
Chapter 3

Time as always has moved on.

Ambrosio Basil, or as his friends know him, Edward Newgate, or simply Edy, has grown and matured.

He has grown splendidly.

The teen currently stands at one eighty-five high.

His shoulders are wide, while his arms have become thicker, the power containing in them simply devastating. His chest has become quite majestic, while on his abdomen you can see an eight package, something that one would not be able to see on a normal human for more than a week or two.

But do not mistake him for a gigantic brute, otherwise, the price paid would be simply too big to pay.

While his body contains the power that would destroy Mount Olympus itself by a single strike, his speed is nothing to scoff at.

While not even near Flash level, he is able to defend against the man known as the fastest human alive, his dexterity and nibbles match by few.

His intelligence evolving continuously as well, his IQ long since passing the two hundred, this practically gave him a photographic memory, with a processing capability of a yellow sun powered up Kryptonian.

His training has proven quite fruitful, to the point he managed to force Gaia to use forty-five percent of her power when sparing. Thank goodness for the separate dimension they train in otherwise the Earth might have found itself partially destroyed.

And that's when he uses only his body. IF he were to use weapons, or the creators forbid, use his bisento… a tremor goes through her body just remembering their last spar when he actually used that thing.

Now, one may question just how strong she is, but they are looking at this from the wrong point of view. After all, she, Gaia has stood witness of the birth and fall of countless battle style, some so strong that they would even allow an ordinary person to defeat a god when they reach the apex. She has also acquired a master level of the use of countless weaponry.

Not to even speak of the countless ways of using one's energy that the humans have come up with. This coupled with her natural born powers make her a force to be reckoned with.

Although considering the foes he will face in the future, he will need to get even stronger.

Leaving all that aside, Gaia was currently quite worried.

The reason one may ask? Her son has yet to come home. He has called previously to inform her that he may be slightly late since he was out with his classmates for a movie, but it was currently ten and a half, it was dark outside and he has still yet to come or at least call.

Now don't get her wrong. Gaia was one hundred percent sure that her little king was perfectly fine, few being on this world actually have what it takes to harm him, and even than his observation haki has already reached the level of clairvoyance where he is able to see in the future for a few moments, so taking him by surprise is very, very hard.

And as she was worried, suddenly the front door is herd opening.

Gaia quickly goes to welcome her son, when she is stopped dead in her tracks. The reason one may ask?

Well, her son was not alone.

No, he was caring what seems to be a weary drunk woman with him.

But this is not what shocked Gaia.

What shocked her was the identity of the woman because she was none other than…

Yeah, the chapter is a bit short, and yes I'm a total **** for making this cliff, but it's needed to the next chapter, after all, that's where the story will truly start.

So, cheers!

EugenSimioncreators' thoughts