
Chapter 2

Gaia took the child and brought him to England. There she had previously used her powers together with the 'mist' to create a human identity and bought a house in Boston.

There Gaia begins raising her 'son', Basil.

For the first few months of Basil's life, everything was peaceful.

As a newborn baby, Basil required breastfeeding. Now, this may not be something special, but, considering who the two in question are, the result was quite unexpected.

Gaia herself has never raised a human child before but being Gaia, aka. Mother earth herself, she had bared witness to countless mothers raising their children, so one could say that she is the most knowledgeable being on the subject.

But what she did not know is that by breastfeeding him, the child underwent several changes.

The first being freedom. Originally humanity had several limitations put on them, limiting their mental and physical abilities. Every human being has their limitation slightly released. Haven't you ever wondered why certain people can comprehend things at a much faster rate or how some individuals start out the same way physically and do all the same activities yet one ends up physically superior to the other? With lock fully release, he will continuously grow bot from the mental point of view and physical point of view. In the future, as his ability grows, so will his regeneration ability, meaning that he will be able to heal from almost anything, with a regeneration ability that will not lose to that of Wolverine himself.

The second change is that of immortality. He will continuously age till he is twenty-five of age than he shall stop aging. This together with his regeneration ability makes him truly near immortal.

And so the time passed on.

Days, weeks, months, years. Time moved on. And so we now have a ten years old Ambrosio Basil. Or, by his other name, Edward Newgate.

He is currently standing at four point nine feet tall, with a strong body that one would not normally find in a ten years old. With his hairdo cut short, with his golden eyes staring straight ahead at his current adversary while taking a battle stance. His muscle rippling with great devastating power, is currently completely relaxed, waiting at any moment's notice to give their owner the strength to battle at any given notice.

Before him stands a woman of unquestionable beauty. She had long and well-toned legs, with wide hips and thin waist, and a well-toned abdomen, her perky breast standing in the GG category. As a woman, her look was simply divine.

She was wearing yoga pants that clung on her, and a sports bra. For normal men and woman, if they were to see her like this, their mind would simply go blank.

But she was no simple woman, from her stance one can see a seasoned warrior. Her stance without even one weakness, one hole in her defense, all while standing simply, while looking at the young one before her.

After a few moments of silence, as the 2 observe one another, Gaia lets a smile appear on her face, "Well my dear son, it seems that you managed to rectify the few openings that you had left in your stance. I'm so proud of you."

Around them was a desolate land filled with craters. The two had just finished an hour sparing session.

"You really came a long way, my little king. Now you can spar with me when I use five percent of my power for one hour and still not tire. That and the abilities you came up with are quite tricky if I were to say so myself. What were they called again?" She puts one of her hands under her bust and the other under her chin for a few moments.

"Hmm... Haki. Yes, that should be it. But still, if you don't mind, can you tell me what this 'haki' is? For some reason, it's like I feel your will from it or something similar?" She says as she tilts her head to the side with a questioning look on her face.

Looking at his adoptive mother, Basil lets out a sight as he begins explaining the meaning of Haki.

"Haki is a power that lies dormant in all the world's creatures... "Presence", "fighting spirit" and "intimidation"... It is not different from the things that humans can naturally sense such as these... 'The act of not doubting'. That is strength!"

Taking another breath, "To put it in an even more simple term, we can reduce the definition of Haki in two simple words. Willpower manifestation. It's practically the manifestation of one's will on the outside world."

"There are three types of Haki:

• Observation Haki, which grants users a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities. It is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. Users can hone their skills to such a degree that they can seemingly predict the future.

• Armament Haki is a form of Haki that allows the user to use their spirit to create, in essence, an invisible armor around themselves. This comes together with Color of Armaments: Hardening, this technique somehow uses Armament Haki to harden the body (or parts of it) and objects which the user is holding. This practically allows the user to interact with other types of energy without harming themselves, one such example being magic, from what I tested until now, the user of this Haki is able to literary brake magic with their physical body.

• Conqueror Haki. From what I can fell and from what my instincts are telling me, this is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training. Only one in several million people should have this ability. This type of Haki allows the user to exert their willpower over others."

Hearing all of this, Gaia can't help but look on with her hear filled with love and adoration for her adoptive child. She knew even before he was born that he will be a very special existence, that was one of the main reasons why she chose to save him and raise him herself. But the surprises he has given her over the years were simply ridiculous. From the way things are going, he will be stronger than any of her current descendants, of the current so-called 'Gods' of Olympus.

Really this child was simply a monster. First his quake-based powers, which literally had the power to destroy the world itself. From what she can understand it is the ability to generate massive vibrations, or shockwaves, which can travel through virtually any medium, including the ground, the seafloor, and even the air.

And from her observations till now, this was only the beginning of this ability as it seems to grow with him, and now he makes this.

He is rapidity becoming an entity that will have no equal in the future.

Seven years later…