
is on rewrite..............

Ray Smith, a former billionaire falls victim to a trap, crashing his plane into the ocean. Waking up he realized that not only was he reborn into the Marvel Universe but as the older brother of Wolverine. Being a near-immortal mutant, his life was passing by just fine and he was clearly waiting for the age of superheroes but why is there a guy dressed in a Batsuit? And what's that large Robot doing here? ---------------------------- The novel mainly focuses on Marvel, but a little bit of DC and other movie franchise mixed into it.

Red_Noodles · Movies
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14 Chs

Red pt.4

- Steve's POV -

Steve Trevor, a name that means nothing. Maybe in these five years, living among savages, creatures who I ones thought were just fantasy my view in things have changed to a whole other level. It gets hard to separate reality from what is true and what is false. Maybe the whole world is just normal and I am just going insane or maybe the reality is just fucked to a whole other degree.

I don't even know till now if crashing into that island was my luck or the biggest mistake of my life. Maybe things would be just better if the Germans would've caught me and killed me instead. With Howard being present things were going to be just the same. Diana and he were still going to stop Ares, the only difference being me just dying a peaceful fucking death beforehand.

To the people, I was Steve Trevor, the martyr who died trying his best to stop the war and to the Lycans, I was a breed they didn't want to mess with. An animal not afraid to harm even the ones that belong to them.

Howard came through with his promises, the last time I met him was two years ago where he finally injected me with an improved Strain making me completely silver resistant. Not only did it help with my weakness, but it also improved my ability to a whole another level as well. According to him, there was much more to be explored and my strength could be much further developed but it was going to take some time. So while waiting, I began doing the job I was originally tasked with.

In fact, joining the Lycans was already a hard task. I mean, I couldn't just show up there to Lucian swinging that martyr dick around like, "Hey Lucian, I am the martyr who just died in the war but awoke as a Lycan. I am pretty famous and I would surely be a big help against those blood-sucking monsters!"

Even just thinking of the scenario gives me shivers. So I did the best thing I could do, that was to gather intel and learn to mix in. And the best place to do so were with packs who went rogue. As long as my show of strength is flashy and good enough they would accept me without much consideration. After all, breed was the only thing that mattered.

It was different, that's all I could say about my first confrontation with a vampire. He was a man who looked to be no older than his twenties but he was agile. He carried a short silver sword with him as he hunted any Lycan that came his way. It would be completely impossible for me to deal with these monsters if I was just normal. But being a monster myself I wasn't much impressed. In fact, it felt good to finally meet someone worthy.

In my time alone, I wonder if that's what those brothers really felt like. Howard, James, and Victor, the three immortal brothers that could live life without much consideration. Most humans try their hardest to live a good life because they know that it's just a single chance to do so. But with immortality that consciousness of living just disappeared. If I mess up today there's always tomorrow and the day after that, it never ends.

It's no wonder that they are so unruly. And among them, Howard who seems to have some control over himself just appeared scary. He is bright and really good at what he does, with everything going just under his control but he still lived with a constant dread of what the future held. So in this situation being thoughtful and sane just made you out to be a scary villain like figure whereas letting it all go just made you seem wild, a complete monster.

"What are you thinking about?" Tom, the only remaining Lycan from the rogue pack I was in asked.

"Oh! I was just thinking, how will the Clan react when we reach there." I said making up an excuse on the top of my head, "I mean, would they accept us?"

"You're one of the strongest Lycan I have seen Steve, you can transform at will. And you're even immune to Silver." Tom replied, "You're the one Steve, the one who will change our destiny. The one that will change our fate."

"I hope to do so." I smiled as I looked around at the place, "It's hard to believe that it's been five years and we're finally returning home. But I am just disappointed that others aren't here to see this. I couldn't protect them."

"Don't think much about it." Tom patted my shoulders, "You have already took their revenge, and now we will take on their dreams too. Get ready we should leave."

Walking in front of me I looked at Tom's back for a while as I sighed.

"Remember what I told you about the clan right?" Tom said as he turned back with the looks of horrors staring at me, "Steve?"

"It was fun for a while, but I can't allow it to go much further. Especially with my powers known, I finally have a personal reason too." I said as I wrapped my finger around the trigger of the gun I was pointing at his head.

"What's going on Steve?" Tom took a step back,

"I would have felt bad if it was just the first time, after all, you were the one who treated me the best Tom but there is a rule to how things are supposed to be. If it's any consolation just think of this as a punishment for how you massacred the people in this village. " I said as I didn't waste further words shooting him with a Silver Nitrate bullet right between his eyebrows.

I sighed looking at the dead body as I walked past by it. It wasn't the first time I had killed a fellow Lycan, in fact it wasn't even the first time I killed off an entire rouge pack that I myself was a part of.

Walking out into the daylight, I looked around, "And so the mission finally begins."


A/N:- Sorry was taking a little break the chapter will continue like before.

Also, Howard would be called Red more and more as the chapter progresses so don't get confused.