
is on rewrite..............

Ray Smith, a former billionaire falls victim to a trap, crashing his plane into the ocean. Waking up he realized that not only was he reborn into the Marvel Universe but as the older brother of Wolverine. Being a near-immortal mutant, his life was passing by just fine and he was clearly waiting for the age of superheroes but why is there a guy dressed in a Batsuit? And what's that large Robot doing here? ---------------------------- The novel mainly focuses on Marvel, but a little bit of DC and other movie franchise mixed into it.

Red_Noodles · Movies
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14 Chs

RED pt.1

-Artemis POV-

Red, the oldest color in history. A color of extremes that commonly represents passionate love, seduction, violence, danger, anger, and adventure. Even the prehistoric humans saw red as the color of fire and blood energy, primal life forces, and symbolized it with super-human heroism to the Greeks.

But even with all these facts, I still wondered why he chose that color. A color that people represented him and him only. A color that became his identity. Whenever I asked him he'd always say the same thing,

"Why? Well, because I like the color of your hair."

And though it was flattering and I found his interest in me pleasing, the answer still didn't satisfy me. After all, how could anything be simple when it came to him. I walked through the hallway as I finally reached my destination, a lecture hall. And there he was like usual.

It has been five years since we defeated Ares, but he was still the same as the first time I saw him. The tall figure that stood proudly, every strand of his long hair just placed perfectly, his eyes that had changed during the fight still shined golden. But the only thing annoying in the perfect picture in front of me was the fly buzzing around him.

"Cough! Professor Gatsby." I entered the room as Howard finally turned towards me with a smile.

"Tell me if you need help with anything," Howard said to the fly, "Physics can be quite complicated, so don't hesitate."

"Sure, Professor." The fly giggled with a blush as she skipped her way out of the hall.

"So who's the fly?" I asked as I walked closer to him.

"Anna, a student of mine," Howard said with his cheesy smile as he slicked his hair back, "The only thing higher than her grades is her bra size. Double D's."

"Bra size? of course! What else would it be?" I slammed his desk, "So the only reason you became a professor in this excuse of a college was to flirt with young students with bigger breasts?"

"No... I don't mind the smaller ones too." Howard joked as he quickly went silent under my annoyed gaze, "Ok, it's been two years already and I am done with my research so it's time to move on. Isn't this why you're here? I don't think people will believe I am 32 much longer."

"I wasn't but it's great to know. I am actually here to tell you that the mission has been completed. Sameer is heading back to Newyork and your brothers have gone on their own personal journies."

"Fine-fucking-ly!" Howard sat back on his desk, "It took way longer than I expected."

"A whole country was nearly destroyed in chaos due to Ares's actions that night, I say we did well enough considering how many powerful governments were involved." I reported, "So if you're done with your whole professor-student relationship let's go, you're leaving with me."

"Right now?"

"Why? You want to wait for your 'dear Anna'?"

"Geez! if you were so jealous you could've said so earlier." Howard said with a lazy smile hanging on his face as his hands circled around my waist, "I mean, you have been missing out on your duty as my bodyguard, Arti."

If someone were to ask me what my relationship with Howard was, my answer would always be the same, 'It's complicated,'. It was clear that whatever we had between us wasn't normal love, after all, the man slept with every woman he found attractive. Actresses, Musicians, Politicians, Housewives, or even just random girls he met in a bar.

But I don't mind it, after all, love didn't interest me much as a warrior, and the fact that no matter who he sleeps with, he would always come back to me. I was his constant and he was the same for me, and that was enough. I had never forgotten my promise, my job as his protector and as time went on my responsibility towards him only got stronger. And I was just happy enough that he responded to my feelings and desires.

"Aren't you going to ask about your wife?" I asked,

"Oh! Diana has been doing well, hasn't she? I see her in the newspaper every other day," Howard said as he picked up the newspaper, "Diana Smith, the youngest and richest business tycoon progresses her husband's business to the stars and beyond. From oil to entertainment, Ouroboros has done it all--"

3 months after the war ended, Howard had announced to the world that he had finally found the girl of his dreams to end the whole fiasco created by Ares. And the woman he chose was none other than the princess I once served, Diana. The relation between the two was quite mysterious even to me, but she did marry him in front of the world. Big news considering Howard was quite known as the founder of The Irregulars.

His brothers were said to have died in the war, fighting bravely besides Steve Trevor. And just a year later, Howard faked his own death to change his identity. Leaving Diana as the sole heir to his company or that was what people thought. After all, even when dead he was still the one pulling all the strings.

Diana then took the company on her own hand, changed the name of the company, and started taking over everything. And just a year later, people's idea of a woman destroying her husband's legacy turned into a wife protecting and preserving her husband's memory. They called her a Lioness in Wallstreet. A fierce woman who would get her hands on anything she wants. Even those military generals who didn't want to progress their business further with a woman being in charge changed their minds quickly.

And here he was, the lioness's dead husband who went from the identity of Howard Smith to Howard Gatsby. Was I jealous or confused? Not at all. I knew Howard through and through. His dark secrets that not even Diana would ever know. And despite all this, Diana was still my sister, and being the only two left behind of our people we bonded quite well.

"Okay I get it," I said as I put the newspaper aside pulling it out of his hand, "So Mr. Gatsby, what now?"

"Have you looked into the things I asked you?"

"The drug traffickers? Don't tell me you want to be a drug dealer now." I said glaring at him, "First a waiter, then a private detective, now a professor, don't tell me being a criminal is next in line."

"Of course not."

"Then we're going to stop the traffickers?"

"No, I just want their channels." Howard said, "I don't care what they traffick in or out, I just need access to the routes. And it's about time I get back in the scene."

"So you're serious about being back in the spotlight?" I said trying to read him clearly, "The Red King finally showing himself? I can already feel the conspiracy brewing within the club."


A/N:- Okay, it's my first time writing a POV so it feels kinda weird.

So I am going to do POV'S of all the characters, not all will be this long but you get the point. The point of this POV's would be to explain the time skip of five years and what the characters have accomplished so far. And their physical and emotional state during all this.

If you're still confused. Howard has changed his surname to Gatsby and went on hiding. The part of the Red King would be fully explained in the upcoming chapters, alongside the Phoenix force.