
Irregular as it gets a Saiki K level disaster( Mahouka )

A loner gets reincarnated in a disastrous universe of Mahouka Kouko no Rettousei , what will happen when he encounters disaster one after another.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Finally a peaceful death I have got tired with day to day people interacting with me why don't they respect personal space of a person. Only work, travelling and anime inspires me and nothing else my only regrets is not finishing the rest of my travels and exploits for good literature. Now I am in the ocean of souls travelling to the place of heaven, I was a good guy helping sometimes and staying away from evil. I may have sent some people to hospital but that's it. Now come my door of heaven embrace me.

But as if the devil heard his peaceful soul it kicked it out and pulled somewhere else in this vast domain.

" What the hell! why am I going far away! my door of bliss nooo!!"

Then he went on another one of those perilous adventures called reincarnation.

!!!!Meanwhile in a certain office like place!!!

God: Hmm! interesting!.

Name: Obaru Ren

Age: 65

Country: Japan.

Soul: Humble and Snippy.

Whole comment of life: A shut in worker neet with antisocial tendencies.

Obaru blinked as he was trying to wrap his head around the situation. He is now sitting on a chair butt naked with his pepe missing not that he needed it. He was sure he was dead but why is he here?, is this the place where you judge people! but he was sure he did not do any troublesome crime or sin. He was now panicking until a voice interrupted his thoughts, a very gentle voice.

God: Calm down young man it will just a moment. I assure you that you will face no trouble.

Obaru: Huh who are you?, Oh Kami- sama or umm Shinigami sama?.

God: First one is right it is just I have some business with you.

Obaru: Business? but why will a great person like you have business with me?.

God: Hmm! let's see you are not the trusting type huh, easily become dispirited with peoples treatment toward you and their actions. Quiet the lonely life you have spent, even if you reached your hand out they only scorned you for your kindness.

Obaru: People are like that Selfish and Vile, they only use people regardless of their action that hurt people.

God: Don't worry they had a free pass to hell.

Obaru: That's Dark coming from you Kami-Sama!.

God: Anyways I need to do a job for me and you perfectly fit the profile.

Obaru: A job? do you want me to become heavens Janitor or something?.

God: No! No! No! boy! idiot you are, do you think light bulbs of souls need toilets?. Disrespectful boy!!.

Obaru: Sorry! Sorry! it is just a figure of speech maybe an office worker?.

God: Haa! you need to get your priorities straight kid. What I mean reincarnating in a certain world-

Obaru: Heck no! not those shitty reincarnation with fantasy and harem, those are the worst literature I have read!.

God: Haa! I cannot say if you are timid or unwilling.

Obaru: I am already dead I want a peaceful life in heaven!. I want to dream of my wonderful space adventure!.

God: If you accept this I will give your own customized place in heaven with all the literature and mech technology you can read and build.

Obaru: DEAL!!.

God: See that was not so hard.

Obaru: So which world will I be in, a chaotic place with magic, sword and moster or an outer space battle armada. For me I will choose the latter.

God: You will get reincarnated in Mahouka Kouko no rettousei.

Obaru: ...

Obaru: Mahouka, Mahouka where have I heard it?. WAIT you are sending me to a world in which world war three occurred, heck no! that place is crawling with murdering bastards with magic!.

God: Come on! you accepted the deal and even making it sweeter I am giving you three wishes! see.

Obaru: Are you deducting my heavens chamber budget from my wishes?.

God: Nope this is just an precaution you see, nothing much.

Obaru: You sound like a scmmer Kami sama.

God: Cough! any disrespect will deduct the budg-

Obaru: Okay okay fine but why Mahouak that place is already a dead world.

God: Exactly the reason I am sending you there with those wishes!, you see Tatsuya did a little oopsie.

Obaru: Why are you not clarifying the details?

God: Boom!.

Obaru: Boom?

God: Yes Boom!.

Obaru: Are you telling me Miyuki died at the hands of their aunt or or another assassinator, prompting him to finally destroy the world with Material Burst?.

God: Well yes kinda to your description.

Obaru: ...

Obaru: So am I going to fight him?, I'll have you know I am a full fledged neet.

God: But not a coward now on with the deal. You will go to the very first place it all began and I will set it like that so you reach that place at the right time the 2062 nightmare.

Obaru: Right choice that is the main plotline. Wait why am I supporting you?.

God: You will be reborn as Tatsumi Yotsuba.

obaru: You are asking me to die in experiments.

God: Now Now you will be gifted but not butchered when you are born. Now to the wishes!.

Obaru: Wait Give me some time!.

God: Ok?

Obaru: What to ask, What to ask?. hmm okay this will be fit.

Obaru: I am ready!.

God: Shoot!

1st wish: Give me Saiki K's power with control of proper energy control and multiple calculation control like accelarator also with abnormal mental state to fix.

God: Hmm! a big one I accepted nothing less and the second.

2nd wish: Give me knowledge of magic of Fate stay night Type Moon moon crystals and mystic codes also with the Manwha knowledge of magic stone creation of A Returners Magic Should Be special.

God: Interesting I'll allow it next.

3rd: Give me Technology knowlege from Marvel, Dc, Gundam 00 and other series with psionic technology.

God: Meh!! Bug but I'll make sure I will synchronize with your universe the proper technology.

Obaru: GREAT!

God: Off you go!!

Obaru: Waaa!!!.

!!!!!Meanwhile in a certain samurai house in mountains!!!!


Yume: Come on yasuyo! you can do it breathe.

Ayame: I gave to four children and you are suffering for the first!, get a grip women push the baby out!!.


Ayame: Here I can see the head! one final push!.


Abe Yasuyo: Ahh! My baby! give my baby!.

Yume: It's a boy! congrats nee-san!

Ayame: So a heir has been born! a joyous celebration!, Huh! why is his hair pink!.

Yume: Umm! should this happen?

Abe: Sush! let me see my child, look how peacefully sleeping my little Tatsumi, why does it matter if his hair is pink!.

The Mid wife's and Doctors were dumbfounded a baby with pink hair! that is a first.

Yume: I'll notify brother Genzou and Eisaku, Momosuke seems to have ran away.

Ayame: He is always like that going away during important time!. I should discipline him next time.

Yume walks away from the bed to the door with the rest of the people dispersing in chamber. She come out slowly comfortably with no sound so that Yasuyo can rest with Tatsumi by her side, but soon became startled with as she saw eyes gawking at her like hawks demanding answers.

Yume: Haa if you stare at someone like that you all will scare everyone away.

Eisaku: Everyone is waiting for news of the first born of the family head, do not make us wait any longer our patience is running thin.

Genzou quickly comes front and takes a breath and make himself stern on front of yume demanding the news, a hint of anticipation and expectant gaze can be seen on him,

Yume: Haa fine since you are eager, CONGRTS NII-SAN it's a boy!.

Everyone was in an uproar with the news and celebrating, someone to carry the bloodline of yotsuba was born a boy no least.

Genzou had a smile on his face!, his baby boy!, oh how much fun he will have with his son.

Eisaku: What is wrong yume?, why are looking at NII-SANS head intently.

Yume: No it is just, how do I say this.

Genzou: What is it yume there were no problem is it?.

Yume: It is just his hair color is rare.

Genzou/Eisaku: Hair color?

[With this they have the most bizzare and disastrous tale started in the family, but the disastor will befall not on them but the people who go against the family].

Yuma: Ohh how joyus! I will cook a boar now!. A new muffler for me!.

Eisaku: Tch! do not label him as accessories like us.

Genzou: So what about hair color?

Yume: It is best if you see on your own.

Genzou made his way toward the chamber and only he could enter. He was calm but he steadily increased his pace to see the face of his beloved wife and son.

The Doctors and Mid-wife to help in birth made way for the head and saw his mother looking intently at his child with a smile reaching ear to ear which irked him a lot. But most importantly the detail that captured his eyesight Pink hair!, when did someone in family had pink hair?. Sure he has read shadings but this is bizzare!.

Ayame: Rejoice son! your wife has given birth to a beast of highest order!.

If genzou could he would have smashed his mother's face right there and now, but as he is a family man he will endure!. He will grit his teeth as she is the most important elder who single handedly held the family and Fourth Institute,

Genzou: I assume you have used your eyes to see my sons potential?.

Ayame: Oh yes I have! why will I not and I say being impressed is an understement.

Genzou: Meaning?

Ayame: I cannot measure his potential, it is off the charts!. He has my eyes which make me happy and other abilities several!! I could not identify.

Genzou: Several! How! but it is impossible!.

Ayame: Exactly! and I have identified a stange gate and energy I could not identify!.

Genzou: What type if energy except psion?.

Ayame: Who knows?, but whatever it is that energy is sending chill up my spine!.

Genzou: Let's keep it to ourselves and not say anything to the elders, I do not want tests to run already on him.

[ Before he knew this decision saved his son, while they do check they will have a nigtmare].

Ayame: Yes! we will hold it in tight secret.

Tatsumi Yotsuba born 2048 2 years before the twins birth.