
Irregular as it gets a Saiki K level disaster( Mahouka )

A loner gets reincarnated in a disastrous universe of Mahouka Kouko no Rettousei , what will happen when he encounters disaster one after another.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


This two years in the yotsuba household was blessed and at the same time disastrous! with the newborn child.

He was walking in air and talking in 3 months with TELEPATHY! and amongst this the grandmother was pretty much enjoying it with the family head and the mother was freaking out!. The first words of the baby "where am I?" with telepathy and then few days later he was floating to the shock of the mother and the maids.

Genzou quickly did a mind sweep of anyone who say the situation and ordered Eiskau to see the calculation area of his son and behold he fainted!. Momosuke was pretty much enjoying the show folding in front of him with the popcorn in his hands and he was loving it!.

Yume was trying her best of her ability to keep Abe Yasuyo the mother of Tatsumi( Obaru) sane calming her down.

With the orders of the family head and the Elder Ayame they quickly made a separate Lab and Isolation ward to make some tests. The results will be a wild guess.

No needles can prick the skin or a diamond coated one!, what is the child made of!. But one calming affect was the strand of hair and the results blew Eisakus mind!, the whole hair was energy! coated! not being identifiable but the DNA strands were bizzare topic researched to centuries to come. The intrinsic design and matrix was on a different level!, if he wanted to copy it or slice the DNA strand even a bit it exploded! like a dynamite! causing him to flip the table! at the 100 try!. Ayame was pretty sure whatever the child's destiny was and the power he possessed will be great! how joyous!.

They used machine to analyze the brain pattern and neuron activity and viola there was a universal calculation area which provided massive data to study in days to come, any other teats resulted with the machines exploding again causing Eisaku to flip the table.

One thing all of the family realized that the newborn child had awareness as in a few days the saw the most bizarre thing that will be remembered in the history of yotsuba. When the next test came the child went missing causing everyone in the household to panic! especially yasuyo!. Later they have received alarms in the garage with motosukes motorcycle being stole causing him to flip the table! whic was rode by a freaking!! baby!! and if not for hanyama noticing the child would have already crossed half of japan!.

Genzou was clenching his head on the study of family head with modern wooden architecture. He was fought magicians with bizarre magic while in assassinations!, but this! what the hell!, it was like an angle or whatever demon was born causing havoc!, with every test his precious child would send pulse of psychic waves! that shook the whole mansion!. He can only imagine what kind of havoc! his boy will cause when he reaches his full potential, thinking what will happen in future will send shiver up his spine!. His mother was dancing out of joy and he was hoping she has lost her mind so he could send him in a psych ward, but alas she was saner than him now planning the family route with the new found power.

Abe has strictly forbidden any test on her son and all of it could wait when it is older, call it a mother's intuition she said that her child was scared and hurt. Any more talks of elders and trying to associate with his child will have their brain melted by yasuyo, a mother is ferocious when her child is in danger. Also the elders suggested to KILL HIS SON! such audacity! thinking he was a threat to clan and the world! if he was not the head he would have already killed half of the elders to shown he meant business! now he flipped the table in the meeting. Like this two yeas passed with no more storms.

!!!!! At 2050 at Nagono Mountains!!!!

With everything came to pass yasuyo was again pregnant with a health port belly like two years with Tatsumi floating beside her, as why she was not freaking out because she has accepted how her son is. Genzou love for yasuyo was great as ever! now she was bearing twins creating concern for the family.

Abe: My tatsumi how do you feel becoming a big brother of two little sisters or brothers?.

Tatsumi: [They will be twin sisters I am sure.]

Abe Yasuyo: Haa! can you not use your voice to talk instead of telepathy! of yours, and by twin sisters you mean you used one of your powers again did you not?.

Tatsumi: Yup Kaa-san with my future vision I can tell pretty much my younger sister will be rowdy tesing me about my pink hair.

Abe: Use your powers well my little Tatsumi, people will be after you when they know what you are capable of so be careful okay! don't make mother worry!. Also little sister?.

Tatsumi: You will find out soon enough.

Abe: So what have you discovered today about your powers with your grandmother and what is with those green glasses of yours. I know it matches with your striking green eyes whenever you use you power, but I cannot see how it matches with those pink eyes of yours when you are not using it.

Tatsumi: I have to or else I will turn people to stone, I am trying to control the energy growing inside me but it seems I have to make a limiter for myself.

Abe: T-That is concerning! and what do you think my little babies names will be.

Tatsumi: Miya for the eldest and Maya for the youngest they will be pretty like mother, any idiots with a birdbrain will be sent to outer space if they try to flirt with them.

Abe: Oh my! already a protective big brother.

The door of the chambers open and the maids and the Head of family enter Yotsuba genzou with a striking Yakuza Garb.

Genzou: So I have heard you turned a mice to stone?, what have you concluded with this experiment my boy.

Tatsumi: I eliminated the the nitrogen group pertaining in it's body also seems my eyes have the power of medusa like the mythical beast. My powers are growing it seems.

Genzou: Hmm! it is concerning also your intelligence is off the charts for your age, during my time I would throw cubes of lego at your uncles. Also your telepathy what more can you do?.

Tatsumi: Mind reading at a large radius truly a headache, I can hear everyone's thoughts at what they are thinking!.

Genzou: That is concerning and amazing can you switch it off?.

Tatsumi: I need a special ore of germanium to supress it.

Genzou: So you have tested that far?, how did you know that germanium will stop it?.

Tatsumi: Analysis of all the rare metals in labs has concluded it.

Genzou: Elemental sight to see how it interact with it?.

Tatsumi: Yup!.

Genzou: Do you think you could use gri-

Abe: Enough! you two with the tests and discovery!, it haunts me you know and causes stress! it reminds me of the time the fourth institute had an infamous butcherer reputation.

Genzou: Haa! sorry my bad so how are you fairing, you have twins you know! it concerns me!.

Abe: Hmph! if it concerned you! then you would not have talked about tests with our son!.

Genzou: Haa sorry sorry! and tatsumi stop floating! you are scaring the maids outside!,

Tatsumi looked at the maids and saw them staring like deer's on headlights!. Fear? they got over it!. He makes his way down and sees how easily family accepted it though the elders wanted to clarify the ability and experiments like hyenas, daddy won't let them Tatsumi thought to himself. He made his position right beside Yasuyo and Genzou at edge of bed holding mummy's tummy gently stroking it.

[ Obaru: Goddamit! what a scary place! and with all the tests I was determined to bolt! from here if it was not for Hanayama san's magic he caught me!. Thank God the yotsuba was stable at this time and 12 years it will go to shit!. I remeber in a caption in a blog post of author said how Yasuyo Miya and Maya's mother failed to give birth the eldest son, now I am the eldest son. Looks like it is time to train and invent stuff with long 12 years! haa exhausting, with those brats as my little sisters it will be a nightmare. I did not have siblings in my last life so this will be entertaining!. Killing is not my forte but in this world you can't go without it, well who cares! as long as I have a peaceful alone time the ones that disturb me can go to hell. Dahan country oh boy you better have a God you worship because not even he can save you from my carnage. ALL HAIL PEACEFUL TIMES,]