humanity have become their plaything.

From caretakers, they have become just like how Uranus and Kronos where. Looking at everything around them like it was underneath them like they were the masters of everything by right.

Truly every single one of them is nothing more than disappointments.

Rapists, warmongers, cowards, man-haters, and murderers, the lot of them.

And she has one of them in her own house, bought by HER son.

She'll make sure they stay away from HER little king even if it's the last thing she'll do!

As she looks toward Hera, she can't help but feel discussed.

This woman before her is one of those that she dislikes the most.

First she accepts the man that raped her as her husband expecting him to be faithful and love her back, forgetting the fact that he had quite a few wives's before her and not to even mention the countless concubines, then she kills almost every demigod child he has afterword's, and in some cases she goes as far as to take everything they love from them just to see them suffer, as punishment, and I quote "How dare they be borne into this world with my husband as their sire?!". Truly one of the biggest idiots the world has ever known, only overtaken by the likes of Artemis.

I mean really now, you consider every man in existence to be nothing more than garbage and a waste of space, and that they should all just die, just because you had one bad experience? Well, news flash girl, the whole of the human population would go extinct without men. That and woman's themselves aren't exactly saints. There are countless woman that abandon their children just because they are an 'annoyance', countless mothers that beat and abuse their children, countless woman that kill just for the joy of it.

Just how many worried fathers and male siblings have Artemis killed just because they were searching for their daughters/sisters, and they got to close? How many men did she kill just because they accidentally stumbled upon their camp? Just how many families did she brake?

Truly now, no wonder those amazons worship her so…

Returning back at the subject at hand.

Gaia was currently looking at Hera with a cold glint in her eyes, while emanating a small portion of her power, just enough to pressure Hera, while making sure that the house and the surroundings were not affected. She even put a protective barrier.

"Well Hera, I'm waiting, do tell me what you are doing here? And why were you together with MY son?"

While feeling the pressure around here and seeing the could glint in Gaia's eyes, Hera's instincts flare up, alarming her of danger, but all this is blown away when she hears the words 'MY son'.

"E, excuse me, grandmother, but did you just say, son?"

Looking at Hera for a moment, Gaia responds, "Yes I did, the young man that bought you here is none other than my son."

The pressure that was previously encasing her disappeared, while the cold glitter from Gaia's eyes disappeared when she thought of her precious child. Her pride and joy, as pride and affection, replace it.

As for Hera, she is completely dumbstruck. She just found out that the primordial other had another child. Meaning he was above her generation in the hierarchy, above Zeus himself.

Thinking of this, she can't help but exclaim.

"By Olympus itself, if Zeus finds out that you have a child with the potential to be stronger than him and take his throne, he will definitely become paranoid and try to…"

She did not manage to finish what she was about to say, for a cold, abyssal power soon engulfed her, as a dark murderous voice was herd.

"Then he shall die!!!!!!! Together with every one of you so-called Olympians!!!!!! For he has no true claim on the world, or on Olympus, everything was created by me and you lot are nothing more than the caretakers I left, and it SEEMS THAT YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR PLACE!!!!"

Her power started fluctuating wildly, her surrounding started to break and disintegrate while turning to dust, as for Hera she nearly past out from being overflown and from the fear she was feeling, when suddenly a pair of strong arms go around Gaia's waist, pulling her into a hug, as a smoothening voice was heard.

"Everything is alright, calm down, mother. There so need to get mad."

The moment's pass, the fluctuation in the air calm down, while Gaia takes deep breaths and lens into her son as she feels his arm tightening more around her.

That day was the day that Hera's life has taken another course.

In the end, Gaia has decided to spare Hera's life, but in exchange, she was to become a housemaid.

She was put in charge of cleaning, sometimes of cocking, and sometimes she served as a sparring partner for young Ambrosio Basil.

Of course, Hera was greatly humbled by the two, to a level where she was like a new person, one that Gaia approved of, all while her eyes were truly open to the atrocities that she together with the other gods have committed.

In exchange, Gaia had hidden Hera's presence from Zeus and any other Olympian out there. Not even the fates were able to track down the queen of the gods.

In the meantime, Zeus felt like he was exploding from rage, after all, in the end, Hera was his 'possession'. She was his to do as he pleased to with.

And so another two years passed.

The relationship between, Basil, Gaia and Hera have taken a more intimate turn…

Sorry for the late release, but lol the justice league series sure is long to watch. That and now I started with the movies. Anyways I have a question. Witch city did Wonder Woman protected? An example would be, Batman got Gotham, so with one is she responsible for?

EugenSimioncreators' thoughts