
Chapter 1

Themyscira, also known as The Paradise Islands.

What was supposed to be just another day for the Amazons of Themyscira has turned out looking like the day of the apocalypse.

The weather outside of the island was catastrophic.

It was raining heavily as thunder and lightning were heard and seen in the sky.

The ocean looked as if it was enraged, the waves reaching tens of meters high.

Even the gods themselves were surprised.

Both Zeus and Poseidon tried to calm the sky's and ocean, but there were little to no results. It's like the will of the world was fighting against them and they could do nothing.

Al while an amazon of Themyscira was giving birth to her child.

Over a year ago a sailor was found washed-out on the beach of the Amazonian kingdom, barely breathing. Normally he would have been killed and thrown back into the ocean, but the time for the birth of new amazons has come. The time when amazons would go out and hunt for men to bring them back and have their children, afterword's killing them and throwing them in the ocean.

At that time the soon to be mother believed herself to be lucky, she has stumbled upon a good looking specimen on one of her patrols, and so she after a bit of investigating she found the identity of the male. A young promising marine fleet admiral. That together with his good looks and well-trained body made him quite the catch. The blonde hair and his yellow eyes that look just like the sun made him more attractive.

Unfortunately for her, the man proved to be quite stubborn.

Upon waking up and finding out where he was, he tried to escape. Apparently, he had quite a bit of knowledge about Greek culture as he himself had Greek heritage from one of his parents, as such he had some knowledge of the Amazons and about how the male prisoners ended up in general.

After an almost successful attempt to escape, he was chained until the rituals could proceed.

Finally, after some time, the day of the ritual has come.

As the one that found him she used her right of claim upon him and she took his seed, as such conceiving, unfortunately for her, he proved to be quite unwilling, as such it took some time, in the end after obtaining what she has wanted she personally slashed his trout and thrown his body in the ocean.

Since then the months have passed, and now the time of birth has come.

Nature itself seems to be furious for some reason.

And so the time passes, until the child comes, unfortunately for the newborn, its gender was male.

Of course, the new mother was not pleased with this. All her hard work and it was wasted because of this stupid young male.

So in her wrath, she did something that was not done in a long time. She has gone to throw the child of the cliff into the ocean. Forgetting that her action where against the current laws of the Amazons, because, the law says, all male children will be traded to Hephaestus.

Unfortunately for the young Amazon, in her wrath she did not pay much attention to the child, because if she did, she would have found out that the child did not cry at birth, and if she only took her time to give the newborn only one look, she would see golden eyes, cold as the abyss itself, observing her with a calculated look that has no place on a baby's face.

She reaches the cliff, raising the child above her head while cursing until suddenly the baby cries.

But this cry was different. It was not the cry of a scared newborn. No, this cry was filled with will and power, it, was like the will of a king, an emperor or even that of a god.

Dropping the baby on the ground, she stumbles back and falls downs as she looks with fear at the child, as she gets another surprise.

The baby was surrounded by a white aura. The space around him shattered, like a cracked mirror.

The look in his eyes makes her tremble, but at the same time make her feels shame because how can a baby scare her?

So she rises up while looking at the child with fear and disgust, as she slowly approaches, all while the baby looks at her with even more attendance, as she slowly prepare to kick it off the cliff, the baby gives another cry, a pressure enveloping her and the whole of The Paradise Islands, every amazon preset feeling it, while many of them faint, but queen Hippolyta, who for the first time in thousands of years felt scared, her basic survival instincts telling them that at that moment the life of all amazon's have been forsaken, as if one of her own just condemned them all to Tartarus. If only she knew how true her thought were...

Meanwhile, the mother herself barely manages to hold on, while giving a cruel and savage smile toward the newborn, a crazy look in her eyes, as with the last of her strength she manages to push him down the cliff while muttering "No male may survive in The Paradise Islands, you dam beast."

As the child falls down, the glow surrounding him intensifies, and as he reaches the ocean, the world around him simply cracks. The ocean quivering, as the water rises on the levels of thousands of feet, while space itself wraps.

A good part of The Paradise Islands was destroyed that day, while the so-called mother was drowned by the ocean itself.

As for the child, it did not die as one would normally expect, no, the newborn was now cuddled in the arms of a woman of beauty never seen before.

Beautiful curled long black hair that reaches her waist, sparkling eyes that look as if the stars themselves were in them. Her face and body simply perfect.

Her eyes filled with wrath and an abyssal coldness, as she watches the amazon's island.

This woman is no other than Gaia herself.

"Those dam fools, their stupidity almost condemned us all."

She looks at the baby in her arms, as a beautiful smile filled with love appears on her face. She slowly raises one of her hands as she caresses one of his checks.

"Don't worry little one, from now on I shall be your mother. My beautiful little baby."

Feeling the warmth from the one holding him, the baby calms down, as it slowly closes his eyes to sleep.

Seeing this, Gaia lets out a sight. She uses her powers to envelop the baby to warm him and clam him further.

"Well, then little one, everyone that lives needs a name. Now let's see… hmm, Ambrosio Basil (Meaning Eternal/Indestructible King, either one is good.) that should suit you well, my beautiful little baby."

With a bit of research and help from a reader, I decided that his Greek name will be Ambrosio Basil, meaning Eternal/Indestructible King.

EugenSimioncreators' thoughts